Went to "My" Topic, Ignored My Work · Carbon Dating and Belfast Series
I can't say carbon dating and its reduction to Biblical, that is true, chronology is a topic I have monopoly on.
If I call someone "my father" I am not saying no one else can call him so, and same with "my topic".
It's several people's topic, but, inter alios, it's mine too.
How old? When archaeology conflicts with the Bible
by Gavin Cox
While it may or may not be premature to clinch my tables or the latest of them, in order to reject them, you would need to know of them.
CMI (or some staff, not necessarily Gavin Cox) do, their readers mostly don't.
Now, there is a few items mentioned, and I will make a little table, conferring with my table on carbon, in order to obtain reasonable Biblical chronology values. Note, Gavin is using Ussher's Masoretic based timeline, I am using a LXX based timeline. The one found traditionally since 1489 in the Roman Martyrology. To me, Creation is 5199 BC, Flood 2957 BC, birth of Peleg 401 years after that.
If one accepts a more standard text, LXX will give more like 5500 BC, 3256 BC and 529 years after that.
I will also state that I am - so far as no better alternative is available - using Göbekli Tepe as Babel. Two difficulties are often upcoming, is it in Mesopotamia (Shinar), and where is the tower.
For limits of Mesopotamia including GT, see here. For "tower" possibly being a rocket project (which would have failed if God hadn't stopped it), see here on linguistics of "tower" as name of rocket and here on theology in review of an atheist video. As well as here for question of compatibility with Patristic exegesis.
I am also placing 40 years of Babel City (GT) at 355 to 395 after Flood, between death of Noah and Birth of Peleg.
Now, to the work of comparison.
“Archaeology team finds 9,000-year-old artefacts in NewBo [Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA] neighbourhood” declares an article from a recent edition of The Gazette. = 7000 BC
"Is it reasonable to accept that a wheel discovered in Slovenia is between 5,100 and 5,350 years old" - 3100 - 3350 BC
"or that agriculture flourished and building projects were undertaken 12,000 years ago?" - Refers to Djemdet Nasr etc for agriculture, and obviously to Göbekli Tepe, c 10 000 BC and later
I also insert material from articles linked to.
- Flood
- 2957 BC
- low estim.
- c. 1 percent modern carbon (pmc), 38 000 BC (40 000 BP)
- Arphaxad *
- 2955 BC
- 2913 BC
- 6.333 pmc 25 713 BC
- "24,500 BC"
- Mungo Lake charcoal (from a tree arguably at average older than the person)
- "22,700 BC"
- Mungo 1 collagen - carbon date
- 2868 BC
- 11.641 pmc, 20 668 BC
- 2824 BC
- 16.917 pmc 17 524 BC
- "17,000 BC"
- Mungo 1 apatite - carbon date
- Shelah *
- 2820 BC
- "16,300 BC"
- Older "oldest pottery in China"
- 2780 BC
- 22.169 pmc, 15 230 BC
- 2735 BC
- 27.388 pmc 13435 BC
- "13,430 BC"
- Younger "oldest pottery in China"
- Eber *
- 2690 - 91 BC
- 32.588 pmc 11941 BC
- "11 - 10 000 BC"
- beginning of agriculture
- 2646 BC
- 37.752 pmc 10 696 BC
- "10,300 BC"
- Late Wisconsinian, obtained from wood
- Noah +
- 2607 BC
- Babel begins 2602 BC
- 42.89 pmc, 9600 BC
- "9600 BC"
- beginning of Göbekli Tepe, beginning of Babel
- "9300 BC"
- Jordan Valley fig trees
- "8600 BC"
- end of Göbekli Tepe = end of Babel
- Babel ends 2562 BC
- 48.171 pmc, 8600 BC
- Peleg *
- 2556 BC
- 2523 BC
- 50.609 pmc 8173 BC
- "8000 BC"
- squash in Mexico
- 2484 BC
- 53.036 pmc, 7734 BC
- Shem +
- 2455 BC
- 2444
- 55.451 pmc, 7344 BC
- Reu *
- 2426 BC
- 2405 BC
- 57.849 pmc, 6955 BC
- "7000 BC"
- artefacts from Cedar Rapids and Cereals grown in Syria and maize-like plants derived from teosinte appear to have been cultivated
- Arphaxad +
- 2390 BC
- 2366 BC
- 60.241 pmc, 6566 BC
- Shelah +
- 2360 BC
- 2327 BC
- 62.622 pmc, 6177 BC
- Serug *
- 2294 BC
- 2288 BC
- 64.991 pmc, 5838 BC
- 2249 BC
- 67.347 pmc, 5499 BC
- Peleg +
- 2217 BC
- 2209 BC
- 69.694 pmc, 5209 BC
- Eber +
- 2186 BC
- 2170 BC
- 72.031 pmc, 4870 BC
- Nahor *
- 2164 BC
- 2131 BC
- 74.356 pmc, 4581 BC
- 2092 BC
- 76.665 pmc, 4292 BC
- Reu +
- 2087 BC
- Terah *
- 2085 BC
- 2053 BC
- 78.968 pmc, 4003 BC
- Abraham *
- 2015 BC
- 2013 BC
- 81.261 pmc, 3713 BC
- "3500 BC"
- first directly dated corn cob
- 1974 BC
- 83.542 pmc, 3474 BC
- "3350 BC"
- early date for Slovenian wheel
- Serug +
- 1964 BC
- Nahor +
- 1956 BC
- Genesis 14, 1935 BC
- 85.811 pmc, 3200 BC
- "3100 BC"
- late date for Slovenian wheel
- "3000 BC"
- cultivated sun flowers and potatoes
Assumptions used: carbon dates are distorted due to lower initial carbon, and carbon has risen continuously since Flood to present level (perhaps peaking a bit above so some things may be dated younger than real dates), dates from other methods are irrelevant for carbon date table (both faulty and not likely to totally systematically make same fault in same extent), Flood's carbon date coincides with last directly dated Neanderthal people (older than Mousterian tools in Gorham Cave Level IV), 40 000 BC, carron date for Genesis 14 is (thank you Osgood) that of chalcolithic (of En Geddi), Göbekli Tepe being Babel its carbon dates are carbon dates corresponding to Biblical dates of Babel, carbon buildup is at least partly a natural process and natura non facit saltus. And C14 decays at a half life of 5730 years (obtainable from very much more recent dates) which hasn't changed over time.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Vigil of All Saints
Corrected two spelling mistakes within a week./HGL
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