mardi 21 septembre 2021

What Am I Doing with "How Much Faster" Calculations?

HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS: Debating CMI's video with Roger M Pearlman · Creation vs. Evolution: Carbon 14 Speeds for Diverse Creationist Scenarios · Ice Age Maximum, 500 After the Flood? · Flood to Genesis 14, Roman Martyrology's Chronology, Two Scenarios (Technical) · What Am I Doing with "How Much Faster" Calculations?

I'll cite the last such one on my own theory:

2556 B. Chr.
48.1415 pmC
1935 B. Chr.
82.73 pmC

2556 - 1935 = 621
92.763 % left
7.237 pmC points replacement
92.763 * 48.1415 / 100 = 44.6575
82.73 - 44.6575 = 38.0725
38.0725 / 7.237 = 5.2608 times as fast

This is short for:

In the real year 2556 B. Chr.
the carbon level was 48.1415 percent (of) modern Carbon14 (level in relation to Carbon 12)
leading to 6050 extra years, so that the carbon date is 6050 + 2556 = "8606 BC"

In the real year 1935 B. Chr.
the carbon level was 82.73 pmC
leading to 1550 extra years, so that the carbon date is 1550 + 1935 = "3485 BC"

Between the real years 2556 - 1935 BC
you have a real time span of = 621 (real) years
after which 92.763 % is left of the original content of C14 (in sample or in atmosphere)
which would now be compensated by the 7.237 pmC points normal replacement in the time span

To check the speed of the carbon 14 production in relation to now, I do these further calculations:

What was left in 1935 BC of the C14 present in 2556?
92.763 * 48.1415 / 100 = 44.6575 pmC

What has therefore been added to get to the actual level of C14 in 1935 BC?
82.73 - 44.6575 = 38.0725 pmC points have been added.

How much faster was C14 produced during this time span?

Actual addition per addition of the now normal production:
38.0725 / 7.237

So, carbon 14 was produced ...
= 5.2608 times as fast as it is now.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Matthew Apostle

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