mardi 25 mars 2025

Advice, perhaps?

What If Exodus was 18th Dynasty and not 13th? · Testing for Pharao of Exodus = Amenophis II, with Three Alternative's for Joseph's Pharao · Advice, perhaps?

Before I could replace Newer Tables partly (from IV—V on) with taking Amenophis II instead of a 13th Dynasty Pharao, I'd need to consider whether I'd take the carbon date 1457 as basically 1446 (as per Assyrian chronology and 480 years in III Kings 6 being exact) or whether I take it as an alias for the real year 1510 BC, as the Exodus is dated in the Roman Martyrology.

III Kings 6:1 And *it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel came out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of the reign of Solomon over Israel, in the month Zio, (the same is the second month) he began to build a house to the Lord.

Ver. 1. Eightieth year. This chronology meets with the approbation of most people. See Usher. (Chap. xii.) Some, however, find a difficulty in reconciling it with Acts xiii. 20., which seems to attribute 450 years to the government of the judges. (Calmet) --- Septuagint have 440; Josephus 592, though Ruffin neglects the 90 in his version; Petau 520; Severus 582; Clement of Alexandria 566; Vossius 580; Cano 590; Serarius 680. --- Houbigant would read 350 in the Acts. But Capellus would add 100 here, &c. (Haydock) --- Second of the sacred year, corresponding with our April. Syriac, Chaldean styles it "of the splendour of flowers." (Menochius) --- The Hurons, and other nations of America, call this "the moon of plants;" the Flemings, "the month for mowing," Grasmaand. Our Saxon ancestors gave descriptive names to the months. See Verstegan. (Haydock) --- At first, the Hebrews only described the months by their order; "first, second," &c. In Solomon's time we begin to find other names, taken from the Phenicians, (Scaliger) Chaldean names were adopted; (Haydock) 1. Nisan; 2. Jar; 3. Sivan; 4. Tammus; 5. Ab; 6. Elul; 7. Tisri; 8. Marshevan; 9. Casleu; 10. Thebet; 11. Schebet; 12. Adar; (Calmet) 13. Veadar, the intercalary month, when requisite, according to the lunar system, which was not perhaps yet adopted. Each of these months generally corresponded with two of ours; Nisan with the end of March and the beginning of April, &c. Septuagint here take no notice of Zio, though they do, ver. 37. (Haydock) --- The temple was begun on Monday, May 21, in the year of the world 2992. (Usher) --- It was finished in the year of the world 3000, or in the following year, when it was solemnly dedicated. (Button.)

In the former case, I'd have to make a remake of the chronology. I'd immediately get the pre-Flood time corrected to 2262 years instead of 2242. I could chose between two different LXX readings of Genesis 11, without or with the II Cainan. Most parts of the table would be the same.

  without II Cainan  with II Cainan
Temple 966  966
King David 915  915
Jericho 1406  1406
Exodus 1446  1446
Genesis 14 1870  1870
Promise 1876  1876
Birth of Abraham 1950  1950
Babel 2491  2491
Flood 2892  3020
Creation 5154  5282

Of these years, I'd only make tables for:

  without II Cainan  with II Cainan
Exodus 1446  1446
Genesis 14 1870  1870
(Promise) 1876  1876
(Birth of Abraham) 1950  1950
Babel 2491  2491
Flood 2892  3020
Creation 5154  5282

The items in brackets would not be nodes.

On the other hand, if I stick to the Roman martyrology, and I accept Amenophis II, I'm obliged to argue that the bases of conventional Egyptian chronology after his time have been shortened, but only to the time of the fall of Troy:

1179 BC
dated as 1179 BC

1510 BC
dated as 1424 BC
dated as 1457 BC

331 actual years would be conventionally dated as only 278 or even as 245 years. Here is where the advice comes in. Is this possible? I don't know.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Annunciation of Our Lady

Annuntiatio beatissimae Virginis Genitricis Dei Mariae.

dimanche 23 mars 2025

I Just Saw a Breakdown of Neo-Nazi Groups, Looked Up Nordfront, and Found Wernher von Braun

Wernher von Braun föddes den 23 mars 1912 i den tyska provinsen Posen (som etniskt rensades på tyskar efter kriget och nu är en del av Polen). Han anses som raketforskningens fader och mannen som förde människan till månen.

