lundi 30 décembre 2019

Mungo Woman and Homo Erectus

Mungo Woman and Homo Erectus · For Those New to my Blog Here or to my Blogs

I'll visit Mungo Woman via her countryman Tas Walker's blog. Just briefly for her carbon dates:

What made the find significant was the assigned date. Carbon-14 dating (see Dating methods) on bone apatite (the hard bone material) yielded an age of 19,000 years and on collagen (soft tissue) gave 24,700 years.3 This excited the archaeologists, because that date made their find the oldest human burial in Australia.

But carbon-14 dating on nearby charcoal produced an ‘age’ up to 26,500 years. This meant that the skeleton, buried slightly lower than the charcoal, must have been older.

The dating game
by Tas Walker

Referring to:

Brown, P., Lake Mungo 1, 21 February 2003.

Which is down ...

How do I read this?

Carbon would be quicker replaced in collagen than in bone apatite? Or carbon 14 made a dip?

Either way, the human body has less lag backwards than a reasonably old tree, since all the layers of the tree get a mean date, only the newest incorporating this year's carbon.

So, if carbon 14 was overall on the rise, it makes sense that the tree material would look quite a bit older than the human material.

Or if the tree material in the charcoal was overall younger, it makes sense that the momentary dip continued, if that is why collagen seems older than bone apatite.

However, this is only about carbon 14, I consider the other methods even less trustworthy in this one, and for a recent find of Homo erectus, I find Ka-Ar as indicating with trustworthy if not foolproof indication mainly that as it was from the whenabouts of a volcanic eruption, it could be from the Flood.

ON SEPTEMBER 15, 1931, AT a distinctive bend in Java’s Solo River known as Ngandong, the top of an ancient skull came out of the ground. At the time, it was thought to have belonged to a prehistoric tiger. On further inspection, the skull, alongside more than a dozen pieces, was identified as having belonged to Homo erectus—the “upright human,” the archaic hominin that ranged across Africa, Europe, and Asia for hundreds of thousands of years. ...

The new paper dates the fossils to about 108,000 years ago—very recent for a species thought to have evolved around two million years ago.

Found: The Last Stand of a Human Ancestor

Let's be clear that 108,000 years BP is too old for carbon dating.

This date is too large and beyond the limits of present accuracy (55000 to 60000 years)

Carbon 14 Dating Calculator

This means, 108,000 years BP is obtained by some other method.

And when I guessed Ka-Ar, I seem to have been off.

Nature : Last appearance of Homo erectus at Ngandong, Java, 117,000–108,000 years ago
Published: 18 December 2019 | corr. Kira E. Westaway

Here, to resolve the age of the Ngandong evidence, we use Bayesian modelling of 52 radiometric age estimates to establish—to our knowledge—the first robust chronology at regional, valley and local scales. We used uranium-series dating of speleothems to constrain regional landscape evolution; luminescence, 40argon/39argon (40Ar/39Ar) and uranium-series dating to constrain the sequence of terrace evolution; and applied uranium-series and uranium series–electron-spin resonance (US–ESR) dating to non-human fossils to directly date our re-excavation of Ngandong5,15.

... Non-human fossils recovered during the re-excavation of Ngandong date to between 109 and 106 ka (uranium-series minimum)16 and 134 and 118 ka (US–ESR), with modelled ages of 117 to 108 thousand years (kyr) for the H. erectus bone bed, which accumulated during flood conditions3,17.

As I have not purchased either general access or the article, I can give no info on footnotes, but while Ka-Ar was a wrong guess, there is another indicator:

the H. erectus bone bed, which accumulated during flood conditions

In other words, it would seem the 14 Homo erectus fossils (see quote in the Atlas Obscura article) were pre-Flood men who were washed into a bone bed by - Noah's Flood.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Spoleto Martyrs, including
Bishop Sabinus of Assisi

Spoleti item natalis sanctorum Martyrum Sabini, Assisiensis Episcopi, atque Exsuperantii et Marcelli Diaconorum, ac Venustiani Praesidis cum uxore et filiis, sub Maximiano Imperatore. Ex ipsis Marcellus et Exsuperantius, primum equuleo suspensi, deinde fustibus graviter mactati, postremnm, abrasi ungulis et laterum exustione assati, martyrium compleverunt; Venustianus autem non multo post, simul cum uxore et filiis, est gladio necatus; sanctus vero Sabinus, post detruncationem manuum et diutinam carceris macerationem, ad mortem usque caesus est. Horum martyrium, licet diverso exstiterit tempore, una tamen die recolitur.

jeudi 26 décembre 2019

Spong and Sarfati - Where Both are Wrong

Refuting Dominic Statham or Medievals vs. Newtonians · What's Not Wrong With Spong? · Spong and Sarfati - Where Both are Wrong

Here is a link to the essay by Jonathan Sarfati and Michael Bott about John Shelby Spong:

What’s Wrong With Bishop Spong?
Laymen Rethink the Scholarship of John Shelby Spong
© Michael Bott and Jonathan Sarfati
Apologia 4(1):3–27, 1995.

