mercredi 11 mai 2022

Science texbook, no, history, yes - CMI makes a key statement

“The Bible is not a science book!”
by Gary Bates and Lita Sanders
First appeared in CMI-US Update, November 2021.

One quibble:

But the Bible is unique in that it contains accurate predictive prophecy.

While John Henry Newman agreed that the Bible does this ("it is a historic fact Antichrist will rule, as it is a historic fact Nero has ruled" - quoted from memory, Idea of a Catholic University), he might not and I do not agree the Bible is totally unique herein.

St. Paul says "prophecy will vanish" but he doesn't say when. We Catholics do NOT presume it vanished after the last Apostle died, only that prophets after that cannot add to revealed dogmas.

We would say that for instance the prophecies of St. Bridget probably also record what was in her time as yet future. Antichrist would be born of an apostate bishop (Russian Orthodox bishops in the Soviet Union have been towting evolution, and comparing early chapters of Genesis to the Iliad - while misunderstanding the historicity thereof) and of a false virgin of Jewish ancestry (Russia is sometimes referred to as Sviataya Rus', holy mother Russia, apostasised in 1917, due to in many cases people of Jewish origin - like quarter Jewish Lenin or fully Jewish (ethnically, not in halakhic behaviour) Trotsky). He would also defeat armies before the age of twelve with his brothers. Would that refer to a boy doing Judo and defeating other teams together with the team mates of his team?/HGL

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