mercredi 4 novembre 2020

"On the Evolutionary Timescale" is NOT in my vocabulary

Creation vs. Evolution: Babel in Eridu? · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Dispute with Douglas Petrovich · Babel or Exodus Myths? · Babel Skyscraper, Portal or Rocket? · Creation vs. Evolution: "On the Evolutionary Timescale" is NOT in my vocabulary

The evolutionary timescales overlap or contradict with three main contributers:

  • carbon dates
  • non carbon radiometric
  • "geological column"

The last is usually from the exact year of the Flood - or from post-Flood landslides.

Non-carbon radiometric usually has the exact year of the Flood as reason for inflated dates (K-Ar = lava cooling quicker => trapping more carbon).

Carbon dates are most interesting, if we assume 40 000 (without post-Flood landslides you'd perhaps even need as recent as 20 000?) as carbon date of the Flood, you go upwards in carbon levels after the Flood which allows you to make a calibration, so many carbon years ago or uniformitarian BC calendar year - corresponds to such and such a real calendar year in the Biblical chronology.

Now read these sentences:

On the evolutionary timeline, it was allegedly built 11,000–12,000 years ago, by hunter-gatherers who banded together, supposedly “hundreds of years before any evidence of farming or animal domestication emerged on the planet.” In the biblical timeline, it was, of course, built after the Flood.

From Göbekli Tepe shows evidence of geometric planning
by Phil Robinson and Robert Carter
Published: 5 November 2020 (GMT+10)

What kind of "on the evolutionary timeline" is it? Carbon dates. 9600 - 8600 BC.

My earliest attempt at a calibration (or earliest I was half and half satisfied with) puts this here:

2957 av. J.-Chr.
3,90625 % + 26 800 ans, 29 757 av. J.-Chr. (20 000 – 50 000)
2778 av. J.-Chr.
40,23593 % + 7550 ans, 10 328 av. J.-Chr.
"9600 BC"
"8600 BC"
2599 av. J.-Chr.
62,75068 % + 3850 ans, 6449 av. J.-Chr.

Between 179 and 358 years after the Flood. On Masoretic, Babel would be 101 after Flood, I had not yet figured out where it would be on Roman Martyrology - but after 101 would be fairly clear.

By now, I regularly use "9600 BC" = beginning of Göbekli Tepe / Babel = c. death of Noah, "8600 BC" = end of GT / Babel = c. birth of Peleg in 401 after Flood (Roman Martyrology = LXX without II Cainan).

Because, Göbekli Tepe is very close either way to where Babel would be in the calibration.

CMI places Babel before Palaeolithic. A 40 000 BP dated Neanderthal is post-Babel. Many others, including Doug Petrovich, at Eridu. Babel is 5400 BC in carbon dates. Göbekli Tepe with carbon dates 9600 to 8600 BC is in between.

Some months ago, put this comment on his video:

Now, your take on the level of Eridu, carbon dated or indirectly carbon dated as 5400 BC, if you take a moderately "early" carbon date for the Flood like 30 000 BP, gives,

with the chronology of Syncellus, based on standard LXX,
11.731 times present production of C14

with the chronology of Roman Martyrology, based on non-standard LXX,
15.744 times present production of C14

with the chronology of Ussher
95.211 times present production of C14

I'll add details next session. Internet time is low now.

Flood dated 30 000 BP = 28 000 BC.

For real date 3258 BC (Syncellus, alt 3266), 2957 BC (Roman Martyrology), 2348 BC (for Masoretic as per Ussher). Extra years of carbon mirage, 24 742, 25 043, 25 652. C14 level at Flood : 5.014, 4.834 or 4.491 pmC.

Eridu rather than Göbekli Tepe means Babel dated as 5400 BC.

For real date 2729, 2556, 2247 BC. Extra years of carbon mirage 2671, 2844, 3153. C14 levels at (end of) Babel, 72.39, 70.891, 68.29 pmC.

To go from 4.491 to 68.29 pmC in 101 years ...

Multiply 0.98786 * 4.491 pmC = 4.436 residue of the level from Flood.

Subtract from 68.29 these 4.436 = 63.854 pmC points is production in 101 years. Normal production is 1.214 pmC points.

63.854 / 1.214 = 52.598 times as much. 95.211 was when counting about beginning of Babel "40 years earlier" = impossible for end 101 years after Flood. But 52.598 as fast a carbon production is not very good either. Here is one more reason to prefer Göbekli Tepe over Eridu.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Charles Borromeo

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