lundi 19 octobre 2020

Could Moses Have Expressed "One Million Years"?

Part of the idea behind "Day Age" theory is, like Moses needed (on my view) "water" for "hydrogen" (above = in the upper part of the firmament), like he needed "a tower, the top whereof may reach to heaven" for "rocket", so also, he would have needed "day" for "millions of years".

Could he have said sth like "in a million years, God created light, in a million years, God divided waters, in a million years, God divided land from water, in a million years, God made green herb and fruit trees ..." etc, if it took millions of years, and there were no precise limits between the stages?

"No, the Hebrews were a primitive Bronze Age people, they came from Bronze Age Egypt ..." (or so some would answer).

Now, did Bronze Age Egypt have a symbol for "million"? Yes.

MacTutor : Egyptian numerals

In other words, if Moses used the word day, it was not because he lacked the words for "a million years" - he was aware both of "million" and of "years" as raised at the Egyptian court - it was because it was really a matter of days. Not years. Not thousands of years. Not millions of years. But days. And with separate creation acts on separate days, hence "it was evening and it was morning, the fourth day" and so on./HGL

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