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dimanche 30 juin 2019
Diagrams - seven and two halflives' apparent carbon age
Creation vs. Evolution: Diagrams - seven and two halflives' apparent carbon age · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica: Rome and Nazareth, Maybe Temple and Jericho Too
Seven half lives - Flood:
Two half lives - Göbekli Tepe / Babel (also feat Nineve's earliest habitations "6000 BC", less than "one and a half halflives" old, and a date where carbon date already coincides, half a halflife ago).
lundi 24 juin 2019
A Take on Early Dynastic Egypt
First dynasty was on my view when Carbon 14 was in steep rise. Nevertheless, there is a rough equivalence to carbon years and recorded years as per King lists. Note, I said rough. Egyptologists have to resort to heavily wiggling C14 levels, therefore to zig zags in carbon dates in relation to real ones.
So, presumably this equivalence is a result of Satan manipulating records by Egyptian priesthood, while observing carbon rise and having been told what the carbon 14 levels would be in end times when these older levels or rather their remains after decay would be measured.
But how would the human actors be fulfilling his bidding? Here is a take, say that persons A to K are successive and concomitant usually co-rulers. They rule together for 13 lustra, four year periods. When K alone is left, he serialises all of the previous ones as successive only, never concomitant, rulers.
This means, 13 4 year periods, 52 years, are recorded as being (each taking all of the lustrum in which he was part ruler) 5, 7, 11, 16, 20, 23, 26, 32, 35, 39 lustra. 136 years. As can be gathered by adding up the lustra for each in the bottom line.
1 | 1 | A | |||||||||
2 | 3 | A | B | C | |||||||
3 | 4 | A | B | C | D | ||||||
4 | 3 | A | C | D | |||||||
5 | 5 | A | C | D | E | F | |||||
6 | 3 | D | E | F | |||||||
7 | 5 | D | E | F | G | H | |||||
8 | 4 | E | G | H | I | ||||||
9 | 3 | G | H | I | |||||||
10 | 3 | H | I | K | |||||||
11 | 2 | H | K | ||||||||
12 | 2 | H | K | ||||||||
13 | 1 | K | |||||||||
5 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 6 | 3 | 4 |
To get even more of a discrepancy, just have more co-rulers. At a time.
Apart from this solving a problem of seemingly conclusive cohesion between two datings of a dynasty, against a Biblical quibble on them, it is also coherent with my theory that the Falcon Tribe and Tuatha Dé Danann (some of whom are buried in Newgrange). Since this tribe of fake gods but real men and dubious elves were also ruling as a committee rather than as monarchs successively.
And for this identity of Tuatha Dé Danann and Falcon Tribe, my arguments are, Y-chromosomal similarity of haplo-group between Tutanchamon and lots of Brits, and both sets of fake gods involving sungods - Lugos and Osiris.
But Christ is the Sun of Justice.
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. John's Nativity
PS : another item possibly linking Tuatha Dé Danann to Falcon Tribe is, in Egypt it was seen as OK to be naked, it seems and one tale of the Irish Side says they knew they had become human (it's about two siblings, I think baptised just in time by St Patrick) when they felt shame about being naked./HGL
mardi 18 juin 2019
"Edessa in Mesopotamia"
I was signing an article just a few moments ago, so, today, June 18th. And it so happens, June 18th has as first entry in martyrology this item on St. Ephrem the Syrian:
Edessae, in Mesopotamia, sancti Ephraem, Diaconi Edesseni et Confessoris, qui, post multos labores pro Christi fide susceptos, doctrina et sanctitate conspicuus, sub Valente Imperatore quievit in Domino, et a Benedicto Papa Decimo quinto Doctor Ecclesiae universalis est declaratus.
In Edessa in Mesopotamia, saint Ephrem, Deacon of Edessa and Confessor, who, after taking up many labours for the Faith of Christ, conspicuous for doctrine and holiness, under Emperor Valens slept in the Lord, and by Pope Benedict the Fifteenth was declared Doctor of the Church Universal.
