Have you Really Taken ALL the Factors into Account? · New Tables · Why Should one Use my Tables? · And what are the lineups between archaeology and Bible, in my tables? · Bases of C14 · An example of using previous · Difference with Carbon 14 from Other Radioactive Methods · Tables I-II and II-III and III-IV, Towards a Revision? · The Revision of I-II, II-III, III-IV May be Unnecessary, BUT Illustrates What I Did When Doing the First Version of New Tables · Convergence of Uneven pmC? · [Calculation on paper commented on] · Other Revision of I-II ? · Where I Agree with Uniformitarian Dating Experts
From this post in French : Calculé sans le logiciel, pour carbone 14.
The years are carbon date years, implied equally by real radioactive decay in real time and as "instant age" by initially low carbon 1 content.
Uniformitarians are usually not allowing initial instant age to go as low as 22 920 years as per initial content of 6.25 percent modern Carbon or pmC. I very much do, I definitely do not allow 22 920 years to be a real age./HGL
- very short term
- 22 gives decimal fraction 0.9973
- short term
- 45 gives decimal fraction 0.9946
- 90 gives decimal fraction 0.98924
- 134 gives decimal fraction 0.9839
- 179 gives decimal fraction 0.97859
- 223 gives decimal fraction 0.97331
- 268 gives decimal fraction 0.96806
- 312 gives decimal fraction 0.96283
- 358 gives decimal fraction 0.9576
- 403 gives decimal fraction 0.95243
- 447 gives decimal fraction 0.9473
- 491 gives decimal fraction 0.94218
- 537 gives decimal fraction 0.93653
- 581 gives decimal fraction 0.93204
- 626 gives decimal fraction 0.92701
- 670 gives decimal fraction 0.92201
- 716 gives decimal fraction 0.917
- long term
- 716 gives decimal fraction 0.917
- 1432 gives decimal fraction 0.8409
- 2148 gives decimal fraction 0.77111
- 2865 gives decimal fraction 0.70711
- 3581 gives decimal fraction 0.64842
- 4297 gives decimal fraction 0.59461
- 5013 gives decimal fraction 0.54527
- 5730 gives decimal fraction 0.5
- 6446 gives decimal fraction 0.4585
- 7162 gives decimal fraction 0.42045
- 7878 gives decimal fraction 0.38555
- 8595 gives decimal fraction 0.35355
- 9310 gives decimal fraction 0.32421
- 10026 gives decimal fraction 0.2973
- 10742 gives decimal fraction 0.27263
- 11458 gives decimal fraction 0.25
- 12176 gives decimal fraction 0.22925
- 12892 gives decimal fraction 0.210225
- 13608 gives decimal fraction 0.192775
- 14324 gives decimal fraction 0.176775
- 15040 gives decimal fraction 0.162105
- 15756 gives decimal fraction 0.14865
- 16472 gives decimal fraction 0.136315
- 17188 gives decimal fraction 0.125
- 17906 gives decimal fraction 0.114625
- 18622 gives decimal fraction 0.1051125
- 19338 gives decimal fraction 0.0963875
- 20054 gives decimal fraction 0.0883575
- 20770 gives decimal fraction 0.0810525
- 21486 gives decimal fraction 0.074325
- 22202 gives decimal fraction 0.0681575
- 22918 gives decimal fraction 0.0625
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