NB: Reprinted, slightly modified and updated for the Internet, April 98; last update 7 February 2007
Apologia is the journal of the Wellington Christian Apologetics Society

And as per previous, you can guess I have taken some potus coffeae in order to be up to answering about Joshua's long day.

Spong declares that the Bible sometimes appears to refer to a moving sun and stationary earth (RBF p. 26). However, Spong, who has no scientific qualifications that we are aware of, is unaware that all motion must be described with respect to a reference frame. For earthbound people, the earth is a convenient reference frame. After all, when drivers see a speed limit sign of 100 km/hr, they know perfectly well that it means 100 km/hr relative to the ground, not the sun! So it is absurd to attack the Biblical writers for doing the same.

My point involves a Biblical writer - acting in another capacity.

So although Spong mocks Joshua for asking the sun to stand still (Jos. 10:12–13), Joshua was asking God to perform a miracle lengthening the day to give him time to conquer his foes.

If Heliocentrism were proven to be true, that mockery would be somewhat understandable.

In Joshua 10:12 we are told Joshua spoke twice.

Then Josue spoke to the Lord,

We are not told in what words. Perhaps silently.

in the day that he delivered the Amorrhite in the sight of the children of Israel, and he said before them:

This no longer is his prayer to God, this is his ensuing and public adress to what he is miraculously ordering to change behaviour:

Move not, O sun, toward Gabaon, nor thou, O moon, toward the valley of Ajalon.

Note very well, he is not adressing the Lord in these words. "O sun" and "O moon" are not names of the Lord, but of some of His servants. Saying these words are his prayer is like accusing him of confusing Sun and Moon with the Lord.

The Bible does not state how this enormous miracle took place: God may have miraculously extended the temporal condition, modified the trajectory of the rays light, or caused the relative motion of the sun across the sky to cease by stopping the earth’s rotation.

Or geocentrism could be true, God could be moving all the visible universe around earth each day, angels could be moving sun around zodiac each year and moon around zodiac each month.

In this case, the following confirms how I think this happened:

There was not before nor after so long a day, the Lord obeying the voice of a man, and fighting for Israel.

So, the Lord obeyed by stopping the Universe from turning around Earth. But he commanded Sun and Moon - right?

Well, they also arrested their eastward journeys:

The sun and the moon stood still in their habitation, in the light of thy arrows, they shall go in the brightness of thy glittering spear. Habacuc (Habakkuk) 3:11

The principle that a miracle worker adresses what miraculously changes behaviour remains.

When Christ drove out unclean spirits, unclean spirits obeyed and left the people they had infested, precisely according to Christ's actual wording.

What about bacteria in Hansen's disease? Christ said "be thou clean". The man adressed not being a bacterium.

The bacteria did not change behaviour but were annihilated. The skin obeyed by being again intact, and intact in nerve cells, and leaving no room for bacteria nor for dead tissue which Hansen's disease would have left a lot of. And the skin, nerve cells and so on are parts of the man adressed.

A Christian should find this miracle of the sun quite plausible, especially as the Amorites were sun-worshippers, and the miracle demonstrates the sovereignty of the true God over the false ‘god’ of the Amorites.

Sure - but Spong had a point on whether a Heliocentric could have a Christian attitude about Joshua's words.

Would we fly off into space if the earth suddenly stopped turning?

(For the technically minded)
Escape Velocity v = √(2GM⁄r), where:G is the gravitational constant = 6.67 × 10⁻¹¹ N m²/kg²
M is the mass of the planet, star etc. = 5.98 × 10²⁴ kg for Earth
r is the distance from its center = 6,378 km at the equator
Substituting these values into the formula, the escape velocity is 11.2 km/s.

The linear velocity on the equator of the rotating earth can be calculated by realising that a fixed point on the equator travels the earth’s circumference every 24 hours. Since the earth’s circumference = 2πr = 40,000 km, and there are 24 × 60 × 60 (86,400) seconds per day, the velocity is only 0.4638 km/s (1600 km/h or 1000 mph).

This is only 1⁄24 of the escape velocity!

