vendredi 20 août 2021

"Did the V838 Monocerotis explode faster than light?" - Geocentric Solution Overlooked Again

"Did the V838 Monocerotis explode faster than light?" - Geocentric Solution Overlooked Again · Mechanism for Light Echo Proposed · Answering Shubinski on Proofs for Orbiting Earth · CMI Again Against Geocentrism ...

Here goes CMI with a pronouncement on a topic, where Heliocentrism or Acentrism in the modern terms is obfuscating the issue:

Because there are still questions of how and why it erupted, V838 Monocerotis is thought to be a binary star system, i.e., two stars orbiting close together. It is in the constellation of Monoceros, 19,000 light years away.

V838 Monocerotis then expanded from a visual apparent size of 4 light years to 7 light years in less than 7 months!

In 2002 it erupted, becoming 600,000 times more luminous than the sun. V838 Monocerotis then expanded from a visual apparent size of 4 light years to 7 light years in less than 7 months (see Figure 1)! This increase in visual appearance is of superluminal velocity.

Source: Faster than Light?
Feedback archive → Feedback 2021: 21 August 2021 (GMT+10)

Above cited words are penned by Scot Devlin.

Now, if Geocentrism is true, "parallax" is not parallactic, we do not have any trigonometric reason to believe alpha Centauri or 61 Cygni to be 11 or 4 light years away from us, hence no reason to believe apparent sizes and star types give clues for distances like thousands of light years either. In my theory, the fix stars are one light day up and this drastically reduces the distances here involved.

Now, first, the error on the subject of the distance:

19 000 * 365.2425 = 6 939 607.5 light days instead of one light day.

The error for sizes would be equal, and corrected by division through this factor, namely:

from 4 light years or from 1460.97 light days ...
(1460.97 / 6 939 607.5 = 0.000 210 526 32)
... so actually from 0.000 210 526 32 light days ...

... to 7 light years or to 2556.6975 light days ...
(2556.6975 / 6 939 607.5 = 0.000 368 421 05)
... so actually to 0.000 368 421 05 light days.

Now 0.000 368 421 05 - 0.000 210 526 32 = 0.000 157 894 73. But 16 in 100 000 of one light day in seven months is no superluminary speed, ergo ... problem solved.

I know, my own model has a superluminary speed problem too, namely in local speed. Each day (23 h 56 min etc) the fix stars go full circle, so if they are one light day up, they go 6.28 or two times π light days per day. Locally. However, my solution is, they move with the aether, which God moves around earth each day, and the cosmic speed limit refers to movement through the aether (like the proper movement analysed as a combination of aberration and parallax). That problem solved too.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Deposition of St. Bernard of Clairvaux

In territorio Lingoniensi deposit[i]o sancti Bernardi primi Claraevallensis Abbatis, vita, doctrina et miraculis gloriosi, quem Pius Octavus Pontifex Maximus universalis Ecclesiae Doctorem declaravit, et confirmavit.

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