vendredi 28 août 2020

An example of using previous

Have you Really Taken ALL the Factors into Account? · New Tables · Why Should one Use my Tables? · And what are the lineups between archaeology and Bible, in my tables? · Bases of C14 · An example of using previous · Difference with Carbon 14 from Other Radioactive Methods · Tables I-II and II-III and III-IV, Towards a Revision? · The Revision of I-II, II-III, III-IV May be Unnecessary, BUT Illustrates What I Did When Doing the First Version of New Tables · Convergence of Uneven pmC? · [Calculation on paper commented on] · Other Revision of I-II ? · Where I Agree with Uniformitarian Dating Experts

Joseph the Patriarch was in Egypt in 1700 BC, when his pharao Djoser died and was buried.

1700 + 2020 = 3720

3720 - 3581 = 139

0.64842 (for 3581 years) * 0.9839 (for 134 years) = 0.637980438

So, in theory, if the carbon content of the atmosphere had been 100 pmC, one would find 63.798 pmC now. But, there is more to it.

Extra years 900 if carbon date of Djoser's coffin is 2600 BC, 1100 if it is as raw date 2800 BC and 2600 BC is from a calibration.

A) 900 - 716 = 184
184 - 179 = 5 = negligible.

716 => 0.917
179 => 0.97859
0.97859 * 0.917 = 0.89736703

B) 1100 - 716 = 384
384 - 358 = 26
26 - 22 = 4 negligible

716 => 0.917
358 => 0.9576
22 => 0.9973

0.917 * 0.9576 * 0.9973 = 0.87574827816

So, the carbon content being only 87 - 90 pmC from start, we get something else now:

A) 0.637980438 * 0.89736703 = 0.57250261085
B) 0.637980438 * 0.87574827816 = 0.55871027008

I propose we get, in fact, 57.25 pmC or even as low as 55.871 pmC. How would this be carbon dated on the assumption that the original content was 100 pmC?

A) 0.57250261085 < 0.59461 (4297 years)
0.57250261085 / 0.59461 = 0.96282035427
0.96282035427 = 0.96283 (313 years)

313 + 4297 = 4610 years - 2020 = 2590 BC

B) 0.55871027008 < 0.59461 (4297 years)
0.55871027008 / 0.59461 = 0.93962474577
0.93962474577 < 0.94218 (492 years)
0.93962474577 / 0.94218 = 0.99728793412
0.99728793412 = 0.9973 (22 years)

4297 + 492 + 22 = 4811 years - 2020 = 2791 BC.

But 2600 BC and 2800 BC are two versions I have seen of the carbon date of Djoser's coffin, which is why I put 1711 B. Chr. as a real date carbon dated to 2811 B. Chr. in the event V of my new tables (I think 2800 BC was the raw carbon date, prior to calibration).

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Augustine of Hippo

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