mardi 5 octobre 2021

Ark : empty weight and freighted weight, number of couples on the Ark.

Baraminological Note · For Sea-Farers .... · Rolling Period of Ark? · Ark : empty weight and freighted weight, number of couples on the Ark. · Small Tidbits on Ark, Especially Mathematical

For empty weight of Ark, thickness times density of the wood, times following measures in square cubits:

2*30*50 = 3,000 square cubits
2*30*300 = 18,000 sq cub
4*50*300 = 60,000 sq cub
3,000 + 18,000 + 60,000 = 81,000 sq cub

The problem is, we don't know what cubit length it is, an Egyptian of 18 inches, or a longer one of up to 24 inches.

So, let's suppose we take each of these extremes in metrics ... first multiply with relevant number of inches, then convert to metric system

30*18 = 540 in, 13.716 m
50*18 = 900 in, 22.86 m
300*18 = 5,400 in, 137.16 m

30*24 = 720 in, 18.288 m
50*24 = 1,200 in, 30.48 m
300*24 = 7,200 in, 182.88 m

2 * 13.716 * 22.86 = 627.096 2 * 13.716 * 137.16 = 3,762.573 4 * 22.86 * 137.16 = 12,541.91 627.096 + 3,762.573 + 12,541.91 = 16,931.579

2 * 18.288 * 30.48 = 1,114.836
2 * 18.288 * 182.88 = 6,689.019
4 * 30.48 * 182.88 = 22,296.73
1,114.836 + 6,689.019 + 22,296.73 = 30,100.585

Then let's suppose the thickness of timber of each wall, floor or roof is either half a cubit or an entire cubit:

16,931.579 * 0.229 = 3,870.559
16,931.579 * 0.457 = 7,741.118

30,100.585 * 0.305 = 9,174.658
30,100.585 * 0.61 = 18,349.317

Now take the density of the wood. I'll take a high density hard wood, and a low density soft wood, rose and pine.

Rosewood has up to 880 kg per m3. With pine, we are down to 352 kg/m3. 100 kg = 0.1 metric ton, so it's easy to convert into tons

Small cubit :

3,870.559 * 0.352 = 1,362.437
3,870.559 * 0.88 = 3,406.092

7,741.118 * 0.352 = 2,724.874
7,741.118 * 0.88 = 6,812.184

Big cubit :

9,174.658 * 0.352 = 3,229.48
9,174.658 * 0.88 = 8,073.699

18,349.317 * 0.352 = 6,458.959
18,349.317 * 0.88 = 16,147.399

Now let's talk about the freighted weight - that means empty weight, plus weight of whatever freight is added, both crew and passengers and whatever inert cargo, like food supplies.

We can take it that the water line was 14 or 15 cubits up. If it was 15 cubits up, the moment when water covered the highest mountains (including the one where the Ark was built) the Ark could start floating but still risk scratching the soil. Not too big a problem if it was fairly soft.

If it was 14 cubits up, the moment when water covered the highest mountains, the Ark could float freely. Perhaps a better option.

Volume displaced of water = weight of all of the ship, with any content, so, in this case, freighted weight. This equals either half the volume of the Ark (15 = 15, 2*15 = 30), or 14/30, 7/15 of the volume (14 < 16, 30 * 7/15 = 14).

And the volumes are either from 18 inch cubit or from 24 inch cubit.

13.716 * 7/15 * 22.86 * 137.16 = 20,069.565
13.716 * 1/2 * 22.86 * 137.16 = 21,503.105

18.288 * 7/15 * 30.48 * 182.88 = 47,572.302
18.288 * 1/2 * 30.48 * 182.88 = 50,970.324

So, what weight is then left for crew, passengers and food?

Small cubit:

20,069.565 - 1,362.437 = 18,707.128
20,069.565 - 3,406.092 = 16,663.473
20,069.565 - 2,724.874 = 17,344.692
20,069.565 - 6,812.184 = 13,257.381

21,503.105 - 1,362.437 = 20,140.669
21,503.105 - 3,406.092 = 18,097.013
21,503.105 - 2,724.874 = 18,778.232
21,503.105 - 6,812.184 = 14,690.922

Big cubit:

47,572.302 - 3,229.48 = 44,342.823
47,572.302 - 8,073.699 = 39,498.603
47,572.302 - 6,458.959 = 41,113.343
47,572.302 - 16,147.399 = 31,424.904

50,970.324 - 3,229.48 = 47,740.844
50,970.324 - 8,073.699 = 42,896.625
50,970.324 - 6,458.959 = 44,511.364
50,970.324 - 16,147.399 = 34,822.925

So, for men and beasts and their food and the tools not specified, we have a weight of between 13,257.381 metric tons and 47,740.844 metric tons, if my observation on the waterline holds water (ha ha).

On the other* post, I had estimated the number of couples to 2032, meaning 4064 individuals, on the average size of a sheep. Now, a sheep eats 7 kg green fodder per day, 365 days. 10,383.52 metric tons for food. How much would 4064 sheep weigh? Tame sheep weigh 45 to 160 kg for the bucks, 45 to 100 kg for the ewes. Let's add the numbers together and divide by four : (45+45+160+100)/4 = 87.5 kg. Let's multiply this by 4064. 355.6 metric tons. Living passengers with crew therefore 355.6 + 10,383.52 = 10,739.12.

So, even the smallest weight available for the animals and food and tools and the walls of the small chambers and so on has 500 tons for tools and temporary water supplies on top of needed animals and food weight. And the 2032 couples I got by reducing an evolutionist's estimate for number of species (taking mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians separately) by only 16, the number of species I thought there were of hedgehogs, but that's actually 17.

What would we get with a larger Ark (a larger cubit)?

47,740.844 / 13,257.381 = 3.601

2,032 * 3.601 = 7,317.387

So, the number of couples on the Ark would vary between 2,032 and 7,317 according to dimensions and empty weight of the Ark. With less food per individual, even more so.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Sts Placidus and Brothers
Martyrs of Messina

Messanae, in Sicilia, natalis sanctorum Martyrum Placidi Monachi, e beati Benedicti Abbatis discipulis, et ejus fratrum Eutychii et Victorini, ac sororis eorum Flaviae Virginis, itemque Donati, Firmati Diaconi, Fausti et aliorum triginta Monachorum, qui omnes a Manucha pirata, pro Christi fide, necati sunt.

* Ex-JW Took On the Flood on my English debate blog.

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