jeudi 24 décembre 2020

Circularity between disciplines

I recall the book by Andrews*, Swedish translation of two writings, which were later combined in original English under the new title From Nothing to Nature.

Geologists date fossils taking the evolutionary model into account. Evolutionists date them taking geology into account ... who says the circle is ever broken?

That's one of the contributions to my Creationist thought.

For C14 I have other models, like I know that it works for recent centuries and at least two millennia - and my latest update, not yet into tables, is, a man who was Cro-Magnon by father, Neanderthal by mother (that is by mitochondriae) was dated to 35000 BP. This pushes the carbon date for the Flood forth to 33000 BC. And pushes the carbon content back then up to over 2 pmC. And makes the buildup from then to Babel (Göbekli Tepe) a matter of 9.66 times faster than at present.

For "geological column" it still works very well, and for C14 it is somewhat relevant as one claims independent support from tree rings.

Now, I am not alone in this, here is Alinei:

Renfrew was the first scholar to point out the circularity in the interdisciplinary relationship between archaeology and linguistics, the circularity which had contributed to the crystallization of the traditional theory. Archaeology started from the assumption that the linguistic conclusions regarding the IE prehistory were reliable and based itself on them in elaborating its own ideas. Linguistics relied on archaeological interpretations of IE, considering them independent and objective, although they were derived from linguistics [Renfrew 1987, 18-19]. This critical observation is of great importance because it provides the only possible explanation of the mystery of statements like "as it has been demonstrated by archaeology" or "as it has been demonstrated by linguistics", which are totally unfounded, but which have found their way into innumerable manualsof historical linguistics and archaeology.

Mario Alinei, Merits and Limits of Renfrew's Theory, "Quaderni di Semantica" 27, 2006.
Translation from Italian, with revisions, of Chapter 10 (Meriti e limiti della teoria di Renfrew) of Le origini delle lingue d’Europa. Vol. I. La teoria della continuità, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1996. English translation by S. Kostic.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Christmas Eve

* Edgar Andrews.

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