HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS: Somewhat Sectarian Style, Semel · Somewhat Sectarian Style, bis · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl: No Answer from Dr. Liebi, So Far? · Stefan Claesemann tries to take it in private with me · Creation vs. Evolution : Let's Carbon Test Stefan Claesemann's Chronology · Correcting the Test
He has complained more than once that I have asked for proof before understanding it.
But how you prove an equation between Biblical and Egyptian pharaonic (or other extra-Biblical) chronology is part and parcel of your theory.
For instance, Rohl and Claesemann have, as far as I know, both used equivalents of Genesis 41:45 "The saviour of the world": Zaphnah paaneah and traced Joseph to this or that vizier, perhaps without asking whether the equivalence is sufficient, perhaps without asking whether later pharaos could have reused the title, a bit like Cicero might not be the last person whom Romans called "pater patriae". But I state this off the cuff, from memory, it could apply to only one of them, or I could have misunderstood both.
My identification for Joseph and therefore for his pharao is from the Hunger Stele reminding of an old legend that Imhotep, in the time of Djoser, collected grain under fat years and stored it, and distributed it under lean years, saving Egypt from starvation. It implies carbon date for Joseph in Egypt is carbon date for Djoser. Real 1700 BC is dated like 2800 BC (raw date, from memory).
Now, my best criticism of Claesemann is not how he gives an alternative identification for Joseph. My best criticism is how he choses the Egyptian dates. One thing immediately jumped to my attention, I asked him about it, and I got a refusal to discuss such details, as long as I hadn't let the totality sink in with all of its overwhelming intellectual beauties ... when precisely one of them left me underwhelmed.
Here it is. For all of the Israel stay in Egypt, Joseph to Exodus, he picks the Egyptian uniformitarian carbon dates as correct equivalents of roughly same Biblical dates in the BC chronology.
He believes God used the eruption of Thera for the Ten Plagues. I find it plausible. He also finds the Exodus occurred in 1609 BC, the carbon date for the Santorini eruption. In and of itself 1609 is not impossible. Ussher (useful for the Vulgate chronology, which is identic to Masoretic and King James) has the Exodus in 1492 I think, Roman Martyrology in 1510, as I use, George Syncellus in 1683. 1609 is in the range.
If he had said "we counted very carefully back from Babylonian captivity to Temple, and from then got 1609 BC as the date of Exodus" I would have found the general method very respectable, and worthy of a try. He didn't say that. Now keep in mind, 1609 is the uniformitarian carbon date for Santorini island with its eruption of the volcano Thera.
If 1609 ended the soujourn in a foreign land with its Egyptian part (the whole of it starting at Abraham's vocation 215 years before the migration to pharaonic Egypt), then 1609 + 215 = 1824, and lo and behold, in 1838 BC uniformitarian carbon dates, Sesostris III has his burial. Is it a coincidence that Sesostris III is Joseph's pharao?
As said, Abraham began his soujourn in a foreign land 215 years before Jacob migrated with seventy offspring or whatever the exact number was. 1824 + 215 = 2039 - and Abraham's pharao becomes Mentuhotep III.
Am I beginning to see a pattern? I think so. One nearly clear concern seems to have been not to contradict accepted Egyptology or Archaeology about their dates even as far back as Abraham.
But we have more coming. He is dismissive about the chronology of Seder Olam Rabbah to which he traces the LXX chronology (Syncellus and Roman Martyrology), so he holds that Abraham was born 292 after the Flood.
This means, Sesostris III is dead by 292 + c. 215, that is c. 507 after the Flood.* And since the carbon date of his coffin corresponds to the real date, this means he will have 100 pmC by 507 after the Flood. Let's take my carbon level for the Flood, 1.4 pmC. What needs to happen in 507 years to get to 100 pmC?
After 507 years, you have 94.051 % left, and the normal production is 100 - 94.051 = 5.949 pmC.
1.4 * 94.051 / 100 = 1.317 pmC
100 - 1.317 = 98.683 pmC
98.683 pmC / 5.949 pmC = 16.588 times as fast.
So, from Flood to Joseph, you have carbon 14 produced 16.6 times as fast, but from Joseph to us, you have carbon 14 produced at normal speed. Does it make much sense? No.
But suppose 16.588 times as fast was just in the middle of these, by Joseph's time it had slowed down to 1:1 with normal speed? By equal deceleration of production, this would mean at the Flood, carbon 14 started out as 33.176 times as fast as now.
Now, the carbon 14 production is in a not very well defined way proportional to the radioactivity that reaches the higher atmosphere from the cosmos and it goes like this : the input is the number, the speed and energy level of cosmic particles, and at inverse proportionality to the ensuing, the strength of the magnetic field. The output is radioactivity reaching the ground, quantity of carbon 14, quantity of beryllium, I think beryllium 4.