Now, where exactly is Edessa?
Edessa (Ancient Greek: Ἔδεσσα; Arabic: الرها ar-Ruhā; Turkish: Şanlıurfa; Kurdish: Riha) was a city in Upper Mesopotamia, founded on an earlier site by Seleucus I Nicator ca. 302 BC. It was also known as Antiochia on the Callirhoe from the 2nd century BC. It was the capital of the semi-independent kingdom of Osroene from c. 132 BC and fell under direct Roman rule in ca. 242. It became an important early centre of Syriac Christianity. It fell to the Muslim conquest in 638, was briefly retaken by Byzantium in 1031 and became the center of the Crusader state of the County of Edessa from 1098–1144. It fell to the Turkic Zengid dynasty in 1144 and was eventually absorbed by the Ottoman Empire in 1517. The modern name of the city is Urfa and it is located in Şanlıurfa Province in the Southeast Anatolia Region of Turkey.
Short story : Upper Mesopotamia and Eastern Turkey are same ground, at least in significant part.
So, Mesopotamia being the meaning of Shinear ... yes, that is right. Genesis 11 has a geographic description which is compatible with this region of Eastern Turkey.
Both Sumer and Sinjar are probably non-identic to Shinear, and were probably named for claiming (without success?) authority over all of Shinear, sth which was then forgotten.
It's a bit like if a European geographer has map extending AMERICA between Canada and Chile, while diverse American geographers had named their respective country Mérica here or Murka there. You are aware that the Spanish word Americano doesn't refer to US American, that that is Estadunidense, but to someone from Spanish speaking Americas, right? Well, like Mérica and Murka in my fictitious example, so Sinjar and Sumer in the real one, and meanwhile a Hebrew outside that region is calling all of it between Edessa and Persian Gulf (which back then was where we now have Shatt el Arab) Shinear.
Dear St. Ephrem, thank you for your stability of place, and pray for us!
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibl. Parmentier
St. Ephrem (as said)
samedi 15 juin 2019
Stanley Jaki vs Lita Cosner on CMI on Chesterton
NOTHING would do more injustice to Chesterton than to present him as an enemy of evolution insofar as it merely claims many transitional forms and therefore a very long geological past. Had he denied either or both claims, his name would be today on the lips of creationists.
Discover the Wit & Wisdom of Gilbert Keith Chesterton : Jaki :"Evolutionists cannot drive us"
Thomas Yonan | 9.VI.2019
So - Stanley Jaki claimed that Chesterton is not cited by Creationists because uncongenial to them.
The Creation Ministries International writer Lita Cosner seems to disagree:
G.K. Chesterton: Darwinism is ‘An attack upon thought itself’
by Lita Cosner | First published: 12 November 2008 (GMT+10)
Re-featured on homepage: 6 January 2010 (GMT+10)
As can be seen from the quote of one passage, he was not a believer in transitional forms between mouse and flittermouse (that being another name for bat):
I do not know the true reason for a bat not having feathers; I only know that Darwin gave a false reason for its having wings. ...
For full text of the essay, see here:
On Darwinism and Mystery
by G. K. Chesterton, Illustrated London News August 21, 1920
Update : That Chesterton had argued in Orthodoxy (1909) that a personal God could make an ape into a man by many gradations doesn't mean that as a Catholic (conversion 1922) he considered it exegetically or patristically probable God did so. Nor does the quote in itself show he had considered the Darwinian case convincing scientifically even back in 1909, when he was obeying an Anglican Curate.
It can be added that Belloc in Return to the Baltic (an excellent work) was speculating Ice Age must have ceased in Denmark around BC / AD shift, because that's when ships he knew of are from, and an archipelago like Denmark couldn't have been inhabited for long without having ships. I disagree, considering Ice Age ended in c. 350 after Flood, when Babel started getting built in the part of Mesopotamia which is now Easternmost Turkey. But he clearly stamped the idea of Ice Age as long and very distant eras as "guesswork"./HGL
Libellés :
Lita Cosner,
Stanley L. Jaki
mardi 11 juin 2019
Human Language Revisited
Human Language Revisited · Elves and Adam · Back to Picq · Off the Bat
The other day, I was reading a work by Pascal Picq and two others. Yes, right, Les origines du langage, and the two others were Bernard Victorri and Jean-Louis Dessalles.
