jeudi 15 juin 2023

Could Abronia aurita have survived on the Ark?

In fact, we Creationists would agree with Evolutionists that genus Abronia has a common one species ancestor, extant or extinct, ancestral to the present species.

We would probably agree with them on alligator lizards (Gerrhonotinae), perhaps even on Anguidae between both Gerrhonotinae and Anguinae.

Abronia is 37 species, Gerrhonotinae 58, while the other subfamily is 19 species, which would make a total of 77 species.

How much space does that save on the Ark?/HGL

lundi 12 juin 2023

I heard my mother died

Creation vs. Evolution: I heard my mother died · New blog on the kid: Paris, I'm Back · I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, although he be dead, shall live · Who Respected the Mother? · I have never regretted being Christian

She has been praying for me: I'm in Germany and had a great time voyaging - like the days of old, with her, when I was a child.

She also told me to believe Genesis. Gospel first, then when Genesis conflicted with the Evolution propaganda other family members had been providing, she told me Genesis was reliable too, and I need not bother about the theory of Evolution: I have been part time compromising about Biblical chronology, though no longer since c. 24 years ago; but I haven't been believing Adam developed from apes or didn't exist.

God rest her soul, if she still needs it!

PS, so far I only have it from one source. Wish it was just a test./HGL

PPS, it wasn't, the burial is today, 12:00 h in Malmö. I'm in Paris./HGL

PPPS, the last previous PS is from 26.VI.2023./HGL

PPPPS - or was it? Some news sources are still lacking for it./HGL