vendredi 26 juillet 2024

Was Noah's Ark Impossible? Building the Ark

Was Noah's Ark Impossible? Building the Ark · Was Noah's Ark Impossible? Baraminology · Was Noah's Flood and Ark Textually Possible? Interrupting Refutation of Robert A. Moore to Turn to Damien Mackey

The Impossible Voyage of Noah's Ark
Creation/Evolution Journal | Volume 4 | No. 1 | Winter 1983

On the other hand, in an era when hollowed-out logs and reed rafts were the extent of marine transport, a vessel so massive appeared that the likes of it would not be seen again until the mid-nineteenth century AD. Before he could even contemplate such a project, Noah would have needed a thorough education in naval architecture and in fields that would not arise for thousands of years such as physics, calculus, mechanics, and structural analysis. There was no shipbuilding tradition behind him, no experienced craftspeople to offer advice. Where did he learn the framing procedure for such a Brobdingnagian structure? How could he anticipate the effects of roll, pitch, yaw, and slamming in a rough sea? How did he solve the differential equations for bending moment, torque, and shear stress?

The sad fact is, Robert A. Moore didn't bother all that much in verifying what his opponents, us, are actually saying.

One glaring fact stands out immediately : he thinks mainly of post-Flood cultural developments. There are more.

On the other hand, in an era when hollowed-out logs and reed rafts were the extent of marine transport,

What exact era is Robert Moore talking about?

Ice age Denmark would clearly be post-Flood. It is also post-Flood technological developments we have a fairly good overview of, in secular literature, apart from these overlong timespans it supposedly involved. I think I recall hollowed out logs from just post-Ice Age Denmark, but if you don't trust my memory, check this:

The remains of nine log-boats, canoes hollowed from old tree trunks, were found upstream, dating from across the Bronze and into the Iron Age, included some that were contemporary to Must Farm.

University of Cambridge: Research reveals ‘cosy domesticity’ of prehistoric stilt-house dwellers in England’s ancient marshland
Story: Fred Lewsey, Published 20 March 2024

In the article, it appears the Must Farm is carbon dated to 850 BC, which is definitely close to the real 850 BC, and so post-Flood.

The oldest similar thing is from Pesse in the Netherlands, carbon dated to 8000 BC, just at the end of Babel (2556 BC).

The oldest boat discovered so far is the 3 meter long Pesse canoe constructed around 8,000 BCE [ Wikipedia ]; but other craft existed even earlier. A rock carving in Azerbaijan dating from ~10,000 BCE shows a reed boat manned by about 20 paddlers. In Northern Europe, some argue that hide boats (kayaks) were used as early as 9,500 BCE.

History of Ships / Prehistoric Craft
Jean Vaucher (April 2014) - updated January 2023 -

Of the three only reed boats are pre-Babel (between 2633 and 2607 BC), Northern European kayaks are at the beginning of Babel (2607 BC). All three are post-Flood (post-2957 BC).

a vessel so massive appeared that the likes of it would not be seen again until the mid-nineteenth century AD.

Container might be more like it?

Before he could even contemplate such a project, Noah would have needed a thorough education in naval architecture and in fields that would not arise for thousands of years such as physics, calculus, mechanics, and structural analysis.

Instructions by an omniscient and allwise God obviously depending on those factors ... so not ...

There was no shipbuilding tradition behind him, no experienced craftspeople to offer advice.

The Nodian Civilisation being obviously the archaeological field of research for Robert Moore ... again, so not ...

Where did he learn the framing procedure for such a Brobdingnagian structure? How could he anticipate the effects of roll, pitch, yaw, and slamming in a rough sea? How did he solve the differential equations for bending moment, torque, and shear stress?

The what? Framing procedure? Much of the Ark is basically the frame. Or did you mean scaffolding? How about using rocks or sand of earth for that, then taking it down (or letting the Deluge wash it down) before the bording (or with rainwashing, before the take-off on day 40)?

How could he anticipate the effects of
1) roll,
2) pitch,
3) yaw, and
4) slamming in a rough sea?

At least God was able to anticipate the rolling period. As I wrote elsewhere:

So, unless I totally got the way of calculating radius of gyration wrong, the rolling period of the Ark, according to the formula given in wiki, would have been between 11.71 and 12.82 seconds.

The ark was not inconvencienced by yaw, since it wasn't specifically going anywhere in particular, and that means, there probably was no pitch. The ark was arguably floating in a wave trough, and definitely not getting from one wave crest to another over the trough between. Hence no pitch. Yaw might happen on occasion when waves changed direction. It's a nuisance for navigation, since it has a course to take, not for the Ark.

As for slamming in a rough sea, that's not what you expect on deep water. Unless you cruise across waves attempting to avoid rolling, which the Ark pretty obviously had no means for and didn't and didn't need to. Rough seas happen in shallow water, like Kon Tiki outside that reef where it landed, the Raroia atoll.

What was the last part of this again?

How did he solve the differential equations for bending moment, torque, and shear stress?

What I can find, this is more of an issue in house building than in ships, but, I think God could have been a competent instructor on any matter where needed. And the lost Nodian civilisation sufficiently sophisticated for Noah to understand the instructions.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Anne

Dormitio sanctae Annae, quae mater exstitit Immaculatae Virginis Genitricis Dei Mariae.

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