My Carreer Shouldn't Depend on Merriam Webster Spelling

I have the habit of spelling the word as "carreer" very probably because I am influenced by the French "carrière" which I know has a double RR.

It seems this is a conflation of the standard English form "career" and somewhat more French forms like "carreere, carreir, carrear". I just checked in Oxford English Dictonary, after a complaint on my spelling being unacceptable. These more French forms are still English, not French. But they are also more French in having a final -e, or have an alternative way of spelling the "ee" sound.

I have added to English spellings, but it is clearly within the spectrum of what OED can present.

I think it was in A Traveller in Time by Alison Uttley, or perhaps (also?) House of Arden series by Edith Nesbit, also featuring time travel, though to Cavaliers and Roundhead's, not to the time of Mary Queen of Scots, that I found the remark that spelling is an art, and there is not "just one correct answer" - a sentiment I adher to./HGL

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