Let's first take a look at stats from my blog Philologica.
Of five consecutive published posts, not the two or three last ones, one had a higher number of readers, more than twice, but the other four were respectively, none of them 63, but all around 63, namely 61, 62, 64, 65:

61 + 62 + 64 + 65 = 252
4 * 63 = 252
One post from yesterday has 42 readers. One from November has 84 on a less read of my blogs.
One blog last month had 4421 readers. I divide by 21 and get 210.various.decimals. 21 * 210 = 4410. 11 below the total.
This one has 2 649, divide by 21 and you get 126.various.decimals. 21 * 126 = 2646. Three below the total.
16 167 / 21 = 769.various.decimals. 777 (or 21*37) is 8 above the total.
Another has 1 349, while 21 * 63 = 1323, 26 or twice thirteen below the total.
Here are a few with similar repeating sequence in decimal after dividing by 21:
0,47619047619047619047619047619 * 21 = 10
0,761904761904761904761904761905 * 21 = 16
0,047619047619047619047619047619 * 21 = 1
1/21, 4/21, (7/21), 10/21, 13/21, 16/21, 19/21 - all except 7/21=1/3, being (3n+1)/21 have the sequence 619.
Perhaps a reason to chose 21 with multiples as a common "medium" readership for post or for day or for country etc.
But even if not, here is anoother indication some coordination about my blog is going on.
Two of my blogs were last week reached from Los Angeles People - a site featuring Flat Earth videos. Links go from 2015 to December 2018, none seem to link to me. I happen to not be Flat Earth. I also happen to think that surveying Flat Earthers "among other suspects of extremism" is a generally bad idea. I share the Geocentric part with them.
"SSundee advices" got to XIII blogs and "Dracko's tricks & tips" to XIII blogs. I won't link to them. The point is, they also did not seem to link to me. This means, the readers coming from them to me were not seeing a link to me on their page, but were looking for certain types of content - curiosity or surveillance. It seems a bit unfair to me to be surveying my blogs to see if there is smut on them. I don't spread that kind of thing.
Now, Lita Cosner made a point today:
It is important to note that resources like this do not come together out of thin air; they are developed in response to perceived demand.
This is not all of the story. I write most of my articles in response to a perceived need of others (this type of curmudgeoning on my situation is exceptional, but I was tired this morning). But it's not just that Jen Wilkin wrote his* work in response to a perceived need of others, LifeWay paid him, printed, transported, sold and got paid and continued to pay him. Also in response to a perceived need.
This isn’t evil—even CMI develops resources based on what we think people will find useful and want to have in their own libraries.
Oh, I agree this side of things is not evil.
There is another side. It is about deciding what you don't just don't want on your own library, but also not want on someone else's. That is called Gatekeeping. Like Jewish Rabbis, according to ONEFORISRAEL have been gatekeeping so ordinary Jews didn't read Daniel for timing or a certain chapter if Isaiah for suffering of the Messiah.
Considering the kind of co-ordinated readership I have, according to some signs I have given (the club 21, the alignment between 2 of my blogs and Flat Earth and 13 of my blogs and smut, the alarm bells that ring when I defend C. S. Lewis against A. N. Wilson, whether the guys in 2*21 are for Lewis and are alarmed he is attacked or against Lewis and alarmed I read him, this seems to me to indicate that I am object of some type of gatekeeping.
Being round earth is not ingratiating with those who are not just Geocentric but Flat Earth.
Being Geocentric is hardly ingratiating with anyone except Flat Earth Geocentrics and the other Round Earth Geocentrics.
Being Round Earth Geocentric and believing in Angelic movers is not ingratiating with other Round Earth Geocentrics.
Both probably all semi-historical Creationists like Jen Wilkin and some Biblical Young Earth Creationists like most or all on CMI (notably Robert Carter, but I haven't spotted another take from the rest) and also like some 7DA (their prophet Ellen Gould White, like Joseph Smith, like Swedenborg, was Heliocentric) would not find it ingratiating on my part to be Geocentric and believe in Angelic movers, like so many others historically (Photius, unlike both Indicopleustes and St Thomas, found it ridiculous, but he certainly does not represent the Latin West in this respect).
