jeudi 18 avril 2024

Wessex culture, Únětice culture, Ottomány culture : Recalibrating Timespan

Creation vs. Evolution: Solutrean and Clovis, According to "Other Revision of I-II?" · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Can Biblical Recalibration Save the Solutrean Hypothesis? · back to: Creation vs. Evolution: Wessex culture, Únětice culture, Ottomány culture : Recalibrating Timespan

Wessex culture
"2000 — 1650 BC"
Únětice culture
"2300 — 1600 BC"
Ottomány culture
"2100 — 1400 BC"

"2300 BC" or beginning of Únětice culture
(1655 + 1633) / 2 = 1644 BC
(91.4498 + 93.3283) / 2 = 92.38905 pmC => 650
1644 + 650 = "2294 BC"

"2100 BC" or beginning of Ottomány culture
(1633 + 1633 + 1610 + 1633 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610) / 7 = 1620 BC
(93.3283 + 93.3283 + 95.2011 + 93.3283 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011) / 7 = 94.39847 pmC => 480
1620 + 480 = "2100 BC"

"2000 BC" or beginning of Wessex culture
(1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1588) / 10 = 1608 BC
(95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 97.0681) / 10 = 95.3878 pmC => 390
1608 + 390 = "1998 BC"

"1650 BC" or end of Wessex culture
(1521 + 1498) / 2 = 1510 BC
(98.184 + 98.555) / 2 = 98.3695 pmC => 140
1510 + 140 = "1650 BC"

Caveat. This involves the carbon date of the Exodus as being 1650 BC. If God used the eruption of Santorini as partial means for the plagues of Egypt, the carbon date for the Exodus should instead be 1609.

This would involve a revision of table VI — VII.

This would also involve the Wessex culture ended before 1510 BC. Such a revision would also affect the following item, but not the last one, which is in table VII — VIII:

"1600 BC" or end of Únětice culture
(1498 + 1476) / 2 = 1487 BC
(98.555 + 98.924) / 2 = 98.7395 pmC => 110
1487 + 110 = "1597 BC"

"1400 BC" or end of Ottomány culture
(1364 + 1341) / 2 = 1353 BC
(99.3421 + 99.425) / 2 = 99.38355 pmC => 50
1353 + 50 = "1403 BC"

This accompanies a video by Dan Davies (from my part), here:

Magnificent Ancient Kings: The Únětice Culture
Dan Davis History | 14 April 2024

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