Some answers they would not need to bother me about, since they are already available on those other activist platforms, I don't even have an original twist to add.
Like, how did Cangaroos and Aborigines get to Oz from Mountains of Ararat after the Flood?
They have answered this passim and given both Carl Wieland and Ken Ham are Australians, no wonder. Like here: How did animals get from the Ark to places such as Australia?
Now, I just happened to come across a map from the ice age. No, not made back then. Made now, but about conditions back then:
The context was Swedish Quora and someone else answering a near identic question about the arrival supposedly 55 000 years ago.
I shared with an appropriate comment on this also being a good answer for Young Earth Creationists.
utmärkt svar äfven för ungjordscreationister
Australien är ju omgivet av vatten i alla riktningar, hur kom dess första befolkning till den kontinenten, och hur visste de att den skulle finnas?
... Det hjälpte också dessa Australiens första äventyrare att havsnivån var avsevärt mycket lägre under perioden, tack vare att mycket vatten var bundet i inlandsis:
An excellent answer for Yung Earth Creationists too:
Australia being surrounded by water in all directions, how did its first population arrive to the continent, how did they know it was there?
... It was also of assistance to the first pioneers of Australia that the sea levels were considerably lower during the period, thanks to much water being bound up in ice sheets:
This also helps to illustrate how SE Australia, specifically Tasmania, is the South East corner of the world. Where Are the Four Corners on a Globe? It was not so long ago (like less than 5000 years) that it was attached to SE Asia like Amager is attached to Zealand or the Danish Islands in general to Jutland (which juts out of North Germany).
If I should really add a personal touch, well, I give a Biblical date for the carbon date of Mungo Man (or Mungo Woman). First Tas Walker:
The dating game
by Tas Walker | This article is from
Creation 26(1):36–39, December 2003
The first major find, in 1969, was of crushed and burnt skeletal fragments, interpreted to be of a female called Lake Mungo 1, or more affectionately Mungo Woman.2,3 What made the find significant was the assigned date. Carbon-14 dating (see Dating methods) on bone apatite (the hard bone material) yielded an age of 19,000 years and on collagen (soft tissue) gave 24,700 years.3 This excited the archaeologists, because that date made their find the oldest human burial in Australia.
So, 17,000 BC, 22,700 BC. Newer Tables, Flood to Joseph in Egypt
- 2782 BC
- 9.201 pmC, dated as 22,505 BC
- 2712 BC
- 17.585 pmC, dated as 17,081 BC
Her soft tissue is 70 years older than her hard bone material, probably because she ate something like shellfish, or sth with old carbon pretty much before she died. The reservoir effect. Vikings have been dated to before the Viking invasion through eating pretty much fish, and in their case the reservoir effect was sth like two centuries, I recall.
So, she died 245 years after the Flood, and given life spans back then, at less than 300—400 years old, it was a premature death. This is why in the anatomy of the skeleta, they do not look like old people from today, at less than 200 years old, probably, she would have been anatomically comparable to a woman in her thirties or forties.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Quadragesima L. D.