lundi 21 janvier 2019

Other Theory on Albertan Ankylosaurs

The ‘bloat and float’ ankylosaurs of Alberta1
by Andrew Lamb

Citing "a 1970 comment by paleontologist Charles Sternberg (1885–1981)":

“Of the 36 ankylosaur specimens for which we were able to determine depositional orientation, 26 (70.3%) were upside-down. The remainder occurred right-side up, and a single skull … was preserved on its side.”

The theories eliminated:

  • Ankylosaurs were clumsy
  • Large carnivores flipped them over
  • The ‘armadillo roadkill’ theory

The theory retained :

That left just the ‘bloat and float’ theory, that in water dead ankylosaurs would flip over due to the heavy osteoderms on their backs and bloating tummy gases.

The fifth hypothesis not forwarded until I do it here:

  • If the ankylosaurs have carbon dates inferior to 40 000 years;
  • and if the dinosaurs having carbon dates inferior to 40 000 years a per the several carbon datings made are also often found upside down;
  • then these could be, rather than from Flood (as are most fossils), from post-Flood mudslides.

Note, Andrew Lamb is referencing work by uniformitarian researchers who are not carbon dating dinos and who do not - unlike he - arguing from this that the rapid burial was during the Flood.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr

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