I will leave the book in the luggage for now, and add footnotes later, on who wrote what.
One of them very rightly said that human language is based on double articulation, as already observed by Chomsky : a meaningful phrase or word articulated into morphemes, and morphemes articulated into phonemes. Distinction being, a morpheme has some kind of lexical or syntax enhancing meaning on its own, while phonemes do not.
Dog bites man.
Four non-zero morphemes : dog, bite, -s, man. Or even six, dog, before verb, bite, -s, man, after verb.
Latin : Canis hominem mordet.
Six non-zero morphemes : cani-, -s, homin-, -em, morde-, -t.
Latin -s corresponds to English zero morpheme for plural plus before verb. Two meanings in one, singular and nominative.
Latin -em corresponds to English zero morpheme for plural plus after verb. Two meanings in one, singular and accusative.
Most morphemes are more than one sound or an arrangement of other morphemes, and each sound that has a meaningful reason to be there is a phoneme, but each phoneme lacks meaning.
The fellow that barks is designated in English by d-o-g, in Latin by k-a-n-i/e. The fellow that speaks is designated in English by m-æ-n and in Latin by h-o-m-i-n. The act is designated by English b-ie-t, Latin m-o-r-d-e. The syntactic relation of "now" is in English -s, in Latin choice of morde rather than momord or mors, and zero morpheme for possibilities -bi- / -ba- / -a-, that of one actor not speaker or spoken to by English -s (two meanings in one) and Latin -t. The relation of who does it to whom is in English word order and in Latin -s or -em (with two meanings in one for singular involved).
It was not very clearly spelled out, more taken for granted. And the linguist who had pointed this out before them, Chomsky, has been called "the creationists' linguist" - because no non-human animal communicates this way. Not one has double articulation, message divided into potentially more than one meaningful morphemes, morphemes divided into potentially more than one, in themselves meaningless phonemes.
Similarily, it was taken for granted that a very simple syntax (or even lack of it) with words or morphemes already articulated into phonemes could develop syntactic complexity. To the authors, Homo erectus went around saying equivalents of "man bite dog", "man dog bite", "bite man dog", "bite dog man", "dog man bite" and "dog bite man" all to convey the latter meaning, dog bites man. Fixing the syntax came later. But this already pre-supposes having multipurpose phonemes meaningless in isolation, usually, so as to have a broad repertoir of words, fixed by convention.
As I can recall, none of them even attempted to explain this one very closely.
They also claimed, or one of them did, that the evolutionary advantage of the first, syntax-less, language, was to provide information and seem knowledgeable, the advantage of the latter, developing syntax, was arguing and depreciating the contributions of others if fakers.
But they left out how man could be interested in non-present and not immediately verifiable information, when brutes are not.
You tell apes the equivalent of "there are bananas over there" and if they believe you and follow you and there are bananas, you count as knowledgeable. If there aren't, they will scold you for faking. If you fake often enough, they will give a shrug equivalent to "says you!"
You tell men the equivalent of "there were bananas over there yesterday, but a flock of apes came and stole them" your story will definitely evoke interest. In some contexts, you would be suspected of having stolen them yourself. But leaving out that, you would count as knowledeable for providing the interesting background to banana trees where there are no bananas any more. Even if no one could check your story about yesterday and even if no one cared to eat one more banana. OK, someone might want to depreciate that too, but to apes you could neither convey that type of message nor make them interested if you could.
Why is man different from that?
Well, there is an old story which Jean-Louis Dessalles, Pascal Picq and Bernard Victorri have so far not superseded.