Nordfront: Wernher von Braun – mannen som förde människan till månen
Publicerad: 2018-03-23 00:00

The Neo-Nazi group that is fairly close to Nordfront (but separate entities) is the Nordic Resistance Movement. I'm not totally happy with members bombing a refugee shelter and seriously injuring one, I'd have preferred no serious violence at all (they think the violence is a necessity, I hope they are wrong). But I am happy that they didn't actually kill anyone. Meanwhile, Nordfront is a journalistic enterprise. This article is probably refeatured every 23 of March since 2018 when it was published, since it's Wernher von Braun's birthday, back in 1912 (one week before the death of Karl May, and no, he wasn't racist, he was pretty pro-German chauvinist, but not a racist), and the first point they make is, Wernher von Braun was born in Posen, not present Poznań, but retrospectively called Prowincja Poznańska. The particular division of country around the city of Posen or Poznań has been reorganised, as Germans were subject to ethnic cleansing after WW-II. However, Wernher von Braun was in fact not just a German patriot, but also an official in the Nazi Era German Reich, and a member of the party and of the SS.

After the war, he came to the US.

He actually constructed useable rockets, including space rockets.

Now, in so far as spacecraft are a parallel to airplanes in getting off the ground, Wernher von Braun would be parallel to Orville and Wilbur Wright. Meanwhile, the air plane paper constructions of Leonardo da Vinci are pretty useless. However, he was a precursor to Orville and Wilbur.

Readers of my blog will be aware that I consider Wernher von Braun had a similar precursor, who absolutely couldn't have pulled it off. And that he was sth far worse than a National Socialist, bad as that on occasion may be, namely Nimrod Ben Kush. Based on what?

a) Graham Hancock, who believed in Ancient Alien Astronauts and maybe still does, considered Göbekli Tepe looks as if it were constructed as a landing place for alien spacecraft.
b) I do not believe in Aliens, but I cannot preclude Ancient Aspiring Austronauts, and GMr. Hancock's remark set me looking things up. Tower described in ways compatible with rocket, check. Göbekli Tepe fits the Geography, check. Göbekli Tepe is preceded by linguistic or at least cultural unity from Indonesia to Spain, check. Göbekli Tepe is followed by blatant cultural and obviously even linguistic diversity, check. Göbekli Tepe, like Babel, comes somewhere midway between Flood and Genesis 14, check.

And Nimrod wanted to get into heaven. I e into outer space. And God's remark doesn't include the word "lest" in English:

And he said: Behold, it is one people, and all have one tongue: and they have begun to do this, neither will they leave off from their designs, till they accomplish them in deed Come ye, therefore, let us go down, and there confound their tongue, that they may not understand one another's speech
[Genesis 11:6-7]


And he said: Behold Adam is become as one of us, knowing good and evil: now, therefore, lest perhaps he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever
[Genesis 3:22]

There are two "lest" in Genesis 3, verses 3 and 22. It's the Hebrew conjunction "pen-" ... but there is only one "lest" or "pen-" in Genesis 11, verse 4.

God is not stating He tries to avoid men accomplishing what they had undertaken.

We must see the confusion of their language, the halting of their project, as a temporary halt, meant to allow knowledge to accumulate, since Wernher von Braun was just a little bit better equipped in know-how and applicable knowledge than Nimrod back in the Neolithic. This also answers an Atheist talking point: "if God was angry at a tower, why has He allowed skyscrapers and even spacecraft now" ... the text in Genesis 11 actually doesn't state that God is angry. If someone's mummy wags her head, takes a nearly just toddler away from the stove and tells him to put on an oven glove before taking out the cookie he baked, doesn't mean she is angry with him, just that she cares for his safety.

On this view, Wernher von Braun is actually prophecied in this chapter of the Bible. Another prophecy of the Bible was accomplished last week.

Though thou be exalted as an eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars: thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord
[Abdias (Obadiah) 1:4]

And some spacemen were safely brought down:

'Stranded' Astronauts Spent 9 Months in Space. Here's How Much They Might Earn – and Why It Doesn't Include Overtime
David Chiu Wed, March 19, 2025 at 6:56 PM GMT+1

I would say at nine months they can be said to have nested among the stars. Nests being to egg hatching what nine months are to pregnancies. Hat tip to Allie Beth Stuckey for mentioning this fact.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Oculi LD

samedi 22 mars 2025

Testing for Pharao of Exodus = Amenophis II, with Three Alternative's for Joseph's Pharao

What If Exodus was 18th Dynasty and not 13th? · Testing for Pharao of Exodus = Amenophis II, with Three Alternative's for Joseph's Pharao · Advice, perhaps?

