vendredi 10 juillet 2020

Babel in Eridu?

Creation vs. Evolution: Babel in Eridu? · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Dispute with Douglas Petrovich · Babel or Exodus Myths? · Babel Skyscraper, Portal or Rocket? · Creation vs. Evolution: "On the Evolutionary Timescale" is NOT in my vocabulary

Here is wiki on dates:

Eridu appears to be the earliest settlement in the region, founded c. 5400 BC, close to the Persian Gulf near the mouth of the Euphrates River. Because of accumulation of silt at the shoreline over the millennia, the remains of Eridu are now some distance from the gulf at Abu Shahrain in Iraq. Excavation has shown that the city was founded on a virgin sand-dune site with no previous occupation. Piotr Steinkeller has hypothesised that the earliest divinity at Eridu was a Goddess, who later emerged as the Earth Goddess Ninhursag (Nin = Lady, Hur = Mountain, Sag = Sacred), with the later growth in Enki as a male divinity the result of a hieros gamos, with a male divinity or functionary of the temple.

There doesn't seem to be any ziggurat there, references to "Ziggurat of Eridu" are probably Ziggurat of Ur, quod vide. But there is an Enki Temple in Eridu, known as E-Abzu. Its levels are numbered from top or youngest to bottom or oldest, and level XVIII is dated to 5300 BC. I will suppose carbon dating is involved.

What did I just say about "Masoretic plus II Cainan"?

In Ussher (I'm supposing he does not include the II Cainan), creation is 4004 BC, Flood 1656 years later in 2344 BC, Abraham would then be born in 2052 BC, add 420, pushes Flood back to 2472 BC. Babel's [e]nd would be 2243 and Genesis 14 would be 1972 BC.

So, we would have as very lowest carbon level at "Babel" one which would date 2243 to 5300. 3067 extra years.

This is a carbon level of 69.004 pmC.

0.69004 - 0.03501593175
= 0.65502406825

Normal replacement rate in 229 years ... checking by the carbon calculator this time, would be 2.732 pmC, giving a faster factor of:

65.502406825 / 2.732
= 23.97599078514

Somewhat worse than 16.054 times as fast.

But, of course, Babel anywhere in Classic Babylonia (Sumer or Akkad) contradicts Genesis 11:1, as I have already argued:

Creation vs. Evolution : Changing the Text, NIV?

Creation vs. Evolution : Why N. Mesopotamia / E. Anatolia Might Fit Better then S. Mesopotamia, Genesis 11

Hans Georg Lundahl
Martyrdom of Seven Sons
of Saint Felicity

Romae passio sanctorum septem Martyrum fratrum, filiorum sanctae Felicitatis Martyris, id est Januarii, Felicis, Philippi, Silvani, Alexandri, Vitalis et Martialis, tempore Antonini Imperatoris, sub Praefecto Urbis Publio. Ex ipsis vero Januarius, post virgarum verbera et carceris macerationem, plumbatis occisus; Felix et Philippus fustibus mactati; Silvanus praecipitio interemptus; Alexander, Vitalis et Martialis capitali sententia puniti sunt.

PS, to the credit of CMI and AiG, they are not promoting "Ziggurat of Eridu" as Babel./HGL

1 commentaire:

  1. I was calculating with a Flood year level of carbon 14 for 27700 extra years.

    27700 + 2358 = 30058 BC is carbon date for Flood.