Fine, but 1600 km/h or 1000 mph is still fast enough to kill at a sudden stop. OK, I get it, no need for the stopping to take place in one second, but a scenario like Geocentrism in which that is possible would be a more prompt obedience to the miraculous words. Precisely as Christ did not take five minutes before the leper was clean or five minutes before the demon was out.

So also, the words of His ancient namesake would be better obeyed the second they were pronounced. Impossible (without an extra miracle) on Heliocentric terms, but not even difficult on Geocentric ones.

Spong makes the undocumented and faulty claim that if ‘Joshua really caused the earth to cease turning, the gravitational effects would have destroyed this planet forever’ (RBF p. 30). Spong ignores the fact that the deity could by a further chain of miraculous interventions

Thank you for "further".

deal with the alleged physical consequences—God could probably have slowed the atmosphere, oceans and magma at the same rate as the solid parts of the earth. Also, we would be travelling no where near fast enough to escape Earth’ gravity (see calculations in the box (right)).

Fine, kind of, my model needs aether to stop moving - and bodies to have an eastward momentum through it.

Also, the earth may not have stopped too suddenly, as v. 13 states that the sun ‘did not hasten to go for about a day’. As shown in the calculations in the box, objects on the earth’s surface are travelling at 1,600 km/h. A car travelling at 100 km/h can be stopped comfortably for the occupants in a few seconds, therefore something travelling at 1,600 km/h could stop comfortably for passengers in a few minutes.

Recall the miracles of Christ?

The only time there was a delay before full effect was when a further action needed to be done beyond the one done by Christ.

Like, the example I remember is, after a clay of earth and saliva of Christ was applied, a theretofore blind man saw men walking, but they looked like trees.

However, when he had washed himself in the pool of Siloam, he was cured and could see normal.

That's a point against any delay of any few minutes.

Also, independent evidence for the historicity of Joshua 10 is that many ancient cultures have myths that seem to be based on this event. For example, there is the Greek myth of Apollo’s son Phaethon, who disrupted the sun’s course for a day. As would be expected if Joshua 10 were historical, cultures in the opposite hemisphere would have legends of a long night, e.g. the New Zealand Maori myth of Maui slowing the sun before it rose.

I have two more favourite examples. In the Iliad, Agamemnon tries to imitate Joshua. He fails. He thought Joshua had prayed to the Sun and the Sun had been willing to stop, he tried to do the same and the Sun did nothing for him.

Remember, he was not a temporary ruler in a fairly democratic city state in Pericles' time. He was more like a Hitler or Stalin* of Mycenaean unified Achaean Greece (or near unified, with Athens and Thebes as non-Achaean enclaves).

Was it acceptable for his prestige that an Israelite - enemy of his presumably friends among the Philistines - should have succeeded "in such a prayer" and he not?

No. He had to fix it, so, instead his father's crime against his uncle's small children (before the birth of Aigistos, I presume) would have staggered the Sun, and he would have gone ... at that stage perhaps just still. The detail of Sun going backwards would have been a later addition, from when Hesechias (ancestor of our Lord, like Joshua was his namesake) wanted the sun to move back two lines (on whatever gnomon he was watching).

Hence, Agamemnon's failed prayer and a story projected to who in classic times was thought of as his father, these are my favourite confirmation.

But there are more than one story of a long day or a long night. I calculated where exactly there would have been a very long sunset.

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Kurukshetra War and Joshua's Long Day

Hans Georg Lundahl
Pompidolian Library
St. Stephen

* Actually, considering the peevish behaviour about Achilles' slave, and considering the description "οινοβαρες κ'ομμα κυνος, κραδιη δελαφοιο" and its being apt, I wonder if Hitler and Stalin couldn't sue me for libel over being compared to such a socially unpleasant despot. I also wonder whether kynoskephaloi are simply Asiatics and dog face (omma kynos) was so too, and was replaced with kynoskephaloi for Achilles using dog face with insulting intent : slit eyes can be seen on a certain dog breed.

What's Not Wrong With Spong?

Refuting Dominic Statham or Medievals vs. Newtonians · What's Not Wrong With Spong? · Spong and Sarfati - Where Both are Wrong

Back in the days of C. S. Lewis, there was a "bishop Robertson" who had written a book called Honest to God. C. S. Lewis mentioned preferring being honest over being "honest to God". He made some comments on common people finding Robertson more consistent and therefore more honest if he ditched his living as an Anglican bishop.

He mentioned, an uneducated man might react to the propositions of Robertson in two ways: he might agree with them and consequently stop calling himself a Christian and start calling himself an Atheist and stop paying Robertson for the paraphernalia of something he neither of them believed in - or he might disagree and become a Catholic.

