samedi 31 août 2024

Was the Drainage System of the Rhine There in the Preflood World?

Characterisation and evolution of the River Rhine system
Sedimentary Geology and Quaternary Research · by F Preusser · 2008

The Rhenish Massif is built up by rocks of mainly Devonian and Carboniferous age, which were folded during the Variscian orogeny of the Late Palaeozoic.


The rocks are filled with fossils of Devonian and Carboniferous biotopes, which became fossilised in the Flood and folded post-Flood.

However, what exactly was the biotope type "in the Devonian era" and "in the Carboniferous era"? Will, it was marine or at least definitely aquatic fossils.

This means that the fossils around the Rhine prove an area under water before the Flood.

But couldn't the Devonian fish have lived elsewhere and been transported there by the Flood? After all, the Flood transported boulders at 500 km distance!

Sure it did. The boulder was probably half the size when it arrived. Fish bones being half the original size (or less) after 500 km transport in the Flood would no longer be identifiable as fish. The fish fossils we do identify were the lucky ones that were buries in situ. Or not too far off.

This would mean, either the Rhenish Massif was in the pre-Flood seas, or it was in a very big river.

A little caveat though. Some fish could have arrived elsewhere during the Flood, before getting buried in mud. But in that case, it is probable one would find "later" land biotopes under these fossils. Land biotopes that were buried in situ.

I think I mentioned that the four rivers* would probably have gone outward from the Jordan rather than inward to the Jordan (or closer to it than the present springs of each major river), and therefore the Rhine could be a pre-Flood continuation of Frat / Euphrates.

The post-Flood Zagros mountains changed the flow direction but not general drainage area of Euphrates as well as Tigris in the area still bearing these names. The post-Flood Alps preserved the flow direction of the Rhine, but changed it for the Danube (where we also find aquatic pre-Flood fossils, like a whale supposedly from Miocene or something). The pre-Flood Euphrates was starting in the vicinity of Jordan (and not quite in the Persian gulf, unless the pre-Flood Jordan was way longer and reached into what's now the Persian Gulf. It then went NW to where the Zagros mountains are now, same rough drainage area, but opposite direction of modern Euphrates. It went NW through that area and through the Black Sea. It went NW to where the Alps are now, same rough drainage area, but opposite direction of modern Danube. It went NW through where the Alps are now and continued along the modern Rhine, both same rough drainage area, and same direction, this time.

Read the article** and show me a pointer to me being wrong, please! Or any article related to Alps, Danube, Black Sea, Zagros, Euprates.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Raymond Nonnatus

(26.VIII) Cardonae, in Hispania, transitus sancti Raymundi Nonnati, Cardinalis et Confessoris, ex Ordine beatae Mariae de Mercede redemptionis captivorum, vitae sanctitate et miraculis clari. Ipsius tamen festum recolitur pridie Kalendas Septembris.
(31.VIII) Sancti Raymundi Nonnati, ex Ordine beatae Mariae de Mercede redemptionis captivorum, Cardinalis et Confessoris; cujus dies natalis septimo Kalendas Septembris recolitur.

* These ones:
And a river went out of the place of pleasure to water paradise, which from thence is divided into four heads The name of the one is Phison: that is it which compasseth all the land of Hevilath, where gold groweth And the gold of that land is very good: there is found bdellium, and the onyx stone And the name of the second river is Gehon: the same is it that compasseth all the land of Ethiopia And the name of the third river is Tigris: the same passeth along by the Assyrians. And the fourth river is Euphrates
[Genesis 2:10-14]

** Characterisation and evolution of the River Rhine system etc.

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