vendredi 27 août 2021

Answering Shubinski on Proofs for Orbiting Earth

"Did the V838 Monocerotis explode faster than light?" - Geocentric Solution Overlooked Again · Mechanism for Light Echo Proposed · Answering Shubinski on Proofs for Orbiting Earth · CMI Again Against Geocentrism ...

Here is his article, from the March 2017 issue of Astronomy:

When Did We Realize That the Earth Orbits the Sun?
Published: Monday, January 30, 2017 | by Raymond Shubinski Contributing Editor

Here is the double question he answered:

Q: What are the accepted proofs that Earth revolves around the Sun? When did this realization take place?
Bob James, Las Vegas

And here I will dissect the arguments of the answer:

We had no direct view of Earth until the dawn of the Space Age.

A direct view of Earth doesn't prove it even turns around its own axis, nor that it orbits the Sun. If the views that we normally have of celestial bodies as moving can be put down to Earth moving (as heliocentrics regularly do), the views of Earth as moving can be put down to the angle of observation moving, in ways not foreseen by heliocentric astronomers.

In 1610, Galileo turned his new telescope toward Venus. To his amazement, he saw the planet pass through phases just like the Moon. Galileo correctly surmised that this could happen only if Venus had an orbit closer to the Sun than Earth’s orbit.

Or closer to the Sun than Sun's orbit around Earth. See Tycho Brahe, actually cited to him, and who had given the Tychonian explanation this would need on Geocentric terms.

With improved telescopes, astronomers started looking for another proof of Earth’s motion around the Sun, stellar parallax. Earth’s orbit is huge — some 186 million miles (300,000 kilometers) in diameter. If an astronomer measures the position of a nearby star, and then measures it again six months later, the star’s apparent position against the background of more distant stars should shift a tiny amount.

Observing this would prove that Earth in fact is not stationary.

In Galileo's time, what one discussed was a uniform parallax of the shell-like "sphere of fix stars" which neither Galileo nor his judges denied, nor Copernicus either.

However, finding a "non-uniform parallax" could prove either that Earth moves and stars have very different distances from us, or that we are dealing with somewhat random movements in the stars - not totally random, as circular movements would need a voluntary agent, like angelic movers, but random as to relation to an actually uniform distance from earth, retaining the shell of fix stars.

As Earth orbits the Sun, we can detect a “tilt” of incoming starlight. English astronomer James Bradley discovered this phenomenon in 1725 by accident — while he was searching for stellar parallax! This aberration of starlight, as it is called, is a result of light having a finite speed and Earth’s motion around the Sun.

Or, of angels moving with stars, in a somewhat less random way (with "parallax" marginally randomising it, since "parallax" is measured against the background of "aberration").

So, Shubinski gives three "accepted proofs" and I find that the "accepted proofs" don't actually prove what they are supposed to prove. Observation from spacecraft can "show earth moving" due to spacecraft moving (in other ways than foreseen by astronomers), and both parallax and aberration can be proper movements, performed by angels, and there are proper movements admitted as astronomers too, namely if they are linear rather than circular, and therefore would be put down to inertia rather than angels.

In fact, Frédéric Chaberlo gave 6 reasons for Earth orbitting the Sun in one book about the Milky Way and 6 more for Earth turning around its axis in a book about Scientific Methodology, in which, not surprisingly, he cites The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe (1959 book by Arthur Koestler) and Paul Karl Feyerabend.

I have made a series of posts for each of the books, but as they are in French, so are my posts. Pour francophones tendance monoglottes, sur d'autres blogs links to one series starting with Frédéric Chaberlot n'est pas musicologue and another starting with En lisant La Voie lactée par Chaberlot : en guise de Proesme.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Joseph of Calasanzi

Sancti Josephi Calasanctii, Presbyteri et Confessoris, qui Ordinis Clericorum Regularium Pauperum Matris Dei Scholarum Piarum exstitit Fundator, atque octavo Kalendas Septembris obdormivit in Domino.

PS, Lita Cosner for tomorrow's feed back has repeated one untruth often seen on CMI:

You mock the Catholic church for believing the earth was at the center of the universe a few hundred years ago. But that view came not from the Bible but Aristotelian philosophy, and it was believed by the pre-eminent scientists of the day as well. See our Geocentrism Q&A for more if you’re interested.


