mercredi 29 novembre 2023

In Portugal, the Dogma of the Faith Shall Not Be Lost

Creation vs. Evolution: In Portugal, the Dogma of the Faith Shall Not Be Lost · Great Bishop of Geneva!: Another Reason to Believe Novus Ordos are NOT All Apostates

The title is a prediction about the country in which Fátima is located, in the diocese of Ourém. The city is named for an Moorish princess called that after Mohammed's daughter, who converted and married a Christian.

It is the place of a Marian Apparition (or series of them, to be precise) in 1917, the last apparition being the day before the last day on which the Czar was celebrating (still freely) the Protection of the Theotokos.

And the apparitions contained the prediction.

As Portuguese Protestants lack pretty many dogmas of the faith, and as Portuguese Catholics seemed to me totally sold out on believing Evolution, I was starting to have misgivings about Fátima.

Now, look at this map:

Credit: Eupedia.
Shared by Ceres Science.

20 to 24 % pf the Portuguese would be far more than the Protestant minority.

This means, Portugal still has Catholics who correctly believe that God created Adam without biological ancestry.

The dogma of the faith is NOT lost. Vivat Lusitania!

Hans Georg Lundahl
Vigil of St. Andrew

Vigilia sancti Andreae Apostoli.

PS, it can be added that Austria is more prone to Creationism than Germany. Thank God for Austria! Ein zweites aber besseres Deutsches Land./HGL

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