samedi 23 janvier 2021

Alternative as between Flood and Babel

I saw one article where a man with a Neanderthal mother (something we don't see these post-Flood days) was carbon dated 35 000 BC or if it was 35 000 BP.

I checked with another article weeks later, seems to be the same guy:

Pour la Science : Un néandertalien métis
FRANÇOIS SAVATIER | 27 mars 2013

Comment les chercheurs sont-ils certains que l’individu de Mezzena est bien un Néandertalien ? Ils le sont en fait depuis sa découverte, puisque ce fragment humain vieux de quelque 35 000 ans a été retrouvé dans une couche pleine d’outils moustériens – des outils en pierre fabriqués uniquement par les Néandertaliens (entre 300 000 ans et 30 000 ans avant le présent). ... Chose rare, ils sont en effet parvenus à extraire du collagène de la mandibule et, dans cette substance que l'on rencontre entre les cellules de tous les animaux, ils ont retrouvé des traces d'ADN mitochondrial. Contenu dans les mitochondries, organites qui, dans les cellules, produisent l'énergie, cet ADN est transmis seulement par la mère. Or, une fois amplifié et séquencé, cet ADN mitochondrial s’est révélé contenir un motif caractéristique des Néandertaliens (retrouvé aussi dans 30 fossiles néandertaliens dont on a pu extraire de l’ADN). Dès lors, plus aucun doute n’était permis : la mère de l'individu de Mezzena était néandertalienne.

So, this man found in Mezzena is arguably son of a Neanderthal woman and he is carbon dated to 35 000 BP. Or rather, the carbon date, according to another article is not from him:

Direct radiocarbon dating and genetic analyses on the purported Neanderthal mandible from the Monti Lessini (Italy)
Published online 2016 Jul 8. | Sahra Talamo et al.

However, the evidence regarding the age of the material is based only on a single radiocarbon date (RTT-5578: 14C Age 34,540 ± 655; (68.2%) 39,870-38,420 calibrated years before present (cal BP); (95.4%) 40,780-37,480 cal BP) obtained on a bovid bone from layer III7. Unfortunately this faunal sample was not directly associated with the human remains of layer I, but came from the lowermost part of the Mezzena sequence.

And human remains?

As a whole, the radiocarbon dates of the three successful samples are surprisingly young for a Mousterian site, with two samples dating to around 5,500 and one to 25,530 ± 107 14C BP (Table 1). Moreover, the IGVR 203334 mandible with a non-acceptable C:N ratio, resulted in an age of 5,580 ± 26 14C BP, which overlaps in 1σ with the two cranial fragments (IGVR63017-15 and IGVR63017-2) around 5,500 14C BP, passing the isotopic criteria mentioned above. These three dates fall within the Neolithic time period.

But that was not from the mandible with the Neanderthal mitochondriae, right?

Welcome to the confused world of actually looking at scientific evidence for old ages!

Now, there are different conclusions possible from this as to my theory Neanderthals were pre-Flood.

  • one of Noah's daughters in law can have had Neanderthal mitochondriae, so these disappear later than overall Neanderthal genome and Y-chromosome.
  • Neanderthals are post-Flood. I was wrong.
  • or the different levels at Mezzena embody both pre- and post-Flood bones, and the man is pre-Flood, from around 34,540 BP.

34540  35 195
+ 655  -2 013
35195  33 182

This would push the Flood's carbon date closer, to 33 000 BC at least. Now, we don't know this is the case, but I will explore it as a possibility.

Carbon date - real date (BP or BC for both, not one for each) = initial extra years. Carbon level when sample was isolated from atmosphere = carbon level for extra years supposing initial level had been 100 pmC.

33 182 - 2957 = 30 225 extra years, 2.583 pmC at Flood.

At the same time, the value for beginning of Babel stands. 2607 BC 42.8224 pmC, so dated as 9607 BC.

In 350 years, the carbon 14 left is "95.854 pmC", so 95.854 % of whatever was there before, and this means a renewal of 4.146 pmC.

2.583 * 95.854 / 100 = 2.4759 pmC left
42.8224 - 2.4759 = 40.3465 pmC added net
40.3465 / 4.146 = 9.7314 times faster production.

We divide the period into four times 87.5 years. 98.947 % left, then 1.053 pmC added as per normal replacement but * 9.7314 for the faster factor, each time.*

2957 BC
2.583 pmC "33 157 BC"

12.803 pmC "19 870 BC"

22.915 pmC "14 982 BC"

32.921 pmC "11 895 BC"

42.822 pmC "9607 BC"

But, due to uncertainties about the Mezzena man, we cannot guarantee this is a correct replacement of the previous tables in their part I - II Deluge to death of Noah, beginning of Babel. These therefore can still stand.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Raymond of Peñafort

PS, on the search for Mezzano man, I also found Oase 1 - "Les ossements ont été datés de – 37 000 à – 42 000 ans par la méthode de datation au carbone 14." While, on New Tables a Flood date at 35 000 BC would be too recent, if he's from 40 000 BC, this is in order./HGL

PPS, it seems his real dates if post-Flood would be a bit too early on for my taste in human post-Flood deaths : 2957 - 2935 BC, first 22 years after the Flood. Reservoir effect, ate lots of fish or sea food?/HGL

* If this sounds confused, I have each time applied the formulas:
n * 98.947 / 100 = intermediate n
intermediate n + 1.053*9.7314 = new n

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