samedi 23 juillet 2022

Just in Case ANYONE Confuses Young Earth Creationism with Megachurches

Just in Case ANYONE Confuses Young Earth Creationism with Megachurches · Or with JW's · A Catholic Creationist Cannot be Compared to a Catholic Doing Glossolalia · A Reflection on Glossolalia

While the Ark Encounter is a thing with Young Earth Creationism, it is not a Church, per se. It's a kind of museum.

Famous Birthdays : Ken Ham

According to our analysis, Wikipedia, Forbes & Business Insider, Ken Ham net worth is approximately $1.5 Million.

Let's compare this to:

According to our analysis, Wikipedia, Forbes & Business Insider, Kenneth Copeland net worth is approximately $300 Million.

Famous Birthdays : Kenneth Copeland

Kenneth Copeland is not running a museum. He actually is running a megachurch. He is 200 times richer than Ken Ham is.

Now, Ken Ham is known to be a Young Earth Creationist. Is Kenneth Copeland?


The Pre-Adamic Civilization
8th Nov. 2015 | Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Kenneth Copeland's wife is entertaining another lady and both are disdainful about what Ken Ham would have to say.

Stop mixing apples and oranges, please!/HGL

PS, the lady, Billye Brim, is claiming Jeremiah 4:23 - 27 as proof text. It would appear that the real meaning is God comparing what He's doing with Israel to the Flood, here is the Haydock comment to some of these verses:

Ver. 23. Void. Heb. "Thohu and bohu," like chaos. Gen. i. 2. H.
Ver. 25. Gone. Beasts feel the wrath of God, and in a land uninhabited; not even birds will remain. Osee iv. 3. S. Jer.
Ver. 26. Carmel: the beautiful country of Palestine, (H.) Jerusalem, (Theod.) or the mountain so called.
Ver. 27. Destroy, when Jechonias was led captive. God allowed the people still eleven years to repent; and he afterwards restored the Jews. C. --- He will never suffer his church to perish. W.

H = Haydock
Theod. = Theodoretus?
C = Challoner
W = Witham

PPS - the earthquakes and fault lines are from the Flood. Obviously./HGL

PPPS - "the world that then was" also refers to what was before the Flood, not before Genesis 1:2./HGL

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