Obviously, Catholic clergy back then was not Robertson, was not Spong and was not the Spong-Robertson in "Catholic" very slight disguise whom some call "Pope Francis".

When I met with modernist positions while a Lutheran, I had the impression of dealing with Roberton - we could now say, dealing with Spong. They were not attacking all of the "five fundamentals" so I was a bit overdoing it, they were not "Honest to God" but on some level still Christian and honest in the normal sense of the word. However, I was, since before getting to Lutherans, used to including inerrancy in Genesis (perhaps some gap theory added, "inspired" by Silmarillion and Conan the Barbarian, more the former, as to what I imagined human history could have been like before that gap) in the Biblical inerrancy. I also did and still do take the words of Christ about the Eucharist literally, and in fact, some Lutherans I had contact with back then (I was part of a youth group, which is part of why I didn't get part of a youth group when converting to Catholic), were ignoring this position and presuming I had a moderately "symbolic" (i. e. not as in having symbolicism, but as in lacking literality) perception of the Eucharist, and taking the Roman Catholic position on it (which I as said shared, as far as Real Presence is concerned) as a parallel over simple literal understanding of the Bible. So, I became a Catholic.

I am not accusing each and every Lutheran clergyman I met back then of being Spong or Robertson, but some of the ones I had managed to avoid were. I was aware women "priests" - on whom my position was set through C. S. Lewis' "Priestesses in the Church" - were usually more "Robertson" than some of the male clergy I had to do with.

I definitely based Reverend Jinx (actually Reverend Jenkins, but usually called Reverend Jinx) on the type. If you like fan fiction, I did one on Susan Pevensie after the train crash.* She was told and driven to Sevenoaks by none other than Reverend Jinx - a kind of mentor to her, since I suppose someone who has been to Narnia and comes to deny it would prefer a company that is similarily two minded (I will not prefer "schizophrenic" even if popular wisdom might apply the word, since I disagree with that kind of diagnoses) about ... well, the doctrine he is making his living of, one which therefore should be as integral to his life, as having been to Narnia is to hers.

John Shelby Spong
decided to be wrong.
As he was very good at it,
believe his words, I wouldn't it.

Referring, obviously, to his words on Christian doctrine, I'm not saying he would lie about what he got for Christmas dinner.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Pompidolian Library
Boxing Day

PS, I might link to CMI's work on Spong another day, or another hour today, when in form for dealing with their one mistake (in responding to his mention of Joshua)./HGL

PPS, forgot to mention, I decided to convert the day I heard the "chaplain" announce he would be replaced by a "priestess in the Church"./HGL

PPPS, that is (as I just forgot to mention) why I would think a coffee appropriate before taking on Spong and Bott and Sarfati on Joshua's Long Day./HGL

* Here is the link to the chapter conspectus, the ones that are here do not form one continuous narrative as more chapters are planned to be inserted, including chapters I haven't even planned yet:


As you can see, Revd. Jinx is introduced in chapter 2 as the list now is.

lundi 23 décembre 2019

Why Are you Not Likely to See Christmas Greetings on this Blog

Because, this is not my general blog, it's a theme blog.

Tomorrow evening I hope to be posting some Christmas greetings on my main blog.

New blog on the kid

That's where I post on every subject except soccer, either English or French. And in French that's where I put Creationism, except when very concerned with history and exegetics, when it goes here :


Both of these blogs are bilingual in English and French, and the Christmas greetings, as any other Catholic Feastday Greetings, are in Latin, nearly exclusively./HGL

jeudi 19 décembre 2019

Just as I Lauded CMI

Yeah, the other day I was saying:

So, I daily read some CMI. This is taken as disloyalty to Catholicism by people who don't get that they don't do "Catholic bashing".

Now, up come Lita Cosner and Robert Carter:

Mary: the biblical woman behind the cultural legend
by Lita Cosner and Robert Carter
First published: 25 December 2017 (GMT+10)
Re-featured on homepage: 19 December 2019 (GMT+10)

We can see in church history that unbiblical traditions started to accrue about Mary, the mother of Jesus, as early as the second century.

Thank you for the "as early as" part!

This leaves you with two options : either the ideas are at least Bible compatible, or the Church ceased to have Christ as guarantee for maintaining Biblical truth many centuries and nearly two millennia ago, well before the not yet occurred Second Coming. Contrary to Matthew 28:18-20.

The command was teaching the nations to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and the promise that went with the command was and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. Now, the world did not end in the second century.