  • 17th C. Catholic clergy did NOT uphold an integral Aristotelic world view - a void with celestial bodies moving individually Westward was accepted, contrary to Aristotle and St. Thomas;
  • early dabbling in heliocentrism had been tolerated up to Bruno suggesting one God the Son for each Solar System and up to Galileo and Foscarini suggesting a wrongful exegesis to Joshua 10;
  • pretending Joshua 10 is compatible with Heliocentrism involves devaluation of the words of miracle workers who were inspired to their words, in verse 12, after having spoken to God, Joshua adresses, not earth for it to cease to turn, but Sun and Moon to cease moving.

samedi 21 août 2021

Mechanism for Light Echo Proposed

"Did the V838 Monocerotis explode faster than light?" - Geocentric Solution Overlooked Again · Mechanism for Light Echo Proposed · Answering Shubinski on Proofs for Orbiting Earth · CMI Again Against Geocentrism ...

I may have got something wrong. But I did not miss what Scot Devlin proposed. I seem to have misunderstood it. Here is the test I did; mathematically. I made a clumsy diagram. The ray that went straight up, then down, A, went through 18 small squares. For the other three, B to D, I had to count diagonal lines by the theorem of Pythagoras. Like B, 14 down after hitting the parabola, but how many up? 3.5 sideways and 8 upwards. Square both, add together, take square root, makes 8.7321 (and some more decimals). Add to 14 = 22.7321. C, 12 down, and the diagonal is 6^2 + 5.5^2 and the square root of that is 8.14, add 12 to that, 20.14. And D, 9 down and for the diagonal, 7^2 + 3^2 is 58, the square root of which is 7.616, gives 16.616.

First visible should be A' - non-reflected, not 6 up and 12 down, just 6 down.

Next one would have D, light passing 16.616 squares, then C, light passing 20.14 ones, then B, light passing through 22.732 squares. So, first centre, then outermost, then going in from there.

In fact, this is one point where I seem to have been deluded by a bad diagram, since as Scot Devlin mentions, all paths should have equal length:

Parabolas connect reflection points of ray paths of the same lengths and therefore the same arrival times.

Now, the point is, the reason for different paths going outward is light hitting successively expanding parabolic surfaces. I wasted my time trying to see if the paths would be longer and longer along A to D on a static parabola.

But why would a parabola expand as a parabola, rather than a sphere expanding as a sphere? And how would this not involve the parabola expanding "quicker than light" if the model were true?

While this one might be possible, mine has the advantage of simplicity. The explanation offered by Scot Devlin might have the rhetoric advantage of "too complicated to check" (for most, including for me). A bit like Superman getting superpowers under the yellow sun, because born under a red one.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Jeanne Françoise Frémiot de Chantal

Sanctae Joannae Franciscae Fremiot de Chantal, Ordinis Sanctimonialium Visitationis sanctae Mariae Institutricis, cujus natalis dies Idibus Decembris memoratur.

vendredi 20 août 2021

"Did the V838 Monocerotis explode faster than light?" - Geocentric Solution Overlooked Again

"Did the V838 Monocerotis explode faster than light?" - Geocentric Solution Overlooked Again · Mechanism for Light Echo Proposed · Answering Shubinski on Proofs for Orbiting Earth · CMI Again Against Geocentrism ...

Here goes CMI with a pronouncement on a topic, where Heliocentrism or Acentrism in the modern terms is obfuscating the issue:

Because there are still questions of how and why it erupted, V838 Monocerotis is thought to be a binary star system, i.e., two stars orbiting close together. It is in the constellation of Monoceros, 19,000 light years away.

V838 Monocerotis then expanded from a visual apparent size of 4 light years to 7 light years in less than 7 months!

In 2002 it erupted, becoming 600,000 times more luminous than the sun. V838 Monocerotis then expanded from a visual apparent size of 4 light years to 7 light years in less than 7 months (see Figure 1)! This increase in visual appearance is of superluminal velocity.

Source: Faster than Light?
Feedback archive → Feedback 2021: 21 August 2021 (GMT+10)

Above cited words are penned by Scot Devlin.

Now, if Geocentrism is true, "parallax" is not parallactic, we do not have any trigonometric reason to believe alpha Centauri or 61 Cygni to be 11 or 4 light years away from us, hence no reason to believe apparent sizes and star types give clues for distances like thousands of light years either. In my theory, the fix stars are one light day up and this drastically reduces the distances here involved.