The three possible Pharaos are: Djoser (whom I have favoured so far), Senusret III (whom I have so far taken to be the pharao who died when Moses was very young), and what was the alternative by Damien Mackey again ... here we are:

Mentuhotpe [Mentuhotep] II ... came to the Theban throne under the name S'ankhibtawy ... his domain stretched from the First Cataract to the tenth nome of Upper Egypt; in other words, it was still curtailed to the north by the territory of the princes of Asyut. A hostile peace was maintained between the two kingdoms, but this was disrupted when the Thinite nome, suffering grievously from famine, revolted against the Herakleopolitan clan. Mentuhotpe captured Asyut and passed through the fifteenth nome without encountering resistance - this was effectively the fall of the Herakleapolitan dynasty.

Joseph in Egypt’s Eleventh Dynasty, Moses in Egypt’s Twelfth Dynasty
Part One: Joseph ruled like Pharaoh in ancient Egypt
by Damien F. Mackey

Table 3: Amarna and Thebes
Mentuhotep II, Dyn. 11, N° 9, Capital Thebes, Provenance Deir el-Bahri
Historical Median 2032, BR 2010 model 2059+/-2, calibrated 2004+/-20

Radiocarbon Chronology for Dynastic Egypt and the Tell el DabCa debate: a regional hypothesis
By Graham Hagens

Let's calculate the time from Genesis 14 to Exodus with the three different pharaos, and I'll put each at the head of the calculation:


1935 BC
82.753 pmC, so dated 3500 BC

1700 BC
87.541 pmC, dated as 2800 BC

1510 BC
100.655 pmC so dated as 1457 BC

The path between Genesis 14 and c. death of Joseph's pharao is the same as in IV—V in Newer Tables, Flood to Joseph in Egypt. What remains is the change between Joseph's pharao and Exodus.

190 years, 0.977278, 0.02272

87.541 pmC * 0.977278 + 2.272 pmC = 87.824 pmC
100.655 pmC - 87.824 pmC = 12.831 pmC
12.831 + 2.272 = 15.103 pmC
15.103 pmC / 2.272 pmC = 6.647 times as fast

Mentuhotep II

1935 BC
82.753 pmC, so dated 3500 BC

1700 BC
95.75 pmC, so dated 2059 BC

1510 BC
100.655 pmC so dated as 1457 BC

235 years, 0.97197, 0.02803

82.753 pmC * 0.97197 + 2.803 pmC = 83.236 pmC
95.75 pmC - 83.236 pmC = 12.514 pmC
12.514 pmC + 2.803 pmC = 15.316 pmC
15.316 pmC / 2.803 pmC = 5.465 times as fast

190 years, 0.977278, 0.02272

95.75 pmC * 0.977278 + 2.272 pmC = 95.847 pmC
100.655 - 95.847 pmC = 4.808 pmC
4.808 pmC + 2.272 pmC = 7.081 pmC
7.081 pmC / 2.272 pmC = 3.116 times as fast

Senusret III

1935 BC
82.753 pmC, so dated 3500 BC

1700 BC
98.344 pmC, so dated 1838 BC

1510 BC
100.655 pmC so dated as 1457 BC

235 years, 0.97197, 0.02803

82.753 pmC * 0.97197 + 2.803 pmC = 83.236 pmC
98.344 pmC - 83.236 pmC = 15.108 pmC
15.108 pmC + 2.803 pmC = 17.91 pmC
17.91 pmC / 2.803 pmC = 6.39 times as fast

190 years, 0.977278, 0.02272

98.344 pmC * 0.977278 + 2.272 pmC = 98.382 pmC
100.655 - 98.382 pmC = 2.273 pmC
2.273 pmC + 2.272 pmC = 4.546 pmC
4.546 pmC / 2.272 pmC = 2 times as fast

Djoser in the Middle

1841 BC
Abraham died
1838 BC
84.77 pmC, dated as 3204 BC

From my table IV—V, but for the following:

