mardi 9 juin 2020

Himalaya quinquies ... double-checked

Himalayas ... how fast did they rise? · Himalayas, bis ... and Pyrenees · ter · quater · quinquies ... double-checked

In part 1, in the footnote two ** (asterisks), I made a check on how the chronology works out, between real dates and carbon dates.

I rechecked the same example from:

  • memory as to years involved
  • table on paper rather than software for carbon values / years age (real, apparent or real + apparent).

Real year, 2170 BC, extra years 2700 (extra years = apparent age for scientists going back in a time machine and testing), "real + apparent" age or the apparent carbon age now = 4870 BC.

I look up in my table, 2865 years or half a half life is too much, it would give square root of 0.5, but the one before is 2148 years, with 0.77111 (77.111 percent).

2700 - 2148 = 552 years.

I look up in the short term table, 552 is closest to 537 years, value in percent modern carbon (for things having that age) is 0.93653.

In order to add 2148 and 537 years of apparent initial age, I multiply 0.77111 by 0.93653 and get 0.722167 sth, round it to 0.72217.

Real age for an object from back then is 2170 BC + 2020 AD = 4190 years.

Closest lower one is in the table 3581 years, with a value of 0.64842 or 64.842 % of initial value.

4190 - 3581 = 609.

The closest value on the short term table is 626 years, not 581, so I take the value for 626 which is 0.92701. This means that 3581 + 626 years of real age make a multiplication of 0.64842 by 0.92701. I get 0.60108 something which I round as that.

Now I multiply initial apparent age by real age, 0.72217 times 0.60108.

I get 0.4340819436. Closest higher value (younger age) is 0.4585 or 6446 years.

I divide 4340.819436 by 4585, and I get 0.946739. Closest value is 0.9473 for 447 years.

Now I add 6446 to 447 and get 6893 in the now apparent age, and I take away 2020 AD years to get the apparent BC value. It is 4873 BC, close to the 4870 BC given in the table.

Creation vs. Evolution : Himalayas ... how fast did they rise?

I cite myself:

... we do not have evidence of human post-Flood settlement in Himalayas before the ... wait, we do have the Patu industry in Nepal* carbon dated to c. 7000 BP ...

So, I can confirm that a carbon age of 7000 BP / 5000 BC would be between the deaths of Peleg and Eber or just around, as per my tables. They were done with the correct method.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Vincent of Agen

PS : for the tables I used, I had made some in my note book, refining to within 22 years was not yet done when I made above calculations:

New blog on the kid : Calculé sans le logiciel, pour carbone 14

Yes, it is in French, but the numbers would even so be comprehensible, take into account that French uses "decimal comma" and not "decimal point". The numbers of years are rounded./HGL

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