jeudi 16 janvier 2025

Why Young Earth Creationists Should Consider the Sprachbund Theory (Indo-European, Uralic, Other)

I) Before Indo-European (The Indo-Uralic Hypothesis) Part TWO
Learn Hittite | 29 March 2024

So, if the common parent language is supposed to cover not just anything from Irish to Hindi, but also Finnish, Turkish, Japanese, how would the post-Babel time be enough for such divergence.

On the other hand, if similarities are due to Sprachbund phenomena, the extension of some outside Indo-European would be explainable.

II) The Germanic Substrate Theory
Tidsdjupet | 9 Nov. 2024

The rise in Indo-European vocabulary for Germanic is due to a change in method of counting.

Method of Sigmund Feist, Bruno Lieblich, more or less proves "PIE" origin of a word, its presence in more than one "branch". This is what I am trying to test on PIE vs Sprachbund Project Newer method, Guus Kroonen, wants non-IE origin to be positively proven by presence of non-IE phonotactics. Like a word that's borrowed from another language typically remains in the phonotactic patterns of its language of origin?

I would say that Presley and Disney are two names showing very English phonotactics. But Presley (the famous Elvis) descends from someone in Munster bearing the name "Preslaar" which means he came (perhaps indirectly over generations) from Breslau. Disney (the famous Walt) descends from a Norman from ("de") a place called "Isigny" ...

The method of Guus Kroonen seen from this angle (the video might be oversimplifying and I have not checked Guus Kronen's original work, this is the first or maybe second time I hear of him) would be requiring absence of any possible Indo-European sound shape (like Presley is a possible English, but not a possible Finnish sound shape), something standing out as much from pre-Germanic as "déjà-vue" (when pronounced in French) stands out from English. Anything else is Indo-European, unless it has a known non-IE origin. Himmel (heaven or sky in German, Dutch and Scandinavian) must go back to a *kemelon or *kemelos or sth, even if debesīs, beheşt, ouranos, caelum, neamh, svarg, suggest that neither heaven nor the sky was called that in a language ancestral to Germanic, Baltic, Iranian, Greek, Italic, Celtic, Indic, while Slavic sides with Celtic, Albanian with Italic, and Armenian drakht gives yet another shade to the cloudscape. Just because *kemelon or *kemelos clearly does fit Indo-European phonotactics.

From Feist and Lieblich estimating to my Greek professor giving the news, the non-IE content of Germanic vocabulary, as my memory serves me, had risen from 30 to 80 %. By the method of Kroonen, it has sunk to 4 to 5 %. For the examples given in the video, I would probably tend to grant that "kuni-ngaz" can be attached to a compound the first part of which is cognate with "gens" or "genos" in an O-grade version of the stem, but when it comes to "hand" being from "hinna" according to a certainly IE-style Ablaut scheme, why would borrowed words not follow indigenous sound patterns? In Maltese, the word "inch" is "insh" but the plural is "unush" ... because nouns with the form CiCC can have plurals like CuCuC (initial vowel sound counts as silent consonant in Semitic).

So, Guus Kroonen's method seems, as portrayed in the video by my countryman, to ignore phonotactic levelling or productivity of Ablaut./HGL

PS, my countryman's video contains a diagramme for the population overturns in South Scandinavia:

The calibrated limits between the periods, whatever the exact meaning is (I think each period has a colour and to the right a genetic mapping, but I could be wrong), would in Biblical chronology reduce to:

11,700 BP = 9700 BC = between 2621 BC and 2608 BC
5,900 BP = 3,900 BC = 2005 BC
5,800 BP = 3,800 BC = before 1982 BC
4,800 BP = 2,800 BC = 1700 BC
4,600 BP = 2,600 BC = 1678 BC
3000 BP = 1000 BC = 1000 BC

The last one being beyond my recalibration tables. Newer Tables: Preliminaries · Flood to Joseph in Egypt · Joseph in Egypt to Fall of Troy./HGL

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