94 years, 0.98869, 1.131 pmC

Mentuhotep II in the Middle

1841 BC
Abraham died
87.996 pmC, so dated 2898 BC

1.131 pmC * 5.465 = 6.179 pmC
82.753 pmC * 0.98869 + 6.179 pmC = 87.996 pmC
5730 * log(0.87996)/log(0.5) + 1841 = 2898 BC

Senusret III in the Middle

1841 BC
Abraham died
89.043 pmC, so dated 2800 BC

1.131 pmC * 6.39 = 7.225 pmC
82.753 pmC * 0.98869 + 7.225 pmC = 89.043 pmC
5730 * log(0.89043)/log(0.5) + 1841 = 2800 BC

Both with Mentuhotep and Senusret in the middle, it is credible that the pharao he met could have died between Genesis 14 and his own death and be Hor Aha or even Narmer. With Senusret in the middle, Abraham would have had occasion to see Djoser, them dying about the same time.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Oculi LD

What If Exodus was 18th Dynasty and not 13th?

What If Exodus was 18th Dynasty and not 13th? · Testing for Pharao of Exodus = Amenophis II, with Three Alternative's for Joseph's Pharao · Advice, perhaps?

By David Aston

I'll not give his full list of radiocarbon dates, but here are those of Amenophis II, also known as Amenhotep II.

Radiocarbon dates 2010
King  68%  95%
Amenophis II  btw 1441 & 1431 BC  btw 1445 & 1423 BC
Radiocarbon dates 2013
King  68%  95%
Amenophis II  btw 1451 & 1434 BC  btw 1456 & 1419 BC

I'll make two radio carbon views on this one.

A) I use my calibration, where, as in David Down, Moses was Amenemhet IV, up to his fortieth year, his sister (formerly adoptive mother) the next pharao, and the pharao of the Exodus by consequence a little known pharao of the 13th dynasty. When in Biblical chronology does this land?
B) I'll use Amenophis II as pharao of Exodus, i) with Exodus in 1510 BC, as per Roman Martyrology, ij) with Exodus in 1446 BC, as per the idea of exactly (not at least but exactly) 480 years before 966 BC. I'll also check where this lands the carbon levels sinking from Exodus to Take of Jericho.

A) Amenophis II would have died in early 14th C. BC:

1398 BC
99.29 pmC, dated as 1457 BC
1374 BC
99.37 pmC, dated as 1426 BC

1510 - 1398 = 112 years after the Exodus, in the Judges period.

1510 - 1374 = 136 years after the Exodus, in the Judges period.

B i) Replacing eruption of Santorini with Death of Amenophis II:

1510 BC
100.655 pmC so dated as 1457 BC

1470 BC
99.037 pmC so dated 1550 BC

First of all, the lowering of carbon 14 levels would not square with the radiocarbon dates for later 18th dynasty kings. But apart from that, what would the change imply?

100.655 * 99.517 % = 100.169 pmC

B ij) and also replacing the Biblical years of the Roman martyrology.

1446 BC
99.879 pmC so dated as 1457 BC

1406 BC
98.273 pmC so dated as 1550 BC

99.879 * 99.517 % = 99.397 pmC

B, in both cases, even with no added carbon 14 into the atmosphere, the simple decay of atmospheric carbon during 40 years will bring the carbon 14 level one pmC unit above the one needed for dating Jericho to 1550 BC ...

However, 1550 BC was Kenyon's dating by other methods, it would seem. Recently there have been carbon dates, sometimes reported as totally confirming Kenyon. Here is another view of them:

Carbon-14 Dates at Jericho and the Destruction Date
/ Uncategorized / By Archae27

However, it was discovered years later that the result of this sample testing was incorrect, and was later reissued on a list of erroneous dates due to a problem with equipment calibration at the laboratory for the years 1980-1984. The dates were corrected to 3300 +/- 110 BP, (Bowman, G.E., Ambers, J., Leese, M.N. “Re-Evaluation of British Museum Radiocarbon Dates Issued Between 1980 and 1984.” Radiocarbon 32, 1990, 74, BM-1790) which calibrates to approximately 1883-1324 BC, rendering the resulting C-14 date useless for settling the debate between a destruction in ca. 1550 BC or ca. 1400 BC (Using

Previous to that, a sample from Jericho had dated to 1400 BC +/- 40 ... suspicious how big the gap between earliest and latest date suddenly became ...