Now, to the part saying "unbiblical". It is a somewhat woolly and elastic term, since it comprises anything from "not Bible warranted" to "counter-Biblical". Note, if it were true that the Catholic ideas about the Blessed Virgin were not Bible warranted, but still not counter-Biblical, would one not want to keep the ideas on the terms of tradition of a Church with above-mentioned promise? As Lita and Robert go out of their way to actually "correct" these ideas, we can conclude they at least suspect the ideas are counter-Biblical.

Her first reaction to the angel was to be very troubled—given that terror or misplaced worship is a common reaction to angelic appearances in Scripture (e.g. Judges 6:22; Judges 13:22; Matthew 28:4; Luke 1:12; 2:9; Revelation 19:10; 22:9), this isn’t unusual.

Let's seen what troubled her?

And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. Who having heard, was troubled at his saying, and thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be. Luke 1:28-29

Who had been called in any way even restricted manner "blessed among women" before?

And Ozias the prince of the people of Israel, said to her: Blessed art thou, O daughter, by the Lord the most high God, above all women upon the earth. Judith 13:23

Blessed among women be Jahel the wife of Haber the Cinite, and blessed be she in her tent. Judges 5:24

You may dispute or not that Judith 13 gives a canonic parallel to Judges 5, but you cannot dispute that at least there is Judges 5 and that gives a very war like context to the meaning of such a greeting. There are no exact parallels to the phrase in peaceful contexts. Imagine being a girl between 12 and 15 and basically hearing you cut off the head of an enemy of Israel, and a very major and dangerous one.

She had arguably never lifted a knife against any man ever.

And when does She get what it means?

Well, St. Elisabeth gives a clarification:

And she cried out with a loud voice, and said: Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

Oh, that extremely old enemy ...

God speaking to the serpent (Genesis 3:15):

I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.

According to Haydock, there have been diverse translations in the Hebrew about "she" or "it" - but according to Heinz-Lothar Barth, the Hebrew as such has a feminine pronoun for either "woman" or "seed".

Crushing the head of a serpent was what the angel had referred to. Not of Holophernes, not of Sisera, but of Satan. How do you do that when Satan has no body? Well, the victory of Satan was Adam's sin and the preliminary victory was Eve's sin. His defeat is therefore someone's sinlessness.

How exactly does the Blessed Virgin know God is Her Saviour? Well, God has obviously kept Her away from what had been Her worst nightmare all of Her life : sinning. She does not say God has just then saved Her and She does not say God has taken pity on the poverty of Her sins. On the contrary, He has regarded the humility of his handmaid.

Humility is the opposite of the sin of pride. Handmaid is the opposite of rebel. She was not singing "amazing grace" if you see what I mean. The author of that song had been a rebel, She had not.

The opposite of "enmities" is harmony, and the deepest harmony one can have with the Devil is sinning. He enjoys glutting in advance on your sufferings in Hell whenever you are not in a state of grace. He never knew that feeling about the Blessed Virgin. God indeed set enmities between them.

And enmity with the Devil means not to sin.

The question has been posed how we know Mary is "the woman".

Well John 2:4 and John 19:26 Christ calls His Mother that.

Several years later, Jesus had to correct her at a wedding in the town of Cana (John 2:1–11). His gentle rebuke (“Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.”) seems to indicate that she misunderstood their relationship.

St. John puts two uses of the word "woman" to Her at the very beginning and the very end of Christ's public life.

I saw it in Mark Shea, but here I find it again in another Catholic writer:


St. John in his Gospel was the first to implicitly refer to Mary as Eve, the woman of Genesis 3:15. St. John refers to Mary, the mother of Jesus, as woman at the wedding feast at Cana (John 2:1-5). When Mary informs Jesus that they have no wine, he calls his mother woman, that his “hour has not yet come.”

As Jesus was dying on the cross, he called out to his mother, "Woman, behold your son" (John 19:26) .

Father George Montague notes that woman was not the customary way for a semitic son to call his mother, so that together in these two scenes, woman suggests much deeper symbolism. Jesus is the offspring of the woman, and by naming Mary with this title, Jesus is suggesting that the earlier promise of salvation is being fulfilled. Montague sees this motif of the conquest of satan through the woman’s son in Revelation 12. St. John continues in Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation to refer to the "woman clothed with the sun." One can trace development from the “seed of the woman” and painful birth in Genesis 3:15-16 to the concept of the “woman in travail” in Micah's prophecy of the Messiah coming from Bethlehem to the "woman in travail" in Revelation 12:2-5. He further notes that the word "offspring" in Revelation 12:17 is the same word used in Genesis 3:15 for the "seed" of the woman who would crush the head of the serpent.

It is also noted in Father Thomas Devlin, Why Mary?

