vendredi 22 novembre 2019

Protestants Not Citing Catholic Predecessors (Short Note)

CMI's Russell Grigg claimed:

The most recent stratagem of Christians who want to harmonize the creation account of Genesis 1 with the atheistic theory of evolution is called the Framework hypothesis. It is taught by most theological colleges that say they accept biblical authority but not six ordinary days of creation. It was unknown until devised by Dutch Prof. Arie Noordtzij (1871–1944) of the University of Utrecht and published by him in 1924.

In fact, the article Hexaméron of Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique, 1920, the editor of the work, E. Mangenot, is also editing the article, and he is rejecting both Flood Geology, Restitutionism (Gap Theory), and Day Age, before proposing himself that the six days were a freely chosen literary framework by a writer who was inspired in what he intended to convey through that Framework, which does not properly speaking convey God's word in itself, but only in what it conveys.

He claimed Flood Geology had been abandoned, while the latest publication he cites for it is 26 years before, 1894. Nearly all publications he cites for any position and for exposés of what the text is literally saying too (with exceptions like a few from Scotland and England, one from New York, only 8 from Italy and Spain) are from the countries later called Rhine Coalition at II Vatican Council.

And of course, it's not just Noordtzij who didn't cite Mancenot, it is also Henry M. Morris who apparently didn't cite the Flood Geologists cited by E. Mangenot, like Trissl and Bosizio. I'd be gladly surprised if Henry M. Morris did cite these:

C. F. Keil
Biblischer Commentar über die Bücher Mose's
Leipzig, 1866

P. Laurent
Études géologiques, philosophiques et scripturales sur la cosmogonie de Moïse
Paris, 1863

A. Saignet
La cosmologie de la Bible
Paris, 1854

J. E. Veith
Die Anfänge der Menschenwelt
Vienne, 1865

A. Bosizio
Das Hexaemeron und die Geologie
Mayence, 1864
Die Geologie und die Sündfluth
Mayence, 1877

V. M. Gatti
Institutiones apologeticae-polemicae

A. Trissl
Sündfluth oder Gletscher ; Das Biblische Sechstagewerk
2e édit.
Munich, Ratisbonne, 1894

G. J. Burg
Biblische Chronologie
Trèves, 1894

All of above would be Catholic writers only./HGL

PS: E. Mancenot was corrected to E. Mangenot in above./HGL

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