Genesis 1:26 And he said: Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth: and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
Genesis 2:16 And he commanded him, saying: Of every tree of paradise thou shalt eat: [17] But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death. [18] And the Lord God said: It is not good for man to be alone: let us make him a help like unto himself. [19] And the Lord God having formed out of the ground all the beasts of the earth, and all the fowls of the air, brought them to Adam to see what he would call them: for whatsoever Adam called any living creature the same is its name. [20] And Adam called all the beasts by their names, and all the fowls of the air, and all the cattle of the field: but for Adam there was not found a helper like himself.
[21] Then the Lord God cast a deep sleep upon Adam: and when he was fast asleep, he took one of his ribs, and filled up flesh for it. [22] And the Lord God built the rib which he took from Adam into a woman: and brought her to Adam. [23] And Adam said: This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. [24] Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one flesh.
Hmm ... understanding a conditional threat? Naming animals? Understanding his relation to Eve in concepts?
Sounds very unlike anything one claims for beasts, and can be explained by God creating Adam specially.
If you are somewhat read in books like the one by Jean-Louis Dessalles and two more and critical of things that seem to make no sense, well, you might also have this very solid feeling, not only did that book by an evolutionist give no better version than our special creation, but neither will the next book of the kind.
While one of them gives a discussion of Merrit Ruhlen's proposal of monogenesis of language, while depreciating his actual etymologies, this is peanuts compared to why we have language at all, and the one merit of the book is, unlike many popular believers in evolution and therefore in hominisation, these three are not confusing the issue.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibliothèque Audoux
Third Day of Pentecost
Afterthought next day : perhaps sth as specific as "there are bananas over there" is even that too much for apes. Probably researchers teaching chimps sign language have taught them signs for banana and orange, but if there is also a sign meaning "[come] over there" and you combine it with "bananas" - is it sure they will be even mildly surprised at seeing oranges instead? I don't know, but I suspect not./HGL
As to promise or threat to add footnotes, I spent two hours at this library (other than yesterday) checking up on people (including for debates) and writing an article on my main blog, New blog on the kid./HGL
Libellés :
Bernard Victorri,
Jean-Louis Dessalles,
Pascal Picq
samedi 8 juin 2019
When is Timeline Tampering From?
There are three timelines with minor variations in one at least, for the Genesis 5 and 11 genealogies. Septuagint (LXX), Masoretic Text (MT) and Samaritan Pentateuch (SP).
CMI, but not Cosner and Carter, but Sarfati, actually gave an overview back in 2003.
CMI : Biblical chronogenealogies
by Jonathan Sarfati | This article is from
Journal of Creation 17(3):14–18, December 2003
Adam's creation to Flood is 2242 in LXX, 1656 in MT, 1307 in SP. Flood to birth of Abraham is 1070 in - standard - LXX, 290 in MT and 940 in SP.
Smith seems to get more (publically announced) attention from Lita Cosner and Robert Carter for the fact of being an accredited scholar, which I am not, so, they deal with his hypothesis, not identic to mine. I am so far only adressing Smith through what Cosner and Carter quote or restate.
Smith claims that Rabbi Akiba (AD 50–135), who was executed by the Romans at the end of the Bar Kokhba rebellion, had the authority to make the ‘changes’ we see in the MT genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11. This would have necessitated that every Jewish synagogue change their Torah scrolls. This includes Jewish congregations across Europe, Africa, and Asia.6 As ridiculous as this is, even if we grant it, the MT text type cannot have originated here, because, as we have shown in Is the Septuagint a superior text for the Genesis genealogies?, all three major text types existed by the end of the first century. But let’s say, for the sake of argument, that Akiba wanted to change all the synagogue scrolls to the MT text type for anti-Christian reasons. Akiba wasn’t the Jewish Pope. He couldn’t simply demand that every rabbi, from Italy to Mesopotamia, destroy the set of scrolls kept in every synagogue throughout the Jewish diaspora and replace them with new ones. And we wonder how much infighting would result if he had tried.
I think there is a grain of truth to the position, Kent Hovind claimed Jews changed the "intertestamental" time (no such thing really, OT lasted to Crucifixion of Christ), and did that to fit chronology of Bar Kokhba to seventy weeks of Daniel.