Now, Lita and Robert claim Christ is "correcting" His Mother. Let's see ...

Then Bethsabee came to king Solomon, to speak to him for Adonias: and the king arose to meet her, and bowed to her, and sat down upon his throne: and a throne was set for the king's mother, and she sat on his right hand. And she said to him: I desire one small petition of thee, do not put me to confusion. And the king said to her: My mother, ask: for I must not turn away thy face. III Kings 2:19-20

As we know, King Solomon does not do his mother's wish.

However, Christ does the opposite, He seems to refuse - and then grants. She asked with faith - and received. Certainly, faith in God, but also faith in the tenderness of Her Son.

Even later, after Jesus began his main ministry and after he had performed multiple amazing miracles and had proclaimed himself to be the Messiah, she was present with his brothers when they came to try to bring him home (Mark 3:21, 31–35; Luke 8:19–21). They apparently thought He had gone too far, maybe even having lost His mind. Did she fail to completely understand the nature of His ministry, or of his divinity?

No, but Her stepchildren (sons of Joseph in a previous marriage, according to Proto-Gospel of St. James) were so failing, with the exception of the youngest, James, the Brother of God.

Note what Christ answered:

“But he replied to the man who told him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother” (Matthew 12:48–50).

Since He had more than one female disciple, and since disciples doing the will of His Father could be referred to as His sisters if female, the fact He notes "mother" in the singular is striking. Underhand, He is telling His Mother He understands Her plight and does not count Her coming with them as a sin against Him. She was the handmaid in Her own Magnificat, and now He chimes in that yes, She is still doing the will of the Father.

Now, this brings us to the idea these guys were Her sons ...

In the Jewish view of the day, having many children would have been seen as a great blessing and a sign of God’s favor on Mary. It may have also been a comfort to have so many other children after having to relinquish the special mother-son relationship she may have expected to have with Jesus.

A comfort when Her - children or stepchildren? - were plotting to shut Her Son up?

So much of a "comfort" that at Calvary He gave Her another son. Whether the beloved disciple was the Son of Zebedee or whether he was a Cohen (as a thesis recently suggested), She now had peace from any - child or stepchild? - who would want to consider Jesus badly. This argues for them being only stepchildren.

But the Jewish view has a "quiverfull" reference, namely a psalm of Solomon:

As arrows in the hand of the mighty, so the children of them that have been shaken. Blessed is the man that hath filled the desire with them; he shall not be confounded when he shall speak to his enemies in the gate. (Ps 126:4-5)

The Matthew 12 event, She was indeed speaking with Her enemies (in the guise of stepsons) and the one "arrow in the hand of the mighty" was Her "firstborn" Son - a title related to Exodus 34:19 All of the male kind, that openeth the womb, shall be mine. Of all beasts, both of oxen and of sheep, it shall be mine.

Apart from the Protestant ideas She had sins and that She had other children, and similar hiding of Her very clear privileges with God (if you know how to read the Gospel), there is not much to say against their article.

However, I nearly forgot one more of their arguments:

Jesus makes a few statements that should give us pause if we seek to elevate Mary too high:

“As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” (Luke 11:27–28).

That is a very important statement from Jesus. He directly parries an attempt to elevate Mary beyond her proper position.

Actually this text, continued with one from next chapter (she chose the better part, about a namesake of Her's, taken in this context as an allusion to Herself) is the Gospel text for all Marian feasts in the Orthodox Church.

Why? He is not saying the woman put His Mother too high. He is putting Her "Heights" in proper perspective : as first of all a Height in obedience to God.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Timothy Deacon

In Mauritania sancti Timothei Diaconi, qui ob Christi fidem, post diros carceres, in ignem conjectus, martyrium consummavit.

PS, two days later Jonathan Sarfati brings on this The Virginal Conception of Christ - where he resuscitates Helvidius:

The fact that Jesus’ brethren (ἀδελφοί adelphoi) were with Mary (Mt. 12:46–50) suggests that they were his half brothers, sons of Mary and Joseph (taught by Helvidius [4th century] and Protestants).

Here he needs to count Luther and Calvin out from the Protestants, for one, but apart from that, between Helvidius who was not a bishop of the Church and the Protestants, you have at least 1000 years of not only Catholics and Orthodox but also Copts, Armenians and Nestorians maintaining perpetual virginity (ante partum, in partu et post partum). So, if Helvidius and Protestants are not just in fact right, but their being so is the least important, how come Jonathan Sarfati takes an issue?

