mardi 11 mars 2025

Somestimes CMI Are Just Wrong, on Theology

Rainbows, the Flood, and the Covenant
by Jonathan Sarfati | This article is from
Creation 38(4):44–45, October 2016

Most of the article is correct on Creation Science and Exegetics that Rainbows existed before the Flood. See the Haydock comment on Genesis 9.

13 I will set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be the sign of a covenant between me and between the earth.

Ver. 13. My rain bow. This had been from the beginning; but it was not before appointed for a sign that the earth should no more be destroyed by water. It is styled God’s bow, on account of its beauty and grandeur. (Menochius) (Ecclesiasticus xliii. 12.) — “As the rain-bow, which makes its appearance in the clouds, borrows all its effulgence from the sun, so those only who acknowledge the glory of Christ in God’s clouds, and do not seek their own glory, will escape destruction in the deluge,” St. Augustine, contra Faust. ii. 21.

The cited Giovanni Stefano Menochio SJ (9 December 1575 – 4 February 1655) was an Italian Jesuit biblical scholar. Perfectly orthodox, and so it is perfectly OK for a Catholic to say that there were rainbows before the Flood.

However, Jonathan Sarfati pretends that in Matthew 26:26 ff. Jesus left bread and wine as they were and only added a new signification. Given the multiplication of breads and the miracle in Cana, why would He do no more, like actually make it His body and His blood? Because the Deformers say so? No, let's stick with the Church, shall we, over the centuries!/HGL

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