So, maybe the 1550 BC date for Jericho is not just not a carbon date, but totally a red herring.

Let's ignore Jericho, and do both versions again, but taking them to Troy instead.

B i)

1510 BC
100.655 pmC so dated as 1457 BC

1179 BC
100 pmC so dated 1179 BC

331 years, 96.075 %, 3.925 pmC normal buildup
100.655 * 96.075 / 100 + 3.925 = 100.629 pmC, so, the buildup would have been slower.
3.925-0.629 = 3.296, 3.296 / 3.925 = 83.975 % of normal buildup speed.

B ij)

1446 BC
99.879 pmC so dated as 1457 BC

1179 BC
100 pmC so dated 1179 BC

267 years, 96.822 %, 3.178 pmC normal buildup
99.879 * 96.822 / 100 + 3.178 = 99.883 pmC
100-99.883 = 0.117, 3.178 + 0.117 = 3.295, 3.295 / 3.178 = 103.682 % of normal buildup speed.

Unlike for "Jericho carbon dated 1550 BC" this gives no problem.

Perhaps a tip for revision?

Hans Georg Lundahl
Oculi LD

PS, this was inspired by:

Tombeau du pharaon de l'Exode : ce qui a été découvert et pourquoi vous ne le savez pas !
(Tomb of Exodus' Pharao : what has been discoverd and why you don't know it!*)
Expedition Bible | 22 mars 2025

* In France, the title is shown in French, not sure how to turn that off. I tried to change the keyboard, and recharge the page, the title was still in French.

lundi 17 mars 2025

What Would 440 Before the Flood Date To? Carbon Wise? Or 600 Before the Flood?

What Would 220 Before the Flood Date To? Carbon Wise? · What Would 440 Before the Flood Date To? Carbon Wise? Or 600 Before the Flood?

0.5^(440/5730) = 0.9481657393132604

0.9481657393132604 * = decay
0.0518342606867396 = normal replacement

A) with 3.611 times as fast production, like on this view the half as long period after the Flood?
B) with same production as now?
C) with ten times slower production than now (as generally pre-Flood)?

3398 BC
x -> pmC

A) x * 0.9481657393132604 + 3.611 * 0.0518342606867396 = 0.016277
x * 0.9481657393132604 = 0.016277 - 3.611 * 0.0518342606867396
x = (0.016277 - 3.611 * 0.0518342606867396) / 0.9481657393132604
x = -0.180239 ... (minus value, impossible)

B) x * 0.9481657393132604 + 0.0518342606867396 = 0.016277
x * 0.9481657393132604 = 0.016277 - 0.0518342606867396
x = (0.016277 - 0.0518342606867396) / 0.9481657393132604
x = -0.0375 ... (minus value, impossible)

C) x * 0.9481657393132604 + 0.00518342606867396 = 0.016277
x * 0.9481657393132604 = 0.016277 - 0.00518342606867396
x = (0.016277 - 0.00518342606867396) / 0.9481657393132604
x = 0.0117

How about taking the final 440 years as rising twice as fast as the medium?

D) x = (0.016277 - 2 * 0.00518342606867396) / 0.9481657393132604
x = 0.006233

C) 5730 * log(0.0117) / log(0.5) + 3398 = 40 169 BC
D) 5730 * log(0.006233) / log(0.5) + 3398 = 45 375 BC

What about 600 Before the Flood, when Noah was born?

3557 BC
x -> pmC

0.5^(600/5730) = 0.9299905477435162

0.9299905477435162 * = decay
0.0700094522564838 = normal replacement

0.0700094522564838 / 5 = 0.01400189045129676
0.0700094522564838 / 10 = 0.00700094522564838

A) x * 0.9299905477435162 + 0.01400189045129676 = 0.016277
x * 0.9299905477435162 = 0.016277 - 0.01400189045129676
x = (0.016277 - 0.01400189045129676) / 0.9299905477435162
x = 0.002446379

B) x * 0.9299905477435162 + 0.00700094522564838 = 0.016277
x * 0.9299905477435162 = 0.016277 - 0.00700094522564838
x = (0.016277 - 0.00700094522564838) / 0.9299905477435162
x = 0.0099743538

A) 5730 * log(0.002446379) / log(0.5) + 3557 = 53 266 BC
B) 5730 * log(0.0099743538) / log(0.5) + 3557 = 41 648 BC

Three possible tables. Both are on average 1/5 of the normal replacement. The latter part is, but the former part is 1/10 normal replacement. Both are on average 1/10 normal replacement. Hmm ... may have to think the compromise through, tomorrow ...