507 = 13 times 39
39 years => 99.529 %, add 100 - 99.529 = 0.471 pmC - namely in normal production speed. In subperiods 1 to 13 we will multiply by 99.529 %, that is * 99.529 / 100, and we will add 0.471 pmC multiplied with "faster than" factors ranging from 33.176 times as fast as now to simply 1 time as fast as now.
This will give us 14 points, single years, before (Flood), after (Jacon gets to Egypt) and between (twelve limit years with 39 years between, numbered from i to xiu. In each, the carbon 14 level will be given, then its time implication in extra years and added to that the real year to give the apparent carbon year.
I did these operations explicitly at the start of my carreer as carbon 14 calibrator, but as Stefan Claesemann has obviously not followed me from back then, he gets a rehearsal of the method.
Oh, by the way, Abraham meets a pharao when he's 75, 430 years before Exodus. 1609 + 430 = 2039 BC. This is between the years uiij and ix, between 2058 and 2019 BC.
- i 2331 BC
- 1.4 pmC 35300 + 2331 = 37631 BC
- 1) 2331 BC to 2292 BC
- starting in 1.4 pmC
- 1.4 * 99.529 / 100 = 1.393406
- 1.393406 + 15.625896 = 17.019302
- ij 2292 BC
- 17.019302 14650 + 2292 = 16942 BC
- 2) 2292 BC to 2253 BC
- 17.019302 * 99.529 / 100 = 16.93914108758
- 16.93914108758 + 14.323581 = 31.26272208758
- iij 2253 BC
- 31.26272208758 9600 + 2253 = 11853 BC
- 3) 2253 BC to 2214 BC
- 31.26272208758 * 99.529 / 100 = 31.11547466655
- 31.11547466655 + 13.021737 = 44.13721166655
- iu 2214 BC
- 44.13721166655 6750 + 2214 = 8964 BC
- 4) 2214 BC to 2175 BC
- 44.13721166655 * 99.529 / 100 = 43.9293253996
- 43.9293253996 + 11.719422 = 55.6487473996
- u 2175 BC
- 55.6487473996 4850 + 2175 = 7025 BC
- 5) 2175 BC to 2136 BC
- 55.6487473996 * 99.529 / 100 = 55.38664179935
- 55.38664179935 + 10.417107 = 65.80374879935
- uj 2136 BC
- 65.80374879935 3450 + 2136 = 5586 BC
- 6) 2136 BC to 2097 BC
- 65.80374879935 * 99.529 / 100 = 65.49381314251
- 65.49381314251 + 9.115263 = 74.60907614251
- uij 2097 BC
- 74.60907614251 2400 + 2097 = 4497 BC
- 7) 2097 BC to 2058 BC
- 74.60907614251 * 99.529 / 100 = 74.25766739388
- 74.25766739388 + 7.812948 = 82.07061539388
- uiij 2058 BC
- 82.07061539388 1650 + 2058 = 3708 BC
- 8) 2058 BC to 2019 BC
- 82.07061539388 * 99.529 / 100 = 81.68406279537
- 81.68406279537 + 6.58929 = 88.27335279537
- ix 2019 BC
- 88.27335279537 1050 + 2019 = 3069 BC
- 9) 2019 BC to 1980 BC
- 88.27335279537 * 99.529 / 100 = 87.8575853037
- 87.8575853037 + 5.365632 = 93.2232173037
- x 1980 BC
- 93.2232173037 580 + 1980 = 2560 BC
- 10) 1980 BC to 1941 BC
- 93.2232173037 * 99.529 / 100 = 92.7841359502
- 92.7841359502 + 4.141974 = 96.9261099502
- xj 1941 BC
- 96.9261099502 260 + 1941 = 2201 BC
- 11) 1941 BC to 1902 BC
- 96.9261099502 * 99.529 / 100 = 96.46958797233
- 96.46958797233 + 2.918316 = 99.38790397233
- xij 1902 BC
- 99.38790397233 50 + 1902 = 1952 BC
- 12) 1902 BC to 1863 BC
- 99.38790397233 * 99.529 / 100 = 98.91978694462
- 98.91978694462 + 1.694658 = 100.61444494462
- xiij 1863 BC
- 100.61444494462 1863 - 50 = 1813 BC
- 13) 1863 BC to 1824 BC
- 100.61444494462 * 99.529 / 100 = 100.14055090893
- 100.14055090893 + 0.471 = 100.61155090893
- xiu 1824 BC
- 100.61155090893 1824 - 50 = 1774 BC
So, Abraham meeting pharao would have a carbon year like between 3708 BC and 3069 BC. Sound like Mentuhotep III to you? Me neither!
Facts are stubborn. Stefan Claesemann has attacked the Roman martyrology, and hit a rock - one against which the gates of hell shall not prevail.
Hans Georg Lundahl
* The correct addition is 292 + 75 + c. 215 = c. 582 years after the Flood. I was tired for a moment. As can be seen, the average "faster than" ratio is still daunting. 16.588 * 507 / 582 = 14.45037113402 times as fast production of C14 as now. And not just up to Babel.
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