But the Genesis 5 and 11 timelines, I think that one was already agreed by then.
I have pointed to a key passage in Josephus : he adds up Flood to Abraham as 290 years, then gives specifications as to age of each patriarch at birth of next without adding them up, but which, added up, give more like ... 865 or 891 (1019 - 128) years. Reference is Antiquities, book I, chapter 6:5. I quoted it back here:
Creation vs. Evolution : Resp. to Carter / Cosner : In the Lifetime of Josephus
So, options on when an MT remake was agreed on are not just Smith's Rabbi Akiba, but also my own "in the lifetime of" - but not by - "Josephus".
There is not even a need for conspiracy of changing text, all that is needed is a sudden preference for one text variant already extant over the other one.
And for the ones who did not share the preference to get out of Jewish infighting and into Christian Church - before the writing of the Gospel of St. John.
And yes, "how much infighting" is echoed both in Apocalypse 2 and 3 (where Christ is adressing Christian Jews as the real Jews!) and in Josephus by implication stating that A + B + C ... > Σ(A+B+C ...) which is impossible.
Why would siding with what is in retrospect (since Gospel of St John and since Jamnia period, Sanhedrin or not, starting before that Gospel) called Judaism imply the short timeline 290 years for Genesis 11? Because claiming Shem was Melchisedec was in contradiction with St. Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews (I am not considering St. Ephrem was, if Cosner and Carter got him right, deliberately contradicting Hebrews, I am just suggesting he may have taken a hint on OT from a Jew and missed this had an implication contradicting NT, much like Father Vigoroux accepted Day-Age more than 100 years ago, missing the contradiction with Mark 10:6).
Accepting the longer timeline and Shem absolutely not being Melchisedec, would just after Hebrews was written, have been tantamount to letting St. Paul score a point. Shem had a known father, Noah, and the statements on him in Hebrews for "neither father nor mother" refer to known genealogy, not his being some kind of new Adam or being born by modern medical technologies.
The timeline of Genesis 5 has no bearing on Melchisedec, but it could have been tampered with even earlier in an attempt to harmonise with Samaritan Penteteuch. Note that SP certainly has 130 and not 230 for age of Adam at birth of Seth, but equally certainly too long a timespan in Genesis 11 for Shem to be Melchisedec.
And among early Christians, CMI has left out St Jerome's reference to a timeline already established by Julius Africanus.
Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Background to Christmas Martyrology
Referring back to my earlier work, where relevant work by St Jerome and by Julius Africanus are referenced. So far, I have not seen Carter and Cosner reference this by St Jerome and by Julius Africanus.
However, Genesis 11 in the MT version may have already been extant in one version : since concurring with Book of Jubilees.
So, the thing I propose is:
- in the decades between Hebrews and Gospel of St John, around the quote from Josephus, either a proto-Masoretic was tampered with to agree with Jubilees or two versions of proto-Masoretic were sifted with agreement to Jubilees being crucial;
- the book of Jubilees got an upsurge in popularity from deprecation of Hebrews (inferred, not documented);
- Jews not siding with Jubilees against Hebrews generally became Christians and disappeared (with their manuscripts) from circulation within the synagogue;
- this may have happened while Jews still had a kind of papacy, the Cohen Gadol. In that case, the Anti-Christian position may have been made by one Anti-Christian Cohen Gadol (not all were, and according to one theory on St John the Evangelist, he was a Cohen, and if I got one term right, at one moment a Cohen Gadol, but died among Christians - the theory says the Beloved Disciple was a young Cohen, owner of the house where the Last Supper took place, not identic to son of Zebedee).
Now, a Cohen Gadol was like a Jewish Pope. Note, the last before NT began as new valid covenant was called in Hebrew Caiaphas. The first Pope Jesus named for the Catholic Church was in Aramaic Cephas. I think there was an intended pun on God's side. Anyway, in the time period, I consider as crucial, Caiaphas had a successor.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Pentecost Eve
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