mardi 1 décembre 2020

I missed a point in Sanford

1) Creation vs. Evolution Number of Alleles Question (on Junior High Genetics Level), 2) Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl CMI / Carl Wieland on "Genetic Entropy" Theme, 3) Creation vs. Evolution I missed a point in Sanford, 4) A second look at part of the evidence

It is true that most lab experiments do not show clear degeneration. But Scott should realize that anything alive today must have been degenerating slowly enough to still be here, even in a young earth scenario. All three of the downward decay curves I show in my book indicate that degeneration slows dramatically as it becomes more advanced. If a species is alive today and has been around for thousands of years, the rate of degeneration must be very slow (too subtle to measure in most cases). Obviously, genetic degeneration is not going to be clearly visible in most lab experiments.

CMI : Critic ignores reality of Genetic Entropy
by Dr John Sanford | Published: 7 March 2013 (GMT+10)

If genetic entropy is by now (man has been around for 7219 years, if we consider Christ born one week before January 1st AD 1 and this as happened 5199 after creation), very slow, we are not practically concerned with it, just theoretically as an argument about impossibility of evolution.

My concern about Sanford's point is, some people have been getting practically concerned with what they considered as cases of genetic entropy : eugenics, as condemned by Pope Pius XI./HGL

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