vendredi 2 juillet 2021

Terru from Urkesh Thare, father of Abraham?

Terru from Urkesh Thare, father of Abraham? · 12,000 Years Ago - How Far Back was that Really?

watchJerusalem : Has Abraham’s Father, Terah, Been Discovered?
Near Eastern tablets that name and describe an individual closely matching the biblical patriarch Terah
By Christopher Eames • June 21 (2021)

I would say no.

1900 BC or 1800 BC must here be understood as carbon dated.

We are therefore arguably dealing with people who take carbon dates for real dates, even this far back, and on top of that use the Jewish chronology which is severely shortened in the context of the weeks of Daniel.

Masoretic text has same chronology as Vulgate and King James, meaning, if chronologies match in post-Christian times (they have two years more back to destruction of Jerusalem), and there were no shortenng, one would end up with, in 2007, the anno mundi year 2007 + 4004 = 6011. Instead, it was 5777. Now, 6011 - 5777 = 234 years. So, in their view, a date of 1800 BC would be like our 1800 + 234 = 2034 BC. And Thare was certainly already alive then.

But remember, not just do they have too short an OT chronology, they also deal with carbon dates equalling real ones. Back in real 2034 BC, what would an organic object alive then leave as carbon date today?

2041 B. Chr.*
0.766964 pmC/100, so dated as 4241 B. Chr.
2019 B. Chr.
0.778962 pmC/100, so dated as 4069 B. Chr.

It would date some time between 4241 BC and 4069 BC.

Inversely, if sth carbon dates as, no use taking "2034 BC" as it matches in their equivalent of Biblical chronology, but rather 1800 BC, it would be from ...

1588 B. Chr.*
0.97068 pmC/100, so dated as 1838 B. Chr.
1566 B. Chr.
0.97441 pmC/100, so dated as 1776 B. Chr.

... between 1588 BC and 1566 BC, when Moses was growing up as Prince in Egypt.

So, the tablet for Terru is way too late to refer to, individually, someonenot just named Thare, but actually the father of Abraham.

But let's see how many years they are apart : 2034 BC - 1577 BC = 457 years.

Let's compare Gustavs, in Sweden. King Gustav Wasa became king in 1527, 1527 + 457 = 1984, and that's a few years after the death of Gustaf VI Adolf.

If Thare ruled, not just in Urkesh, but anywhere near it (like Urfa), our Terru would have a comparable chronological distance to him as Gustaf VI Adolf to Gustav Wasa. So, he could well be named for him.**

Hat tip to Answers in Genesis who mentioned the discovery:

Did Archeologists Find Terah? - Answers News: June 30, 2021
Diffused directly on June 30, 2021 | Answers in Genesis

Unfortunately, while their scepsis for identity is good, but vaguely expressed, they also claim Woolley's Ur is "the traditional" Ur. It's not. Here wikipedia gives a better overview:

Ur is possibly the city of Ur Kasdim mentioned in the Book of Genesis as the birthplace of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim patriarch Abraham (Ibrahim in Arabic), traditionally believed to have lived some time in the 2nd millennium BC. There are however conflicting traditions and scholarly opinions identifying Ur Kasdim with the sites of Şanlıurfa, Urkesh, Urartu or Kutha.

The biblical Ur is mentioned four times in the Torah or Old Testament, with the distinction "of the Kasdim/Kasdin"—traditionally rendered in English as "Ur of the Chaldees". The Chaldeans had settled in the vicinity by around 850 BC, but were not extant anywhere in Mesopotamia during the 2nd millennium BC period when Abraham is traditionally held to have lived. The Chaldean dynasty did not rule Babylonia (and thus become the rulers of Ur) until the late 7th century BC, and held power only until the mid 6th century BC. The name is found in Genesis 11:28, Genesis 11:31, and Genesis 15:7. In Nehemiah 9:7, a single passage mentioning Ur is a paraphrase of Genesis.

In 1625, the site was visited by Pietro Della Valle, who recorded the presence of ancient bricks stamped with strange symbols, cemented together with bitumen, as well as inscribed pieces of black marble that appeared to be seals.

European archaeologists did not identify Tell el-Muqayyar as the site of Ur until Henry Rawlinson successfully deciphered some bricks from that location, brought to England by William Loftus in 1849.

While Urkesh is near Haran, so is Urfa. Or Şanlıurfa. "Venerable Urfa". Local tradition, both of Jews and of Muslims consider this as the youth residence of Abraham. That they also consider him as contemporary with Nimrod and as inventor of Kebab is perhaps less valuable.

This obviously ties in with my idea of Göbekli Tepe, very close to Urfa, as Babel.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin
to Elisabeth

* Creation vs. Evolution : New Tables

pmC/100 means, pmC is by itself a percentage fraction, I have found counting in pure decimal fractions somewhat easier and not changed the results.

And pmC as such - the level of C14 in relation to C12. Measured in percentages of the modern level, corrected to preindustrial values.

** And the present king, Charles XVI, has Gustaf as added second name.

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