dimanche 5 mai 2019

The ultimate bonus of Geocentrism

Shared : Lita's defense · Robert Sungenis Published a Book · Shorty with William P. Lazarus on Geocentrism · The ultimate bonus of Geocentrism

Kudos to Lita Cosner for taking on Patricia B., when not argued in detail that requires detailed response, such things simply antagonise me. She makes von Däniken nearly (not quite) look normal by comparison.

Now, in her response, she said:

But His resurrection was an actual resurrection that left the tomb empty. Otherwise the Jews would not have had to invent the story that the disciples stole the body.

In an earlier article:

We know that God is Spirit, and angels are spirits. While in the Old Testament, both God and angels took on physical forms that could eat and otherwise interact with the environment, in the spiritual realm they have no need of a physical body. Humans are beings composed of both body and spirit; we were created to exist in the physical realm. So Paul says that we don’t long to be unclothed (i.e. to be disembodied spirits) but to be further clothed (i.e. to receive a better body 2 Corinthians 5:4).

Nuance : we long to receive SAME body in a better state.

Christ did not receive another body which had not had hands pierced by nails.

This means, Heaven needs to be a place.

In fact, it is and is described in Apocalypse.

This means, Christ up there still has flesh and blood which can be "bilocated" in the sacrament. His body still makes Him son of Mary.

Some evangelicals deny this.

Heliocentrism with "heaven is in another dimension" clearly plays into their hands./HGL

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