The Red Lady of El Mirón is a skeleton belonging to a woman of Upper Paleolithic (Magdalenian) found at El Mirón Cave in eastern Cantabria, Spain.
When is this woman said to have lived?
Radiocarbon dating indicates that the woman was buried around 18,700 years ago.
So, when is that really? Given that it is a radiocarbon date, it's reducible by my recalibration.
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Given that is says "years ago" it means it's not 18,700 BC, but 16,675 BC.
- 2712 BC
- 17.585 pmC, dated as 17,081 BC
- 2699 BC (!)
- 20.835 pmC, dated as 15,666 BC
She really died some time between 2712 BC and 2699 BC. Let's get closer to when, and lets ignore that the graph of rising Carbon 14 is slightly bent, and treat it as a straight line graph.
(2712 + 2699) / 2 = 2705.5
(17.585 + 20.835) / 2 = 19.21 (0.1921)
5730 * log(0.1921) / log(0.5) + 2705.5 = 16,343 BC
(2712 + 2712 + 2712 + 2699 + 2699) / 5 = 2706.8
(17.585 + 17.585 + 17.585 + 20.835 + 20.835) / 5 = 18.885 (0.18885)
5730 * log(0.18885) / log(0.5) + 2706.8 = 16,486 BC
(2712 + 2712 + 2699) / 3 = 2707.667
(17.585 + 17.585 + 20.835) / 3 = 18.668333 (0.18668333)
5730 * log(0.18668333) / log(0.5) + 2707.667 = 16,582 BC
(2712 + 2712 + 2712 + 2699) / 4 = 2708.75
(17.585 + 17.585 + 17.585 + 20.835) / 4 = 18.3975 (0.183975)
5730 * log(0.183975) / log(0.5) + 2708.75 = 16,704 BC
So, she arguably died some time around 2709 BC, since 16,704 BC is close enough to the desideratum of 16,675 BC./HGL
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