lundi 13 janvier 2025

Sharing Dr. Sarfati's Observation on Australian Rabbits

Lessons from Australia’s rabbit plague
by Jonathan Sarfati

Contains answers to:

  • How can we be so many if we descend from only 8 people?
  • How could we avoid dangerous inbreeding if we descend from only 8 people?
  • How did animals get to Australia from the Ararat Mountains?
  • What did John Malthus get wrong?

I wish I had written it, but as it is, I can just warmly recommend it!

PS, I can improve on one thing, making the links to Dr. Carter's podcasts on Biblical Genetics clickable:

Biblical Bottlenecks are not Bad
May 27, 2020 | Uncategorized

Evolutionary Bottlenecks are Disastrous
Jun 2, 2020 | Uncategorized

PPS, this one's also excellent:

Could humans take down mammoths with spears?
by Michael J. Oard | This article is from
Journal of Creation 37(3):13–15, December 2023

CMI really does far more good in the area of Creation Science than one could fear in terms of harm by Protestantism. Otherwise, I wouldn't promote it./HGL

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