lundi 6 septembre 2021

Carbon 14 Speeds for Diverse Creationist Scenarios

HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS: Debating CMI's video with Roger M Pearlman · Creation vs. Evolution: Carbon 14 Speeds for Diverse Creationist Scenarios · Ice Age Maximum, 500 After the Flood? · Flood to Genesis 14, Roman Martyrology's Chronology, Two Scenarios (Technical) · What Am I Doing with "How Much Faster" Calculations?

For Old Earthers, this is not a problem, the 100 percent of modern carbon, that is the ratio of carbon 14 to carbon 12 that we find in the modern atmosphere or would find in it if it were corrected to pre-industrial, somewhat higher levels, was reached well before the Biblical history "started coming into focus".

For Young Earthers, I started my quest on making good calibrations between carbon dating and real Biblical dates due to the challenge that we would automatically run into a problem of the speed of carbon 14 production on our scenarios corresponding to a level of radioactivity that would fry us to death, that is that would already have done so.

I don't think this problem disproves Young Earth, I am responding to it.

My own scenario, as you know from New Tables or rather from the French series it links back to, which includes Implications des vitesses de production, my highest speed is 10.275 times as fast as the modern production, namely between beginning and end of Babel identified as Göbekli Tepe. I have on other occasions with more possibility of acriby by online calculators, had as much as 11 times the modern production. From Flood to Babel is lower then 10 times faster, but not much lower than that. Between Babel and Genesis 14, my scenario goes to between 6 and 5.2 times as fast depending on diverse calculations I make for it.

Gary Bates claims that the cohabitation of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon (carbon dated to 40 - 45 000 BP) occurred after Babel.

All of CMI has a Biblical chronology of the Masoretic type.

Now, let's see what Gary Bates' view implies.

Babel would have been anytime between 101 to 340 after the Flood, and the Genesis 14 event would be 292 + 80 = 372 after the Flood. I will here presume that Babel occurs early on (even if that implies difficulties for how Neanderthals could have developed so fast), and therefore give him as long a time as possible between carbon dated 45 000 BP and carbon dated 3500 BC, the carbon age of reed mats when Amorrheans left Asason Tamar or En Gedi.

2400 BC = Flood
2299 BC = Babel, carbon date 45 000 BP
2028 BC = Genesis 14, carbon date 3500 BC.

Now, 45 000 BP = 43 000 BC.

43 000 - 2299 = 40 701 extra years => 0.727 pmC
3500 - 2028 = 1472 extra years => 83.689 pmC

2299 - 2028 = 271 actual years => decay to 96.775 % of original level (same calculator as if for 96.775 pmC), and therefore normal present production would compensate that with 3.225 pmC points.

0.727 pmC * 96.775 % / 100 = 0.70355425 pmC
83.689 - 0.70355425 = 82.98544575 pmC points produced
82.98544575 / 3.225 = 25.73192116279 times as fast.

Putting Babel in Eridu would make it at 23.97599078514 times as fast, as noted about Douglas Petrovich here:

Creation vs. Evolution : Babel in Eridu?

This is obviously incompatible with putting Neanderthals after Babel, when the last Neanderthal skeleton is carbon dated to 40 000 BP.

But Roger M Pearlman gets even hardier. 40 KYA = end of ice age, beginning of Abraham = rise from 1.45 pmC to 82.753 pmC in just 80 years. A speed of 84.427 times as quick production of C14 as now is normal.

HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS : Debating CMI's video with Roger M Pearlman

It can be noted, the now normal production corresponds to a cosmic radiation of 0.34 milliSievert per year on medium height of inhabited places. It can also be noted, we can't exactly tell whether the radioactivity involved from the cosmos comes to linear, square or cubic relation to the carbon 14 production speed.

I tried to get an answer from Ilya Usoskin, and he refused to charge the computer program with parameters chosen so that 10 times as fast production were possible.

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : Other Check on Carbon Buildup

I think, so far, my scenario for carbon build up after the Flood is the most feasible one./HGL

1 commentaire:

  1. It can be mentioned that I have toyed around with a carbon date for the Flood as recent as 20 000 BC in Would Eridu work with a LXX based chronology?, and there I got a production speed about like my own, but it involved a problem : where this leaves Göbekli Tepe. As stated in that post.
