Europe's last hunter-gatherers had sophisticated societies that helped them avoid inbreeding
News, LiveScience : By Kristina Killgrove published 4.III.2024
An investigation into the genomes of 10 people who lived between 6350 and 4810 B.C. revealed few biological links among these small communities, according to a study published Feb. 26 in the journal PNAS.
- 2369 BC
- 61.339 pmC, so dated 6419 BC
- 2352 BC
- 62.199 pmC, so dated 6302 BC
- 2148 BC
- 72.384 pmC, so dated 4798 BC
- (2369 + 2352) / 2 = 2360.5
- (61.339 + 62.199) / 2 = 61.769 => 4000 => 6360 BC
So, we deal with 2360 to 2148 = 212 years.
Not with 6360 to 4798 = 1562 years (or 6350 to 4810 = 1540 years).
5200 - 2360 = 2840 after Creation.
5200 - 2148 = 3052 after Creation
2840 - 2242 = 598 after the Flood (Shelah just died, Heber, Peleg, Reu were alive)
3052 - 2242 = 810 after the Flood (Peleg and Eber just died, Reu and Sarug were grown, Nakhor was 17).
Could early post-Flood longevity, and the relatively short timespan explain the distance of the relatedness?/HGL
Own resources used: Creation vs. Evolution: The Revision of I-II, II-III, III-IV May be Unnecessary, BUT Illustrates What I Did When Doing the First Version of New Tables
Creation vs. Evolution: LXX without II Cainan
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