If Wikipedia is "biassed" - which I agree - this does not mean it is worthless (Shaun Doyle was saying biassed eyewitness accounts are not worthless the other day, on subject of proving Resurrection).
BUT, what's more, what about this whining?
When you consider who “the mob” is on Wikipedia, it is that subset of people who have access to the internet, know about Wikipedia and care enough about it to make changes on it—and additionally have the technical expertise to do so (since modifying Wikipedia is a bit like using programming language). Wow! Come to think of it, that is a pretty specialized group, isn’t it?
Paul Price, two observations:
- in the classical way it is not like using programming language as much as it is like using html.
- I have learned both in passing, as needed, so can you and lots of people on CMI, and so can lots of the readers of CMI.
So, your article has as upshot to basically demonise wiki and those consulting it. As either part and parcel of the ambient, pro-evolutionist, culture, or willing or likely to despite themselves get duped by it.
Well, where does that leave classical encyclopedias and other works of reference, and those using them? The editors are an even MORE specialised and narrowly chosen group.
Now, you actually had a story worth telling to tell. You ARE (or were) a wikipedian, and you were banned for not taking Eugenie Scott's judgement as well founded.
However, the line:
Eugenie Scott and Glenn Branch of the National Center for Science Education called Sarfati's Refuting Evolution 2 a "crude piece of propaganda".[6]
is, according to your own saying, factually correct. You objected to it, because it could be considered by some as saying sth about Jonathan Sarfati. But it is, from our point of view, equally revealing of Eugenie Scott.
Whome, btw, I recently contacted on FB, over her primary expertise on "biological anthropology" which presumably would include Neanderthals. I wanted an adverse reviewer's pov, and she hasn't answered so far. Perhaps she won't, and this also says sth about her? Or perhaps she will, and there will be an interesting debate ... (I am not holding my breath).
If you have basics in sifting fact from evaluation, you are likely to get sth out of wikipedia. If you haven't, what are you doing reading or writing anyway?/HGL
Paul Price answers below, in comments: