mercredi 28 août 2024

Accelerated Decay After All?

Is ICR Making a Case for Geocentrism? · Setterfield · Accelerated Decay After All?

I resumed these as able to get aberrant rates without accelerated decay, but not, I only specialise in the fat ones:

  • Geological biostrata : diverse biotopes at Flood.
  • Geocentrism takes care of Distant Starlight (see previous to previous post)
  • K-Ar : excess argon.
  • U-Pb / Th-Pb : excess lead.
  • Other radiometric : I don't know.
  • Except :
  • Carbon 14 : rising carbon level.
  • Possibly thermoluminiscence : calibrated by C14 erroneous due to rising carbon level.

So, here are two to discuss, two I am normally not speaking about:

  • K-Ar : excess argon.
  • U-Pb / Th-Pb : excess lead.

The first of these, yes, it could theoretically happen without accelerated decay, at least up to Ar-Ar double-checks.

If sth ends up as lead, however, and is in a zircon, it seems accelerated decay is no getting around it, if the world is young. Because zircons don't form with lead inside, they do form with uranium inside, and so, if you find lead in a zircon, it was uranium.

However, the process also leads to helium being formed, and this would leak out if the world is old. Here is this argument spelled out, to the disadvantage of my previous take, by some other guys:

Does Radiometric Dating & The Heat Problem Debunk YEC? Could THIS be evidence for Accelerated Decay?
Standing For Truth | 27 Aug. 2024

So, what do I do now? Do I change my mind on Carbon 14? No. They don't say the speeding up was significant for Carbon 14. Also, if anything decays in speeded decay next to Carbon 12 (the clear majority of atoms around Carbon 14), it will increase the number of Carbon 14 isotopes.

Do I change my mind on Distant Starlight? No, they don't say a slowing down of the speed of constants was involved, like the speed of light.

But I do change my mind on U-Pb. It apparently did involve accelerated decay, unless the halflife was measured really badly.

They mentioned the heat problem. I may disagree about how long the accelerated decay was lasting, it could have been slower and longer and the hat they mention could have contributed to solidifying and drying out Flood Mud into Rocks. But I'm not saying their scenario is impossible either.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Augustine of Hippo

Hippone Regio, in Africa, natalis sancti Augustini Episcopi, Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris eximii, qui, beati Ambrosii Episcopi opera ad catholicam fidem conversus et baptizatus, eam adversus Manichaeos aliosque haereticos acerrimus propugnator defendit, multisque aliis pro Ecclesia Dei perfunctus laboribus, ad praemia migravit in caelum. Ejus reliquiae, primo de sua civitate propter barbaros in Sardiniam advectae, et postea a Rege Longobardorum Luitprando Papiam translatae, ibi honorifice conditae sunt.

PS, it was today's saint who, after I was thirty, convinced me to go back from moderate Old Earth to strict Young Earth Creationism, in fact stricter than before. City of God. Books 13, 14, 15 and 16.

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