Now, first, the error on the subject of the distance:

19 000 * 365.2425 = 6 939 607.5 light days instead of one light day.

The error for sizes would be equal, and corrected by division through this factor, namely:

from 4 light years or from 1460.97 light days ...
(1460.97 / 6 939 607.5 = 0.000 210 526 32)
... so actually from 0.000 210 526 32 light days ...

... to 7 light years or to 2556.6975 light days ...
(2556.6975 / 6 939 607.5 = 0.000 368 421 05)
... so actually to 0.000 368 421 05 light days.

Now 0.000 368 421 05 - 0.000 210 526 32 = 0.000 157 894 73. But 16 in 100 000 of one light day in seven months is no superluminary speed, ergo ... problem solved.

I know, my own model has a superluminary speed problem too, namely in local speed. Each day (23 h 56 min etc) the fix stars go full circle, so if they are one light day up, they go 6.28 or two times π light days per day. Locally. However, my solution is, they move with the aether, which God moves around earth each day, and the cosmic speed limit refers to movement through the aether (like the proper movement analysed as a combination of aberration and parallax). That problem solved too.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Deposition of St. Bernard of Clairvaux

In territorio Lingoniensi deposit[i]o sancti Bernardi primi Claraevallensis Abbatis, vita, doctrina et miraculis gloriosi, quem Pius Octavus Pontifex Maximus universalis Ecclesiae Doctorem declaravit, et confirmavit.

mercredi 18 août 2021

Some of you may remember my reconstruction on how Hinduism changed memories from pre-Flood era

A little recap:

  • Bharat is both Cain's son Henoch and the Sethite Henoch
  • Cainite Lamech's sons are Krishna for Jubal and the fathers of Pandavas and Kauravas for the other two
  • some parts of Mahabharata suggest extreme injustice, matching Genesis 6
  • Bhima matches (partly) nephelim
  • Kauravas match nephelim in evil behaviour
  • Flood is preposed before this time, in an attempt of painting a direct connexion between Mahabharata and the own India
  • Rama is the post-Flood patriarch Regma, who was helped by Nimrod (as Hanuman), was preposed before Mahabharata along with the Flood
  • nothing from Tower of Babel on (after real time of Ramayana) is similarily remembered (except cultural changes anachronistically pre-posed into stories where they don't quite belong)
  • divinity is falsely attributed to certain men (Krishna and Rama) and to partly also demonic manifestations (Shiva).

Remaking memories that much is a feat. In the case of Greek stories about the ancients, less is remade. Pre-Flood matters, except existence of giants or titans, are forgotten. "Men of renown" can't refer to Greek legend but does refer to some in Mahabharata.

Now, it may be somewhat hardy to suggest this, even if most changes are chronological ones and conflations. Is there anything more to suggest such a remake of memories happened?

Jean Haudry in 1981, in Les Indo-européens, the collection Que sais-je? on page 37 cites Rgveda (10.129.7) about what happened in the beginning:

"celui qui surveille ce (monde) au plus haut du firmament le sait seul - à moins qu'il ne le sache pas"

Yes, the creation hymn of the Vedas states:

6 Who verily knows and who can here declare it, whence it was born and whence comes this creation?
The Gods are later than this world's production. Who knows then whence it first came into being?
7 He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not form it,
Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not.

In other words, anyone recalling Adam and Eve, anyone recalling God forming things before Adam's eyes, was simply told "shut up, we dont know" with a pseudo-pious "only God knows for sure".

With that attitude, the memories of the past can be vastly distorted in favour of reconstructions suiting the general world view of the élite - just like it was used to impose Evolutionism on Victorians and lots of Agnosticism to go with it. A bit like Dawkins or Dan Brown being told by an Anglican priest "nice boys don't ask those questions".

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Agapit of Praeneste

Praeneste natalis sancti Agapiti Martyris, qui cum esset annorum quindecim, et amore Christi ferveret, jussu Aureliani Imperatoris tentus, ac primo nervis crudis diutissime caesus, deinde sub Antiocho Praefecto graviora supplicia passus; exinde cum ex praecepto Imperatoris leonibus objiceretur, et minime laesus esset, gladio ministrorum coronandus percutitur.

dimanche 1 août 2021

A Ramble, Centaurs and Andromeda

A Ramble, Centaurs and Andromeda · Centaurs Revisited

The Domestication and History of Modern Horses
By K. Kris Hirst | Updated September 01, 2018

That evidence has been found at Krasnyi Yar in Kazakhstan, in portions of the site dating to as early as 3600 BC. The horses may have been kept for food and milk, rather than riding or load-bearing.

