samedi 13 juillet 2024

Göbekli Tepe was not Pre-Flood

The Prehistory Guys made a point about the Sayburç man. The motif seems related to the Urfa man holding hands across his groin and lots of T-pillars with hands on the waists.

Let's first off use my calibration (with intercalations for this one), to see this fits in the early part of Babel / Göbekli Tepe, unlike Bonkuklu Höyük which starts in the late part of Babel and survives it some.

Bonkuklu Höyük 8300 to 7800 BC

8300 BC
C. 2566—2570 BC, 50 pmC(1)
7800 BC
C. 2532 BC, 52.874 pmC(2)

Urfa man 9000 BC, Sayburç, approx. same period

9000 or 8990 BC
C. 2590 BC, 46.107 pmC(3)

Now check this:

Im Jahr 1997 wurde durch DNA-Tests festgestellt, dass matrilineare Verwandte des als "Cheddar Man" bekannten antiken Menschen immer noch in der Region leben. Adrian Targett, ein Lehrer an einer weiterführenden Schule, stellte sich als DNA-Übereinstimmung heraus. Er wurde in der Nähe des letzten Ruheplatzes von Cheddar Man geboren und hält immer noch den Rekord für den „weitesten durch DNA nachgewiesenen Nachkommen“.

Cheddar Man ist ein etwa 10.000 Jahre altes Skelett, das in einer Höhle in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, im Vereinigten Königreich gefunden wurde. (4)

I'll translate:

In 1997 they found by DNA-tests, that matrilinear relatives of the ancient man known as "Cheddar Man" still live in the region. Adrian Targett, teacher at a secondary school, proved a DNA match. He was born in the vicinity of the last place of repose of Cheddar Man and still holds the record for the "furthest DNA proven descendant".

Cheddar Man is a skeleton, around 10 000 years old, which was found in a cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, UK.

In other words, carbon dated to 8000 BC, he died here when Babel ended. If you agree with my Bible and Archaeology match and with my recalibration.

Unless you dismiss this as a total fluke, and carbon dating beyond 3000 years ago as not even correct in the question of relative older or younger, this would mean, we as Creationists would agree with the Prehistory Guys that Cheddar Man died while Bonkuklu Höyük was inhabited (which was during 34—38 years, 2566 or 2570 to 2532 BC, not as they argue, 500 years, from 8300 to 7800 BC), which started out while Göbekli Tepe was in use.

Now, lets return to the point The Prehistory Guys were making. The motif was well known. Show a girl in red hooded cape with a basked facing a wolf, you will elicit the response "Little Red Riding Hood" ... they thought it was a story, which everyone back then knew.

There are other things than stories that are well known motifs. A) Two men. Both in running positions, raising knees and feet against the other and especially pointing them towards a round object, about the size of their heads. If The Prehistory Guys are in any doubt that this is not a one time event preserved in a well known story, I would advise them to ask fans of Tottenham and Manchester United what that motif means. B) Or a man with a Spanish helmet with a funny grid over the face, holding a trident in one hand and a net in the other. Nope, it's not a reference to a myth about Neptune, it's a reference to gladiator fights. Very recurrent events in Ancient Rome.

Imagine a man possibly trying to hold back ... well, what the Sayburç man is possibly trying to hold back (5). He is surrounded by wild animals. Given we have early Neolithic Anatolian depictions of beheaded people lying before vultures (and the Bird Man on one pillar of Göbekli Tepe seems to be that exact thing viewed from an angle where it looks as if the head was replaced by the vulture), I think we can assume very securely that this kind of thing was not done by Noah and his kin when erecting an altar to God after the Flood. It was more like what Nimrod would do during Babel.

But, equally, it was like a kind of thing which could have provoked God to the Flood?

Well, here the Cheddar Man comes in. His mother or granny or sth or his daughter had far off descendants in the mother of Adrian Targett. There was no Flood between Cheddar Man and Adrian Targett. Arguably, the years after Babel would be when many if not all populations arrived at present locations.

Carbon dated 8000 BC was not pre-Flood. It was also not very early post-Flood as in when Noah stepped out of the Ark and made a sacrifice. It was very arguably the end of Babel. And if Cheddar Man is in reconstructions portrayed as smiling, it could be relief at being that far away from Nimrod.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Pope St. Anacletus, Martyr

Romae sancti Anacleti, Papae et Martyris, qui, post sanctum Clementem Ecclesiam Dei regens, eam glorioso martyrio decoravit.


(1) Excerpt and intercalations:

2573 av. J.-Chr.
48,992 pcm, donc daté à 8473 av. J.-Chr.
2556 av. J.-Chr.
51,761 pcm, donc daté à 8006 av. J.-Chr.

8473-2573=5900 0.5^(5900/5730)=0.4898227164058108
8006-2556=5450 0.5^(5450/5730)=0.5172256113123032

8300-2566=5734, 8300-2570=5730 0.5^1

(2) Excerpt and intercalations:

2539 av. J.-Chr.
52,64 pcm, donc daté à 7839 av. J.-Chr.
2522 av. J.-Chr.
53,518 pcm, donc daté à 7672 av. J.-Chr.

7839-2539=5300 0.5^(5300/5730)=0.5266964461029123
7672-2522=5150 0.5^(5150/5730)=0.5363406998226489

(2539 + 2522) / 2 = 2530.5
(52.67 + 53.634) / 2 = 53.152 => 5250
2530.5 + 5250 = 7780.5

(2539 + 2539 + 2522) / 3 = 2533
(52.67 + 52.67 + 53.634) / 3 = 52.9913 => 5250

7800-2532=5268 0.5^(5268/5730)=0.5287392282276087

(3) Excerpt:

2590 av. J.-Chr.
46,218 pcm, donc daté à 8990 av. J.-Chr.

8990-2590=6400 0.5^(6400/5730)=0.4610744262600611

(4) Source:

Der weiteste durch DNA nachgewiesene Nachkomme
Ekto, Leuchtturmwärter 21. Juni [2024], Leuchtfeuer

(5) Google it! I'm trying to keep this blog family friendly. The google will probably be showing a link to a video by The Prehistory Guys, so I'm not withholding them.

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