mardi 9 février 2021

What Does My Calibration Mean for pre-Bronze Greece?

I will not take into account all of the Greek area, since the first link I give is for South Greece only, actually even Franchthi only.

Dartmouth : The Southern Greek Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Sequence at Franchthi

Paleolithic (ca. 20,000 – 8300 b.c.)

No certain gathering of plant foods is attested before ca. 11,000 b.c., although large numbers of seeds of the Boraginaceae family may come from plants gathered to furnish soft “bedding” or for the dye which their roots may have supplied. First appearing at ca. 11,000 b.c. are lentils, vetch, pistachios, and almonds. Then ca. 10,500 b.c. and still well within the Upper Paleolithic period appear a few very rare seeds of wild oats and wild barley.

Mesolithic (ca. 8300 – 6000b.c.)

The plant remains are much the same as those of the preceding Paleolithic period, with the exceptions that wild pears and a few peas begin to appear ca. 7300 b.c. and that wild oats and barley become common after 7000 b.c. The disappearance of the equid and caprine bones from the faunal assemblage and of seeds of the Boraginaceae family from the botanical assemblage, as well as an increase in the number of pistachios, all taking place ca. 8000 b.c., suggest a change of environment to open forests.

... Analysis of the human bone from elsewhere in the cave produced evidence for at least one other Mesolithic burial, this of the Upper Mesolithic phase, in another location, in addition to fragments of another 6 to 25 individuals sprinkled throughout Mesolithic strata within the cave. These bones represent individuals of all age groups (adults, adolescents, infants, neonates) and hence would appear to make the conclusion inescapable that the human groups that occupied the cave during the Mesolithic did so on a permanent basis. Otherwise, the existence of what amounts to a genuine cemetery here, one which accommodated the full spectrum of the social group occupying the cave, is difficult to explain.

Early Neolithic (ca. 6000 – 5000 b.c.) / Middle Neolithic (ca. 5000 – 4500 b.c.) / Late Neolithic (ca. 4500 – 400[0] b.c.) / Final Neolithic (ca. 4000 – 3000 b.c.)

Next link is about Mesolithic.

The Early Neolithic in Greece : 2 - The Mesolithic background
Catherine Perlès, Université de Paris X | Print publication year: 2001 | Online publication date: December 2009

Here, I shall use the term Mesolithic in its chronological sense, to designate early Holocene hunter-gatherer assemblages. The period under consideration spans between c. 9500 and 8000 BP uncalibrated, or c. 8700 to 7000 BC in calendar years. Detailed data-oriented presentations have been offered elsewhere (Perlès 1990a, 1995; Runnels 1995), so I shall focus on issues directly relevant to the problem of the origins of the Neolithic.

The most salient characteristic of the Mesolithic in Greece is how poorly it is known, and how few sites are recorded.

The Neolithic civilization (6800-3300 BC)

Neolithic Civilization is the long era, the main characteristics of which are farming , stock-breeding , permanent installation and the extensive use of stone , as well. ... [It] lasted more than three thousand years and is divided into five main phases, the Aceramic (6800-6500 BC) , the Early Neolithic (6500-5800 BC) ,the Middle Neolithic (5300-4500 BC) and the Late Neolithic or Chalcolithic (4500-3300 BC).

So, what are our dates ... uniformitarian ones. For Catherine Perlès, I'll assume that uncalibrated means Cambridge halflife and go with that. This means, I may be double interpreting the 7300 and 7000 BC in previous link.

2867 B.C.
90 years after Flood
11.9246 pmC, so dated as 20 467 B.C.

"20,000 BC"

2845 B.C.
14.5681 pmC, so dated as 18 745 B.C.

2666 B.C.
35.4608 pmC, so dated as 11 216 B.C.

"11,000 BC"

2644 B.C.
38.0408 pmC, so dated as 10 644 B.C.

"10,500 BC"

2621 B.C.
40.6138 pmC, so dated as 10 071 B.C.

2607 B.C.
Beginning of Babel
42.8224 pmC, so dated as 9607 B.C.

"9500 BC"

2585 B.C.
45.483 pmC, so dated as 9085 B.C.

2556 B.C.
End of Babel
48.1415 pmC, so dated as 8606 B.C.
2534 B.C.
49.4539 pmC, so dated as 8334 B.C.

"8300 BC"

2511 B.C.
50.7242 pmC, so dated as 8111 B.C.

"8000 BC"

2444 B.C.
54.5151 pmC, so dated as 7444 B.C.

"7300 BC"

2422 B.C.
55.7737 pmC, so dated as 7272 B.C.
2399 B.C.
57.0291 pmC, so dated as 7049 B.C.

"7000 BC"

2377 B.C.
58.4214 pmC, so dated as 6827 B.C.

"6800 BC"

2355 B.C.
59.6678 pmC, so dated as 6605 B.C.

"6500 BC"

2332 B.C.
60.9109 pmC, so dated as 6432 B.C.

2265 B.C.
64.6199 pmC, so dated as 5865 B.C.

"5800 BC"

2220 B.C.
68.0023 pmC, so dated as 5420 B.C.

"5300 BC ?"

2198 B.C.
69.2256 pmC, so dated as 5248 B.C.

2086 B.C.
74.3062 pmC, so dated as 4536 B.C.

"4500 BC"

2019 B.C.
77.8962 pmC, so dated as 4069 B.C.

"4000 BC"

1935 B.C.
Genesis 14
82.73 pmC, so dated as 3485 B.C.

1868 B.C.
84.1262 pmC, so dated as 3318 B.C.

"3300 BC"

I have here used the tables from this work:

New Tables

For the dates between Flood and Babel, I have not yet taken into account Mezzena man as either pre-or post-Flood. Either way, the carbon date 20 000 BC is a different time after the Flood than just 90 years, since either the Flood date is younger than 40 000 BP, and 2870 BC is dated as "19 870 BC", or there was after the Flood a longer time before radical rise in C14 occurred, and if 35000 BP is on 90 after Flood, 20000 BC is later.

All stone ages in Greece from Palaeolithic to Chalcolithic: 16 700 carbon years for 999 real years.

Neolithic only, Aceramic to Chalcolithic : 3500 carbon years for 509 real years.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Cyril of Alexandria

PS: I came to look this up over Greece in "6000 BC" being mentioned in 6000 BCE: Life in Greece & The Balkans - Neolithic Europe Documentary by Stefan Milo. As evidence of armed conflict abound, we must conclude that carbon dated 6000 BC came after Babel, when mankind was already divided into diverse communities sometimes in conflict with each other. One more reason to prefer Göbekli Tepe over Eridu's Abzu as Genesis 11 Babel (my table uses the Göbekli Tepe identification for reasons I had known before this video)./HGL

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