lundi 27 décembre 2021

Niche argument revisited

If they had been created together, the large carnivorous dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus rex, would have wiped out the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus.

The Fittingness of Evolutionary Creation
Rev. Nicanor Austriaco, O.P

Let's calculate a bit.

Most dinosaurs died in or after the Flood, 2242 years after creation.*

The ones I suggest could have died after the Flood are the ones that are found in America, with carbon dates (obtained by creationists) usually more recent than 40 000 years, which I take to be the normal carbon age now for a remnant from the Flood year.

There have been found thirty complete skeleta of T. Rex. That would have been thirty at the Flood or perhaps some found are from after the Flood, not sure if Mary Schweitzer's find has any carbon date thanks to Creationists. But she started Mark Armitage on his research, and he did lots of carbon datings, until they started making it impossible by the way the preliminary forms are filled in.

Now, a T. Rex to an elephant, that's a bit like a tiger to a rabbit.

How long would it take for tigers to doom rabbits to extinction? Remember, according to your evolution theory, tigers are supposed to have evolved ...

The tiger–snow leopard lineage dispersed in Southeast Asia during the Miocene.**

The Miocene is the first geological epoch of the Neogene Period and extends from about 23.03 to 5.333 million years ago (Ma).

Now, 5 333 000 / 2592 = 2057*** times, omitting decimals.

The coexistence of tigers and rabbits is 2057 times as much a problem on Evolution theory than coexistence of Tyrannosauruses and Elephants on Creationist views.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. John's Day

PS, my bad. Leporidae are supposed to be from late Eocene, 56 to 33.9 ... not my bad after all. Leporids are on evolutionary terms older than tigers./HGL

* Given that the carbon ages that creationists got for dinosaurs are generally what I take to be pre-Babel, extend the existence of Theropoda along with Proboscidea to 2242 + 350 = 2592 years. Babel starts around the death of Noah, 350 after the Flood, and extends to birth of Peleg or close on, 401 after the Flood.

** Citing wiki, links at key-words.

*** Why I divide by 2592 instead of 2242, see first footnote.

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