vendredi 24 mai 2019

Defending a Meme on the Bible

Here is the meme:

Tired of
Fake News?
Turn to the

Wonderful and exact.

A minor problem is, some will claim the Bible is fake news.

Some will claim it because there are thousands of sects interpreting it in different ways (one Evangelical was just defending the very heretical "non-identic-resurrection-bodies" interpretation of 1 Cor 15), and I say, still not fake news, there is the Catholic Church to defend its correct interpretation.

Some will claim so because of not believing Resurrection of Our Lord or miracles in Gospels, and I say, still not fake news, the resurrection is one of the best documented events in the Roman world of the 1:st C AD.

And some will claim Genesis 1 to 11 is "clearly mythical" (whatever "myth" might mean, probably sth having similar literary properties to Greek mythology, which contains correct historic facts, like Ulysses helping to sack Troy and returning to Ithaca or Jason getting the golden fleece), and therefore pretend it is non-factual (as if literary similarities to Greek myths proved that) and therefore the rest of Genesis and of the Bible would be non-factual too.

Well, the last category have one thing right : Genesis 1 to 11 does hang together with rest of Genesis and the rest of the Bible does refer back to it. Seamless garment.

However, there are answers to each, and I am providing them as best as I can from my perspective, and sometimes linking to answers by others too, on three blogs.

Creation vs. Evolution,

somewhere else,

Great Bishop of Geneva!

Creation vs. Evolution defends historical (and therefore also, when relevant, scientific) accuracy of Genesis (mainly) 1 to 11. And not on Tim's blog but somewhere else I provide answers about Resurrection, God's existence (apart from Creationist related arguments), and Biblical history other than Genesis 1 to 11. While under intercessionary prayer of St Francis of Sales who was tha last and the Great Bishop of Geneva! I provide answers against Protestant errors.

Any questions?

Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibl. Audoux
St. Manahen

Antiochiae natalis sancti Manahen, qui fuit Herodis Tetrarchae collactaneus, atque, Doctor et Propheta exsistens sub gratia novi Testamenti, in eadem urbe quievit. Item beatae Joannae, uxoris Chusae, procuratoris Herodis, quam Lucas Evangelista commemorat.

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