jeudi 16 novembre 2023

Doxxed in the Bank for Being Creationist?

It seems so.

First, doxxed in the bank.

While waiting for my turn, I noticed a man behind me. He then took a seat across from the desk, where he had a very good view on my interaction with the bank clerk.

He then came to probably depose money in the same automat where I was withdrawing. He was less than a metre behind and could see exactly what I was doing.

Does this seem like doxxing to you? You decide. Does this seem like doxxing to me? Yes.

Second, for being a Creationist.

I am in France, more precisely in Paris. St. Nicolas du Chardonnet (formerly my parish) is also in Paris. I sent a letter yesterday evening with paper copies of these three essays:

J'écris ceci lundi 30 octobre ... · St. Nicolas du Chardonnet : cordial mais imprécis · Pour préciser ...

The first involves a résumé of my letter to the parish. The second my reaction to the short and ambiguous or evasive answer I got. The third involves four clarifications so as to avoid being ambiguous back. It was written yesterday. Today I finished the so far last of this series in Spanish:

¿Que es el Creacionismo? · La datación carbónica—¿en conflito con la cronología bíblica? · Denisova en Atapuerca y otras cosas · ¿Y las dudas sobre los faraones eligidos? · Babel y Göbekli Tepe

But I left the cyber where I did that very little before the (to me at least) apparent doxxing happened.

So, supposing this is doxxing. Who? Someone close to FSSPX (St. Nicolas du Chardonnet)? Someone less close to them, directly, part of their nationalist friends or perhaps friends of those? Or totally opposite, some Commie who wonders how I got involved with St. Nicolas du Chardonnet? I don't know. But considering how unsupportive they were when it came to printing my stuff even back when I regularly went to their masses and confessed to mostly one of their priests (sometimes to other ones, when he wasn't there), I can't totally rule out the former either. Third options would exist, not sure how much I should say of those./HGL

PS, maybe relevant (for those who speak French), here:

"On a tous été trompés par Vladimir Poutine" selon le journaliste Elie Guckert
LCI, 16 nov. 2023

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