3557 BC
0.245 pmC, 53 266 BC
3398 BC
0.623 pmC, 45 375 BC

3557 BC
0.997 pmC, 41 648 BC
3398 BC
0.623 pmC, 45 375 BC

3557 BC
0.997 pmC, 41 648 BC
3398 BC
1.17 pmC, 40 169 BC

.... Thinking — could this happen?*

I mean, if the pmC is 0.997 in 3557 BC, could it drop to 0.623 in 3398 BC? Not by decay. In 159 years, the decay is a multiplication by 0.98095. By carbon escaping from somthing which never had carbon 14? Perhaps. So, no, as that is not overlikely in the calm pre-Flood times, probably not. Actually the opposite combination would be more likely:

3557 BC
0.245 pmC, 53 266 BC
3398 BC
1.17 pmC, 40 169 BC

How fast would that have gone?

0.00245 * 0.98095 = 0.0024
0.0024 + 0.01905 = 0.02145 (2.145 pmC)

0.0024 + 0.01905/2 = 0.011925 (1.1925 pmC)

Less than half as fast as modern speed to reach 1.17 pmC. Now, that could happen.

Why am I just speculating, between incompatible scenarii? Because I have no anchor point prior to the Flood, that's why.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Cyril

Hierosolymis sancti Cyrilli Episcopi, Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris; qui, ab Arianis multas pro fidei causa perpessus injurias et ex Ecclesia sua saepe depulsus, tandem, sanctitatis gloria clarus, in pace quievit. Ipsius porro intemeratam fidem prima Constantinopolitana Synodus oecumenica, sancto Damaso Papae scribens, praeclaro testimonio commendavit.

* The middle one, obviously. The other two can.

Stone Age European Seafarers

LiveScience: 7,000-year-old canoes from Italy are the oldest ever found in the Mediterranean
News By Jennifer Nalewicki published March 20, 2024

LiveScience: European hunter-gatherers boated to North Africa during Stone Age, ancient DNA suggests
News By Jess Thomson published St. Patrick's Day 2025

This would be 5000 BC for the canoes, 6500 BC for the arrival in Tunisia. Or rather* ...

2396 BC
60.027 pmC, dated 6615 BC
2391 BC
Arphaxad died
2373 BC
61.194 pmC, dated as 6433 BC

2189 BC
70.415 pmC, dated as 5089 BC
2187 BC
Eber died
2166 BC
71.553 pmC, dated as 4933 BC

... the arrival in Tunisia is from around when Arphaxad died, or some ten years later, and the actual canoes is from when Eber died, or some ten years later ...

Can we refine it a bit?

(2396 + 2373) / 2 = 2384~2385 BC
(60.027 + 61.194) / 2 = 60.6105 pmC

Dates as
5730 * log(0.606105) / log(0.5) + 2384.5 = 6524 BC

(2189 + 2166) / 2 = 2177~2178 BC
(70.415 + 71.553) / 2 = 70.984 pmC

Dates as
5730 * log(0.70984) / log(0.5) + 2177.5 = 5011 BC

So, the arrival in Tunisia would be by 2385 BC, the canoe in Italy from 2177 BC.

Enjoy, happy St. Patrick's Day!

* Newer Tables, Flood to Joseph in Egypt

dimanche 16 mars 2025

So, You Think Another Biblical Chronology is Right than Mine? Here is What You Can Do ... for Carbon Dates

In the Catholic Church, there are three different views on how old the Earth was when Jesus was born.

One council, I think II Counc. of Nicaea, 787, says 5500 years were past when Jesus was born.*

The Historia Scholastica and the Roman Martyrology give the dates I use in reverse. Starting with Jesus born 5199th year after Creation.

And, again, some prefer to go by the Vulgate, since Trent makes it the standard text of the Catholic Bible:

10 These are the generations of Sem: Sem was a hundred years old when he begot Arphaxad, two years after the flood.

11 And Sem lived after he begot Arphaxad, five hundred years, and begot sons and daughters. 12 And Arphaxad lived thirty-five years, and begot Sale. 13 And Arphaxad lived after he begot Sale, three hundred and three years; and begot sons and daughters. 14 Sale also lived thirty years, and begot Heber. 15 And Sale lived after he begot Heber, four hundred and three years; and begot sons and daughters.

