vendredi 3 novembre 2023

Do you Feel I Should Have Used the Ussher Timeline Instead?

Creation vs. Evolution: Do you Feel I Should Have Used the Ussher Timeline Instead? · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Age of the Earth ...

I used the timeline of the Roman Martyrology for Christmas Day.

For Genesis 5 and 11, it follows LXX without the Second Cainan. If you prefer a Masoretic timeline and think Ussher did a good job, here are a few key nodes for the Ussher timeline, if you agree on my identification of the relevant archaeology:

37 000 BC* - 2349 BC = 34 651 extra years 1.512 pmC
End of Babel
8600 BC** - 2204 BC = 6396 extra years 46.13 pmC
Genesis 14
3500 BC*** - 1912 BC = 1588 extra years 82.523 pmC
Jericho Falls
1550 BC° - 1451 BC = 99 extra years 98.81 pmC

What would the carbon rise be between Flood and End of Babel?

2349 - 2204 = 145 years. 98.261 % of original content.
100 - 98.261 = 1.739 pmC points = normal replenish.

1.512 pmC * 98.261 % / 100 = 1.486 pmC
46.13 - 1.486 = 44.644 pmC actual replenish.
44.644 / 1.739 = 25.672 times the speed of normal carbon 14 production. I make it with 10 ~ 11 times.°°

So, once you have settled on your Biblical timeline, you do the curves between the nodes. I have omitted the beginning of Babel, as unverifiable in Ussher chronology, and I have omitted Sesostris III at birth of Moses, and Djoser dying late in Joseph's carreere, since I know these are not accepted by some Egyptologists on CMI — or Thinkers' Updates/

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Charles Borromeo

Sancti Caroli Borromaei Cardinalis, Episcopi Mediolanensis et Confessoris, qui migravit in caelum pridie hujus diei. [3 Nov. Mediolani natalis sancti Caroli Borromaei Cardinalis, Episcopi Mediolanensis et Confessoris, quem, sanctitate conspicuum et miraculis clarum, Paulus Papa Quintus in sanctorum numerum retulit. Ipsius tamen festivitas sequenti die celebratur.]

* Based on 39 000 BP, supervulcano eruption of Campi Flegrei, carbon dated by tephra (volcanic ash, vegetation and other burned by the lava flow and spread and then deposed);
** Based on 8600 BC, charcoals of a fire on the topmost layer of Göbekli Tepe;
*** Based on 3500 BC, reed mats from evacuation of Chalcolithic En Geddi;
° Kenyon's Date for abandonment of Bronze Age Jericho is 1550 BC, I take the 2200 BC date of the walls to indicate they were built from older rubble.
°° See my post:
Creation vs. Evolution : New Tables

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