So, if there are people doing gatekeeping, I am not surprised of the fact. If anything, I am surprised (or was some time ago, I am becoming jaded) that people so much disliking each other, if not as persons or as Christians, at least as to message, are so eager to collude on gatekeeping against me (again, I am not just making up or imagining gatekeeping after simply failing to get readers, I have plenty of page views, and they seem coordinated, sometimes calculated to outsource reading sth from France, sometimes to increase the bounce rate of a blog, and people I meet are much less prone to take an URL from my cardboards than some years ago), and that they are in fact colluding also with Jews who want another Messiah than Our Lord Jesus Christ, Muslims who want no Holy Trinity, Neo-Catholics who want Heliocentric and Theistic Evolutionist Wojtyla to be a canonised saint. And Orthodox, who don't like filioque any more than papal supremacy, seem to be along in this collusion (note, many readers from Russia and Ukraine seem to indicate some presence of those churches in reading or rather surveying my blogs, and therefore in the gatekeeping).
Lifeway clearly knows that people want to know more about creation—but they wrongly think that being agnostic about some of the most important issues in Genesis 1–11 will make a more popular product. But this makes it substantially less helpful than it might have been.
Yes, I also think some people are missing out on things and making their product substantially less helpful. CMI is not saving souls by being Protestants. CMI is also not being more convincing on their correct position of Young Earth Creationism by chosing the less helpful solutions on Distant Starlight (considering day IV as a timezone question rather than as actual time as the word is normally used is disingenious and reduces the "from the beginning of Creation" very much). And when both Kolbe Center for Study of Creation and CMI do feature Flood dates too recent before Abraham and do feature outmoded and probably untrue philosophemes on "PIE to Latin to French" linguistics and refuse to feature an at least attempt of detailed calibration of Carbon 14 within Biblical timeline - Tas Walker one honourable exception from Journal of Creation, not featured as an article on the CMI blog, back in 2015, as best I know no follow up - that also looks like even ill advised gatekeeping. Two non-Jewish organisations acting to me like two neighbouring Shtettel's would act to a Christian a 100 years ago (outside the area where they were in Russian Revolution).
Now, in the name of Christ, who suffered death and harrowed Hell, to Heaven rose alive again, stop this gatekeeping! If you disagree with me, say so openly. Stop avoiding debate and mention in order to "not give me a platform".
Signed, Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Valentine's Day, 14.II.2019, Nanterre University Library.
* Oops, she. I see, Jen = Jennifer ... sorry. Glad I said no uncourteous things!
More examples of "club 21", stats from my main blog, first last 100 posts etc:
RépondreSupprimer1) Commençons la revue de "100 infos insolites ..." 21 : 01/12/20
2) Je Suis Strasbourg 21 : 12/12/2018
3) Phosphore? Science et Vie Junior? 21 : 12/12/2018
4) Statistiques de la semaine 21 : 03/01/2019
5) Speaking of C. S. Lewis 42 : 13/02/2019
1 à 100 sur 1740 BUT including also drafts. If we go back to before first on last hundred published ...
6) Stan Lee probably neither Free Mason nor Satanist 21 : 15/11/2018
I left out near hits, like 20 or 22, and also left out other series, 14 / 28, 13 / 26.
21 * 6 = 126 > 100.
Next hundred before that?
7) And Some More Reading - Where I Comment on Ryan, Rand and Shea 21 : 24/10/2018
8) Ah, merci beaucoup, fsspx.news! 21 : 19/10/2018
9) Diagonal of the Blog / Le blog en diagonal 42 : 25/09/2018
10) Les articles les plus lus le mois dernier / most read articles last month 21 : 14/09/2018
11) Les futurs Mozart, vraiment? Et les Sagan? 21 : 31/08/2018
12) Index XXI FR Fête-Dieu à Assomption, Anno Domini 2018 21 : 16/08/2018
13) Pour les Parigots tout court (lien) 42 : 14/08/2018
14) Bonum Festum Sancti Laurentii Martyris 21 : 10/08/2018
15) Certains gens prétendent mon oeuvre inaccessible 21 : 26/07/2018
21 * 15 = 315 > 200
I think multiples of 21 are overrepresented in reader stats.
1) Commençons la revue de "100 infos insolites ..." 21 : 01/12/20
RépondreSupprimer= 1) Commençons la revue de "100 infos insolites ..." 21 : 01/12/2018
Or, maths, if you prefer:
RépondreSupprimer200 / 21 = 9,52380952 ...
15 > 9,52380952 ...
More on suspicious 21-groupings of readers or page views: Club 21
RépondreSupprimerThe messages are chosen for having on some level, last week, month or all time, 21 readers or a multiple thereof. Beyond 231 (11*21) I have only counted 777 (21*37), since I am bad at multiplication table of 21 past 11. But 777 I do know:
777 = 7*111 = 7*3*37 = 21*37