The Eastern Orthodox view is that they were sons of Joseph by a previous marriage (first asserted in the 3rd Century and defended by Epiphanius in the 4th).6 The Roman Catholics view them as cousins (first asserted by Jerome6 (331–420)), although the word συγγενής (syngenēs, kinsman, cousin, used of Mary and Elizabeth in Lk. 1:36) could have been used to teach this, as could another Greek word ἀνεψιός (anepsios, Colossians 4:10).

Partly true, Eastern Orthodox quasi dogmatise St. James Proto-Gospel in which St. James (same as first lone bishop of Jerusalem, same as author of Epistle) is youngest son of St. Joseph's first wife. But Roman Catholics may have personal preferences for St. Jerome's cousin view, but the Proto-Gospel is not outlawed and agreeing with EO on this is perfectly licit. Most Uniates, for one, do so, I think. They are Roman Catholics whose rituals are closer to EO than to Latin rite Catholics.

It is true that adelphoi may sometimes mean ‘cousins’, but the meaning ‘brothers’ follows "a basic, but often neglected hermeneutical principle. It is this: in the absence of compelling exegetical and theological considerations, we should avoid the rarer grammatical usages when the common ones make sense."

The fact of a universal tradition of the Church pointing opposite is a compelling theological and exegetical consideration.

Now, as with "first born" also for "adelphoi" there is a technical sense of the law which also makes perfect sense and which on top of that fits tradition like a glove.

When brethren dwell together, and one of them dieth without children, the wife of the deceased shall not marry to another: but his brother shall take her, and raise up seed for his brother: And the first son he shall have of her he shall call by his name, that his name be not abolished out of Israel. But if he will not take his brother's wife, who by law belongeth to him, the woman shall go to the gate of the city, and call upon the ancients, and say: My husband's brother refuseth to raise up his brother's name in Israel: and will not take me to wife. And they shall cause him to be sent for forthwith, and shall ask him. If he answer: I will not take her to wife: The woman shall come to him before the ancients, and shall take off his shoe from his foot, and spit in his face, and say: So shall it be done to the man that will not build up his brother's house: And his name shall be called in Israel, the house of the unshod.

As we know from the book of Ruth, in absence of full sibling brothers, more removed relatives would do. Neither the nearer kinsman nor Boaz were brothers of Elimelech, Ruth's deceased husband, yet both behaved as if this law applied to them./HGL

PPS, missed giving reference for the "when brethren are together" passage, but it's Deuteronomy 25:5-10./HGL

PPPS - Lita Cosner's essay on two genealogies is good./HGL

PPPPS, it can be added that Sarfati's piece polemised against the translation "ipsa conteret" in Genesis 3:15. For one, "blessed among women" as being a warlike decoration for a woman, confirms it. For another, it seems that Haydock had found ipsa in interlinear as being older Hebrew text. And for a third, the Blessed Virgin cooperating in the defeat of Satan does not constitute "Mariolatry" despite a Protestant prejudice./HGL

lundi 16 décembre 2019

LXX without II Cainan

Longevity Charts as per LXX · LXX without II Cainan

I am using the values from the LXX Longevity charts in a previous post, but for post-Flood patriarchs, I take away the second Cainan and do corresponding adjustments.

Adam 0 – 930=++++------
Seth 230 – 1142+=+++++----
Enosh 435 – 1340++=+++++---
Cainan 625 – 1535+++=+++++--
Mahalaleel 795 – 1690++++=+++++-
Jared 960 – 1922-++++=++++-
Enoch 1122 – 1487-+++++=++--
Methuselah 1287 – 2256--+++++=+++
Lamech 1454 – 2207---+++++=++
Noah 1642 – 2592 (after Flood)----++-++=+
S,H,J 2142 – after Flood-------+++=

First table, from Adam to Noah and Shem, Ham and Japhet, is obviously identic to previous post, but this is not the case for the following:

Noah 600 B.F. – 350 A.F. = + + + - - - - - - -
Shem 98 B.F. – 502 A.F. + = + + + - - - - - -
Arphaxad 2 – 567 + + = + + - - - - - -
Shelah 137 – 597 + + + = + + + - - - -
Eber 267 – 771 - + + + = + + + - - -
Peleg 401 – 740 - - + + + = + + - - -
Reu 531 – 870 - - - + + + = + + - -
Serug 663 – 993 - - - - + + + = + + +
Nahor 793 – 1001 - - - - - - + + = + +
Terah 872 – 1077 - - - - - - - + + = +
Abraham 942 – 1117 - - - - - - - + + + =

Note, I have also corrected the fact that Arphaxad was born 2 years after the Flood, which makes his father Shem born 98 before Flood.

