jeudi 17 février 2022

Correcting the Test

HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS: Somewhat Sectarian Style, Semel · Somewhat Sectarian Style, bis · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl: No Answer from Dr. Liebi, So Far? · Stefan Claesemann tries to take it in private with me · Creation vs. Evolution : Let's Carbon Test Stefan Claesemann's Chronology · Correcting the Test

On Claesemann's view, Sesostris III is Joseph's pharao and therefore dies close to Jacobs migration into Egypt, and this not 507 years after the Flood, as I said, but 582. 292 + 75 + c. 215 = c. 582. The pharao died a few years after that, but the wood in his coffin (which is what would have been dated) would be on average a bit before that.

582 : 10 = 58. I'll make it 10 moments of carbon rise and eleven actual years in time.

1838 = c. 1609 + 215 = 1824.

I'll go with 1824 BC, and Flood in 1824 + 582 = 2406 BC,

In 2406 BC, the C14 level was (implied by Claesemann's view and my carbon date for the Flood) 1.4 pmC, and in 1824 BC it was 100 pmC. The distance overall implies a decay down to 93.202 % of original content. 100 - 93.202 = 6.798 pmC normal replacement.

1.4 * 93.202 / 100 = 1.304828 pmC;
100 - 1.304828 = 98.695172 pmC actual replacement;
98.695172 / 6.798 = 14.51826596058 times faster than normal.

In 58 years, the decay is down to 99.301 % and normal replacement is 100 - 99.301 = 0.699 pmC, which will in average be multiplied by 14.51826596058. Last tenth will have a replacement by twice as fast, and this means the first one will have it 2 * 14.51826596058 - 2 = 27.03653192116 times as fast.

27.03653192116 - 2 = 25.03653192116
25.03653192116 / 10 = 2.50365319212

27.03653192116 i
27.03653192116 - 2.50365319212 = 24.53287872904 ij
... (sparing you some details)
9.51095957632 - 2.50365319212 = 7.0073063842 ix
7.0073063842 - 2.50365319212 = 4.50365319208 x

Let's do it over again:

27.03653192116 - 2 = 25.03653192116
25.03653192116 / 9 = 2.78183688013

27.03653192116 i
27.03653192116 - 2.78183688013 = 24.25469504103 ij
24.25469504103 - 2.78183688013 = 21.4728581609 iij
21.4728581609 - 2.78183688013 = 18.69102128077 iu
18.69102128077 - 2.78183688013 = 15.90918440064 u
15.90918440064 - 2.78183688013 = 13.12734752051 uj
13.12734752051 - 2.78183688013 = 10.34551064038 uij
10.34551064038 - 2.78183688013 = 7.56367376025 uiij
7.56367376025 - 2.78183688013 = 4.78183688012 ix
4.78183688012 - 2.78183688013 = 2 x

Now, this will translate as the number of times you get the normal replacement (0.699 pmC) in the time of 58 years. As, by hypothesis, actual replacement. But the normal or actual replacement is only used after original or previous pmC has decayed, perfectly normally, to 99.301 % of previous value.

1.4 by 2406

1.4 * 99.301 / 100 = 1.390214
1.390214 + 18.89853581289 = 20.28874981289 by 2348

20.28874981289 * 99.301 / 100 = 20.1469314517
20.1469314517 + 16.95403183368 = 37.10096328538 by 2290

37.10096328538 * 99.301 / 100 = 36.84162755202
36.84162755202 + 15.00952785447 = 51.85115540649 by 2232

51.85115540649 * 99.301 / 100 = 51.4887158302
51.4887158302 + 13.06502387526 = 64.55373970546 by 2174

64.55373970546 * 99.301 / 100 = 64.10250906492
64.10250906492 + 11.12051989605 = 75.22302896097 by 2116

75.22302896097 * 99.301 / 100 = 74.69721998853
74.69721998853 + 9.17601591684 = 83.87323590537 by 2058

83.87323590537 * 99.301 / 100 = 83.28696198639
83.28696198639 + 7.23151193763 = 90.51847392402 by 2000

90.51847392402 * 99.301 / 100 = 89.88574979129
89.88574979129 + 5.28700795841 = 95.1727577497 by 1942

95.1727577497 * 99.301 / 100 = 94.50750017303
94.50750017303 + 3.3425039792 = 97.85000415223 by 1884

97.85000415223 * 99.301 / 100 = 97.16603262321
97.16603262321 + 1.398 = 98.56403262321 by 1826

What does this imply for dates? After the year, I'm adding the extra years of the time implication or instant age from the atmospheric carbon level. The sum constitutes the carbon date.

1.4 by 2406 + 35300 = "37706"

20.28874981289 by 2348 + 13200 = "15548"

37.10096328538 by 2290 + 8200 = "10490"

51.85115540649 by 2232 + 5450 = "7682"

64.55373970546 by 2174 + 3600 = "5774"

75.22302896097 by 2116 + 2350 = "4466"

83.87323590537 by 2058 + 1450 = "3508"

90.51847392402 by 2000 + 820 = "2820"

95.1727577497 by 1942 + 410 = "2352"

97.85000415223 by 1884 + 180 = "2064"

98.56403262321 by 1826 + 120 = "1946"

So, something went wrong, Sesostris III's date to 1838 BC can't be a date to 1946 BC. But 1826 can be dated as 1838 in Claesemann's scenario, and this is 12 years off, that is a level of 99.855 pmC.

99.855 - 98.56403262321 = 1.29096737679

Let's divide this into five to make a rough correction, 1/5 to points 2 and 3, 2/5 to 4 and 5 up to all of it to points 10 and 11.

1.4 by 2406 + 35300 = "37706"

20.54694328825 by 2348 + 13100 = "15448"

37.35915676074 by 2290 + 8150 = "10440"

52.36754235721 by 2232 + 5350 = "7582"

65.07012665618 by 2174 + 3550 = "5724"

75.99760938704 by 2116 + 2250 = "4366"

84.64781633144 by 2058 + 1400 = "3458"

91.55124782545 by 2000 + 730 = "2730"

96.20553165113 by 1942 + 320 = "2262"

99.14097152902 by 1884 + 70 = "1954"

99.855 by 1826 + 10 = "1836"

And what year would Abraham have met his pharao? 292 + 75 = 367, 2406 - 367 = 2039.

Now, 2039 is between 2058 and 2000, therefore the carbon date for Abraham's pharao would have been between "3458" and "2730" ... and we would not have the carbon year or conventional Egyptological year "2039" for the actual year 2039.

There is another thing to take into account. We have just 58 actual years between the carbon years "40 000 BP" and "15448" - in human pre-historic archaeology, that's a lot of people who would have died, and I think quite a bit more than the first 58 years of the Flood could provide in born, grown and then dead.

Do you feel like taking a look at my tables, instead, by now?

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Silvin of Toulouse

In pago Tarvanensi, in Gallia, sancti Silvini, Episcopi Tolosani.

1 commentaire:

  1. If we take an ungraded nearly linear growth of C14 in the atmosphere, Abraham's vocation and for that reason his visit to Egypt will come 367 years after the Flood, and have 63.5756 pmC ...

    2039 BC + 3750 instant extra years = "5789 BC" as carbon date = pre-dynastic Egypt, very pre-dynastic.
