samedi 24 août 2024

For Those Who Still Attribute Göbekli Tepe to Noah

Check this video (warning, some adult content near the end).

NEWS | Göbekli Tepe's Stunning New Discoveries 2024 | Taş Tepeler Update | Megalithomania
MegalithomaniaUK | 23—24.VIII.2024

To me, while the solstice things could point either way, the boar, the statue spoken of near the end, the vultures, this looks more like ancient Rome in perverted and cruel ways than like Noah's zoo on the Ark.

Plus, all things in Göbekli Tepe that are possible candidates for altars seem to be in hewn stone. That is later on described as typical for Pagan altars (prior to the New Covenant, of course).

Here is a description of Noah's sacrifice:

And Noe built an altar unto the Lord: and taking of all cattle and fowls that were clean, offered holocausts upon the altar.

Pictures of Göbekli Tepe seem to prefer vultures and boars over lambs and doves./HGL

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