jeudi 1 août 2024

A Reminder to Kristian Kristiansen

Has Kristian Kristiansen at Gothenburg University Disproven My Calibration? · A Reminder to Kristian Kristiansen · Dates for Scandinavian Prehistory, Revisited, Most Recent Tables

Table by him:

2850-2350 BC SGC, Pitted Ware and TRB Disintegration, SGC = Proto-Germanic
2350-1750 BC Dagger period Integration = formation of Proto-Norse
1750-1500 BC Early Bronze Age Disintegration = west/east Germanic
1500-450 BC Nordic Bronze Age Integration = mature Norse/Gothic
450-150 BC Pre-roman Iron Age Disintegration = west/east Germanic
150 BC-1000 AD Roman and Viking Age Integration = traditional Norse

Proto-Indo-European Languages and Institutions: An archaeological Approach
Kristian Kristiansen | 2009, Departure from the Homeland(eds.): M. vanderLinden and C. Jones-Bley(2009)

450 BC onwards, I have basically no comment (execpt that making a difference between 450 and 750 may be difficult due to the Hallstatt Plateau, but OK, he could have been using tree rings).

Prior to that BC years, I have a recalibration. My pmC value refers to the atmosphere back then, therefore to the original C-14 proportion in the sample:

2850 BC = between 1734 and 1711 BC

1734 B. Chr.
86.8913 pmC, so dated as 2884 B. Chr.
1711 B. Chr.
87.3468 pmC, so dated as 2811 B. Chr.

2350 BC = between 1655 and 1633 BC

1655 B. Chr.
91.4498 pmC, so dated as 2395 B. Chr.
1633 B. Chr.
93.3283 pmC, so dated as 2203 B. Chr.

1750 BC = between 1766 and 1743 BC

1566 B. Chr.
97.441 pmC, so dated as 1776 B. Chr.
1543 B. Chr.
97.813 pmC, so dated as 1723 B. Chr.

1500 BC = between 1431 and 1408 BC

1431 B. Chr.
99.0919 pmC, so dated as 1511 B. Chr.
1408 B. Chr.
99.1755 pmC, so dated as 1478 B. Chr.

Creation vs. Evolution: New Tables

For me, his paper is not necessarily a test on my theories (ignoring the linguistic side and sticking to my recalibration), but for him, my reply may give a hint on how the recalibration already alluded to functions generally. And knowing Scandinavians, I think he may have wanted to refrain from a reply before giving me this chance to clarify./HGL

1 commentaire:

  1. "therefore to the original C-14 proportion in the sample"
    = i e the original one when it ceased to be or be part of a breathing creature

    Obviously, carbon 14 has decayed normally in the sample since then.