One can express the previous also in Anno Mundi terms.

Noah 1642 – 2592 = + + + - - - - - - -
Shem 2144 – 2744 + = + + + - - - - - -
Arphaxad 2244 – 2809 + + = + + - - - - - -
Shelah 2379 – 2839 + + + = + + + - - - -
Eber 2509 – 3013 - + + + = + + + - - -
Peleg 2643 – 2982 - - + + + = + + - - -
Reu 2773 – 3112 - - - + + + = + + - -
Serug 2905 – 3235 - - - - + + + = + + +
Nahor 3035 – 3243 - - - - - - + + = + +
Terah 3114 – 3319 - - - - - - - + + = +
Abraham 3184 – 3359 - - - - - - - + + + =

It can be added, Abraham may have grown up with some idolatrous if not leanings at least surroundings up to age 75, meaning we need a Patriarch who lived to 3259? Unfortunately, Serug only lived to 3235 - and Nahor and Terah were idolaters:

And he spoke thus to the people: Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: Your fathers dwelt of old on the other side of the river, Thare the father of Abraham, and Nachor: and they served strange gods. Joshua 24:2

There are three solutions:

  • while Nahor and Terah were idolaters and trying to raise Abraham an idolater, they did not cut the latter off from Serug who was presumably not an idolater, so, Abraham learned the patriarchal history prior to his vocation.
  • they may have known it themselves and been teaching it to him, while, as idolaters, they were iffy about its truth value.
  • Serug taught it to other people we don't know of, from whom Abraham took up the tradition when he followed the call (Eliezer would have been among these).

Hans Georg Lundahl
Holy Three Young Men

Sanctorum Trium Puerorum, id est Ananiae, Azariae et Misaelis; quorum corpora apud Babyloniam, sub quodam specu, sunt posita.

dimanche 15 décembre 2019

The French May Confuse These Things

These things can overlap, but they are not the same.

Now, let's take Mega-Churches first.

If you are Anglican or Presbyterian, going to a mega-church doesn't make much sense any more than when you are a Catholic most places : there is usually a small and cosy parish for you.

But if you are into one of several different movements (Inerrantist Fundamentalism and Anti-Catholic Fundamentalism being only two of them!) there may be a Church that you can't find a small and cosy parish for.

If you are into the pastor Craig Groeschel you are into Life.Church.

It has 53 000 attendants per weekend.

If you go to their beliefs, you will find they are Baptist, but you will not find they are Anti-Catholic. Nor, of course Pro-Catholic. When it comes to believing the Bible, they certainly say it is truth without error:

The Bible was written by human authors, under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs about living. Because it is inspired by God, it is truth without error.

But in context, this does not mean a clear stance in Genesis 5 or 11 being chronogenealogies and telling us how long ago Adam lived (along with other Biblical history up to Nebuchadnezzar ...). Nor a denial of it.

Probably it falls under this heading:

In addition to Essential Beliefs, we have liberty in Non-Essential Beliefs.

Charity - as in charitable works - is much more important to them than debates over creationism, as I can gather from glancing at what they are part of, namely Evangelical Covenant Church

Kent Hovind is by contrast at least mildly implied in Chick's Anti-Catholicism (from time to time he has promoted Alberto Rivera) and he is also, most prominently, Biblical Inerrantist. Does a Bible passage with its parallel suggest each Hittite chariot had ten charioteers? Kent (as well as Augustin Calmet) says it had ten charioteers. Does the Bible tell of "waters above the firmament"? Kent identifies them with a pre-Flood water canopy. Now, his Dinosaur Adventure Land is not a mega church, since it doesn't operate over weekends.

In Pensacola, both the Campus Church and the Olive Baptist Church gather more attendants than Kent Hovind' or Eric Hovind's church. 7000 vs 4000, but none mentioned for any Independent Baptist Church, which is where you might find them.

Now, let's get one step further.

CMI is dedicated to total Biblical inerrancy - but they nearly ignore the Anti-Catholic "battle ground". Not totally, I have had to refute them on some token loyalty statement to this or that reformer or claim about Galileo trial, but by and large, they don't do Anti-Catholicism. Indeed, in Draper-White context being taken up against them, they have defended Scholasticism as one of the contributaries to Modern Science.

So, I daily read some CMI. This is taken as disloyalty to Catholicism by people who don't get that they don't do "Catholic bashing". It is also taken as being victim to an ultra rich mega church, when they aren't one, they are a publication ministry (like the Gideons). This is annoying. However, glad I am not in Russia, where that stance would perhaps be impossible to even mildly dispute ...

Hans Georg Lundahl
III Lord's Day of Advent