vendredi 11 octobre 2024

Am I Boycotted for Not Sharing This View?

I'll give you an extract from a transscript:

11:48 so now that we know the Angelic connections to giborim let's go over the possible options Nimrod was either born 11:56 a gibber giant or he became a gbim giant we need to study that and how was that 12:03 action of becoming or being a giant brought about either way Nimrod or his 12:09 father started the Pagan cult at the Tower of Babylon and I want to know what 12:15 that means let's look at a possibility that I found very intriguing did nimrod find pre flood 12:23 Pagan writings learn them and try them out and that a fallen Spirit or Fallen 12:29 Spirits came from following these Watcher level Fallen Angel writings that 12:35 would have been found on temples pre flood temples that are still found on pre- flood temples throughout the world

Nimrod's Rebellion: Finding Forbidden Angelic Knowledge-Becoming Gibborim
Life - Travel - Word | 10 Oct. 2024

Note a few things here that I don't share:

1) Nimrod or his 12:09 father started the Pagan cult
2) at the Tower of Babylon
3) pre flood temples that are still found on pre- flood temples throughout the world

How would I correct this to fit my views?

1) Nimrod started a technocratic and antitheistic cult
2) at the the city, dreaming of a "tower" (rocket) in Babel, Göbekli Tepe
3) no pre-Flood temple has been found, unless you mean caves where cannibalism was practised, but the significance could have been non-religious.

Specifically, Göbekli Tepe is not a pre-Flood temple, also not Noah's immediately post-Flood altar, but the actual site of Nimrod's Babel. Later on, Sargon of Akkad destroyed a later Babel, and renamed Akkad into Babel. The video will feature Göbekli Tepe in the context of Jubilees speaking of Cainan son of Arphaxad as contacting the Watchers, and Zach had speculated about this involving writings at "pre-Flood temples" ...

The original post-Flood anti-Christ Nimrod ben Kush (which does add up to 666 in straight Hebrew gematria), like the final Antichrist, upcoming as world wide ruler, probably already on the scene, neither is a religious person, neither is first and foremost into esoteric experiences, at least in public, both appear rationalists (but are irrationally denying what God already had or now has revealed), both speak of the true God as a real being, but one we, for some reason do not need to obey.

God is evil! He killed a whole humanity! We need to get rid of him!

Sound familiar? Yet this is what Josephus basically said of Nimrod, with some additions. Look at Josephus' account, so much earlier than Zach (owner of the channel Life - Travel - Word, which I just quoted), and so different from it:

2. Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers!

Antiquities, Book I, CHAPTER 4. Concerning The Tower Of Babylon, And The Confusion Of Tongues. (§2)

So, Nimrod wasn't New Age, he was more like a Stalinist and Progressive. He pretty certainly did have communications with demons, but if you ask me, he was not inviting people to approach them as gods, with rituals of adoration, he was demanding a kind of adoration for his project, that is, he was demanding excessive allegiance to it, excessive sacrifices for it, excessive ill-will towards those shirking that.

And a hint the final Antichrist will be like that is found in Daniel and Thessalonians:

And he shall make no account of the God of his fathers: and he shall follow the lust of women, and he shall not regard any gods: for he shall rise up against all things But he shall worship the god Maozim in his place: and a god whom his fathers knew not, he shall worship with gold, and silver, and precious stones, and things of great price
[Daniel 11:37-38]

Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God.
[2 Thessalonians 2:4]

Basically, every new thing that I learn about Göbekli Tepe, or every second, confirms what kind of evils Nimrod would be doing in a purely secular way. Even when archaeologists think of religion.

One reason I bring this up is, obviously I came across the video, but even before that, on Spanish quora, I got asked what is the modern name of Babylonia, and I was sure they were fishing for the answer "Iraq" but I answered that when Assyria and Babylonia are taken together (and Genesis 10 mentions Nineveh, which I didn't mention, since the question was not clothed in obvious religious context), that encompasses parts of Turkey, Syria and Iraq, and while they were originally separate, they were joined. When Hebrew Shinar was translated Babylonia at some of the hits in the LXX, this was when Assyria had already been conquered and therefore joined to Babylonia. My hunch is, someone wanted to nudge me to some kind of realisation I had been on the wrong track. That someone was factually wrong. The video did not come naturally in my viewing history.

Now, to some, "the tower" obviously was a ziggurat, and as obviously Nimrod's rebellion was paganism and as obviously, the closest we get to that these days is Buddhism or Hinduism. And the huge Trojan Horse for that one, is, not just strictly Anthroposophic or Theosophic New Age, like Madame Blavatsky, like Findhorn, but basically anything that's new agey. Including even such a thing as fifteen minutes of meditation, with no pagan god names and no illicit themes. Or using herbs and musical frequences for healing.

Well, what about the Shintoism of Hirohito? Worshipping Kamis means worshipping things with superpowers, able to achieve certain things, and I mean as objective real world results. Hirohito thought the Kamis had given him Western technology so he could go on a Conquering Spree. Or, if you insist that Ancient Babylonian religion had new agey things in astrology and making predictions from entrails, well, that's still pretty different from hypnosis and meditation, when used to experience peace. But in a huge way, it was concerned with providing incitations to projects that were neither introvert nor otherworldly, but simply "success in life" and providing some luck charms for them. Now, Nimrod was a mighty hunter, so it's arguably, he could have been seen as a walking and talking luck charm in his own right. Hence, sacrifices to provide luck, well, no need, except obviously the ultra-huge sacrifice of individual liberties in favour of Nimrod's tyranny.

Evangelical congregations came to being mostly in the Enlightenment era, and probably not always in full opposition to, rather perhaps sometimes collaboration with Freemasonry. Much which to a Scholastic, or to a Catholic, sounds like normal pre-Enlightenment Christian views, would by them be considered as new agey stuff and therefore as part of the "Babylonian" system, and therefore as part of Nimrod's deception. I don't think it is. With hypnosis videos and guided meditations, I'm taking a risk, I'm not inviting people to do the same. With the Rosary, as a practise, or with heavenly bodies ruled and moved around in the orbits and similar we observe, as a doctrine, I'm on firm ground. It's not New Age (I also happen to know New Age has a higher tendency to believe "infinite solar systems" and for each its Heliocentrism, than Geocentrism. It's idiotic to class me as New Age for that, but that's what some people to me seem to be doing. Hence, I'm asking the question.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Maternity of Our Lady

Festum Maternitatis beatae Mariae Virginis.

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