Accepted archaeological evidence of horseback riding includes bit wear on horse teeth—that has been found in the steppes east of the Ural mountains at Botai and Kozhai 1 in modern Kazakhstan, around 3500-3000 BC. The bit wear was only found on a few of the teeth in the archaeological assemblages, which might suggest that a few horses were ridden to hunt and collect wild horses for food and milk consumption. Finally, the earliest direct evidence of the use of horses as beasts of burden—in the form of drawings of horse-drawn chariots—is from Mesopotamia, about 2000 BC. The saddle was invented around 800 BC, and the stirrup (a matter of some debate among historians) was probably invented around 200-300 AD.

Forget the saddle and the stirrup for now. And look here:

A History of Horseback Riding

The first records of systematic training, conditioning, and caretaking of horses date back to around 1350 b.c. They were written by a man named Kikkuli. Kikkuli was a Mittani, an Aryan group with cultural ties to India.

What years in the real timeline are these?

Using, not citing : Creation vs. Evolution : New Tables

c. 1950 BC
Genesis 14, 1935 BC
c. 1780 BC
c. 1600 BC
c. 1315 BC

When was the Trojan War? 1179 BC. This should be compared to real dates, not to the inflated C14-dates. In other words, first, far-off, domestication of horses was 771 years before the Trojan War, their arrival as drawing chariots into the Near East was 421 years before it. Now, the adult age of Hercules and Iason was a generation earlier, deduct 30 years, 391. The early life of both would have been 20 or thirty before that - like just 365 years after the horse arrived in the Near East with chariots. Or 50 years after Kikkuli wrote his treatise far off in North Syria.

This means, if any rider on horseback came to near Greece relevant time before the Trojan War, he would be very exotic. He might even be seen as a monster, from some distance.

This gives one a certain idea, or a reinforcement of an idea already given by some uniformitarian scholars, about what Nessos (manhood, near death of Hercules) or Cheiron (childhood of Hercules and Iason) might have really been. A rider, seen by a society with no riders. Which would have had very small chances of hearing about riders even from afar.

In other words, the accounts need not be wrong, they would just involve a misunderstanding. A very awkward one, but apart from the awkward biology it suggests, a very minor one in geometry - one bulky thing, not two, sticking up from a horseback.

A little caveat on centaurs, though ... when St. Anthony the Great went for a visit to St. Paul the First Hermit, he saw a faun and a centaur. Could it have been some kind of spiritual phenomenon, rather than a purely physical one? Gary Bates might be inclined to think so.*

Our views of angels as just spiritual beings—that is, somehow just ethereal, ghostly or vaporous is culturally driven by images of beings with fairy wings, for example. Pastor Johnny Hunt (former President of the Southern Baptist Convention) addressed this misconception in the movie. It is clear that they are intelligent, thinking beings, and can appear physically in a variety of forms in our realm.

But if so, why not other manifestations, like in stars? Bear with me ... it's a ramble!

Now, there was some generations before Hercules a certain ancestor of his named Perseus. Whose bride was Andromeda. We have stars named for them.

l'Observatoire de Paris : The formation of the Andromeda galaxy finally elucidated

In the huge Andromeda disk, all stars older than 2 billion years undergo random motions, the scale of which being almost comparable to their rotation around the centre of this galaxy. In comparison, stars of the disk of the Milky Way, e.g., our Sun, are subject only to a simple rotation.

Now, as some know, I believe angels move stars. So did Riccioli:

New blog on the kid : What Opinion did Riccioli call the Fourth and Most Common One?

But do the random motions undergone by the stars convince astronomers? No.

7 to 10 billion years ago, instead of Andromeda, there were two galaxies on an encountering orbit. The astronomers optimized by simulations the trajectories of both galaxies. They discovered that they had finally merged 1.8 to 3 billion years ago. This collision gave birth to Andromeda, as we know it. "We showed that the biggest of both parent galaxies was approximately four times as massive as the smallest ", specifies François Hammer, astronomer of the Paris Observatory - PSL, first co-author of the study.

In other words, don't count on astronomers to actually investigate the position of Riccioli any more!

Hans Georg Lundahl
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

and citation from