16 And Heber lived thirty-four years, and begot Phaleg. 17 And Heber lived after he begot Phaleg, four hundred and thirty years: and begot sons and daughters. 18 Phaleg also lived thirty years, and begot Reu. 19 And Phaleg lived after he begot Reu, two hundred and nine years, and begot sons and daughters.

As we know from Genesis 9, Noah dies 350 after the Flood. Traditionally, one sees Babel as ending when Phaleg (or Peleg) is born. With a LXX without the Second Cainan (the Martyrology), or with a LXX with the Second Cainan (Nicaea II), no problem. With the Vulgate, or King James, both have Hebrew originals with Masoretic chronology in the relevant chapters of Genesis, this would mean Babel ending in 101 after the Flood. That could be problematic.

So, let's count a bit.


2 Years after
Arphaxad born

37 Years after
Sale born

67 Years after
Heber born
101 Years after
Phaleg born

131 Years after
Reu born

340 Years after
Phaleg dies

350 Years after
Noah dies

You can place end of Babel anywhere you want between 101 and 340 after the Flood. Or maybe even 341, if you think Babel ended the anniversary of Phaleg's death, with the Gedenktag. I'm placing it between 350 (Noah's death) and 401 (Phaleg's birth), because I have a LXX chronology. And saying Babel ended when or before Phaleg was born is more traditional (let's say the breaking up took a period of seven year, well, Phaleg could have been born in the seventh of those years).

Now, you match your view of when the Flood was (2348 BC according to Ussher), and your view of when Babel was (Ussher says 2204 BC, so, when Phaleg was 43 or 42 years old) with the data in remains, whether fossil or archaeological or anthropological (I take Neanderthals as a pre-Flood population, so my go to for the Flood is last provenly living Neanderthal, i e last Neanderthal body or body part). And you take your archaeological match for Babel (I take Göbekli Tepe, Petrovich took Ziggurat of Eridu, CMI seems to have basically said the Ice Age Palaeolithic was after Babel).

Then you match the real year, according to the Bible, or what you think that real year was, and carbon year, according to your matching material evidence, and you subtract the BC dates of the real year from the BC dates in carbon years, you get the carbon year excess, and from there you calculate the carbon 14 level. Same formula for how old sth is now with remaining carbon 14 in a sample works equally well for how old sth would have seemed in carbon dates, so, for instance, if an item is 500 years old, you calculate how much carbon it should have left (prior to more minute calibrations, like from tree rings or historic data), and the formula is ...

0.5(500/5730) = 0.9413087854383377 = 94.131 pmC

As 1950 is 75 years ago, the carbon date BP wouldn't be 500, but 425. However, the raw carbon age for 420 BP seems to correspond to 1460 rather than to 1525, according to the fine calibration.**

Meanwhile, I am using Biblical data to calibrate carbon. So would you be. And the gap for carbon age of the Flood and actual Biblical age of it would exceed 10 000 years (34 000 years in my calibration).

0.5(10 000/5730) = 0.2982924364237143 = 29.829 pmC

I don't place that value at the Flood, in fact I place it at between 2673 BC and 2660 BC, when Heber was up to 29 years old. You'd place it elsewhere, and you wouldn't start with it.

And when you then have what I call anchor points, any two of them can connect by interpolation (an anchor point involves Biblical / real date, Carbon date as per well identified item, pmC level derived from the discrepancy) and the way you do it is you decide intermediate carbon levels for the intermediate time divisions.

And from any intermediate point, you calculate the carbon date for the Biblical date from the pmC value. Like I did. The formula is, and I'll reverse the one for 500 years, like this.

5730 * log (0.9413087854383377) / log(0.5) = 500.0000000000001136432
5730 * log (0.2982924364237143) / log(0.5) = 9999.9999999999996080125

Now, to get the calibrated BC date, obviously as said all this time a Biblical calibration rather than a tree ring one, you add the BC year to the correct value of extra years derived from the pmC value.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Reminiscere LD

* It should be Nicaea II, since it says the Incarnation makes a difference for the licitness of religious imagery.

** page 41 in the pdf from High-Precision Decadal Calibration of the Radiocarbon Time Scale, AD 1950–6000 BC